TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Bruh I swear :lol: they pick and pick at you to express your true feelings, but then when they finally get you to open up to them, they fly off the handle :smh:
Welp Bros. Got into it with my lady on the phone. Told her exactly what i felt. She was talking so much **** about not wanting to be on this trip, but all of a sudden it's great and maybe she was wrong blah blah blah. I told her straight up, why put on that little act for me before you left? I said she's acting fake, and she knows it. That pissed her off and she said not to speak to her for the rest of the week
hey, you told me to tell you what I'm feeling at all times, I finally do, and you get mad. What a day.
Did you hang up the phone after she tried to hand you the L (don't talk to me for the rest of the week)?
:lol: bro I'm not trying to be the bad guy. I'm just blunt sometimes man. And **** it I miss her annoying *** :smh: looking forward to a ball game after work Friday. Maybe that'll make it easier.
So im still in a relationship lol. Had a stern talking to last night but we worked it out
Told her this is the last argument we ever have. Period.

@ the dude who said hes out of practice talking to women. This has been said before. But talk to every one u pass. Man woman child animal. Youll realize we're just all bags of bone flesh and blood. No onr should be on a pedestal

That will make talking to women ur actually attracted to much much easier trust me.
A simple greetimg hell even a head nod.
So im still in a relationship lol. Had a stern talking to last night but we worked it out
Told her this is the last argument we ever have. Period.

@ the dude who said hes out of practice talking to women. This has been said before. But talk to every one u pass. Man woman child animal. Youll realize we're just all bags of bone flesh and blood. No onr should be on a pedestal

That will make talking to women ur actually attracted to much much easier trust me.
A simple greetimg hell even a head nod.
Do you really believe either of you won't start another one?

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Do you really believe either of you won't start another one?

Lol not as bad as yesterday's was no.

Ive had spats in my relationships but never knock out i want to strangle you arguments. I don't get that hype.

Ive never felt the need. The only one i did. We broke up that day and I've had no contact since.

My argument yesterday was getting close to that point.

I don't tolerate the foolishness of that comes with them.

So when i say last one i don't mean spats debates or minor disputes. Iean legit your e trying to hurt each other (verbally) arguments
I've legit only left the crib to go to work and that's it since Sunday :smh: already know I'm going to cave in and shoot her a text later :smh: :smh:
I've legit only left the crib to go to work and that's it since Sunday :smh: already know I'm going to cave in and shoot her a text later :smh: :smh:
Stay strong son. Just think about the wild head you're gonna get when she realized she messed up. :lol:
Man I deleted my Tinder and made a new one.. got 12 matches in one day. Don't wanna cheat on my girl but sometimes new butt is needed 
Talked to my ex for the first time since our break-up (been a little over a week). We've exchanged texts here and there but just wanted to see how a phone call would go. Definitely felt awkward but the nature of our convos was pretty much the same. Family, workplace drama, random day-to-day stuff. But then she goes into how she's looking to buy a house and working out now. Now the girl wants to level up on me :lol: jk

Didn't talk about her birthday or family reunion that's in a couple months. The plan was for me to go but since the break up I'm assuming that's out of the picture now. We are still friends and I wanted to do something for her bday but it doesn't look like I'll be going do to see her. Any gift ideas?
Talked to my ex for the first time since our break-up (been a little over a week). We've exchanged texts here and there but just wanted to see how a phone call would go. Definitely felt awkward but the nature of our convos was pretty much the same. Family, workplace drama, random day-to-day stuff. But then she goes into how she's looking to buy a house and working out now. Now the girl wants to level up on me :lol: jk

Didn't talk about her birthday or family reunion that's in a couple months. The plan was for me to go but since the break up I'm assuming that's out of the picture now. We are still friends and I wanted to do something for her bday but it doesn't look like I'll be going do to see her. Any gift ideas?

I wouldn't even think about getting her a gift. Especially since it's a couple months from now. It's just going to make you think about her more. She's not your gf any more you don't owe her a gift. You're not part of the family any more going to her family reunion sounds weird.

Sounds like you want to get back with her. If you do, I'd stop talking to her completely. Stop inquiring about if you can go the reunion or her birthday gift. No contact, move on, she'll hit you up.

If you don't want to get back with her. No contact, move on, she'll hit you up.

Either way: Just don't contact her, move on, she'll hit you up. Don't be a simp and buy gifts for someone who doesn't want to be part of your life any more. You're just wasting your time, thought, and money. Giving her a gift won't change anything.
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