TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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So DC just got a legal internship. I told her I was proud of her, happy for her, etc. She said she was happy that she'd have a little money and not be poor this semester. She's working like 15 hrs a week. I asked her how much it paid, and she told me the monthly amount. The amount was like $1k HIGHER than my monthly salary (she doesn't know how much I make)‎

I jokingly say, "damn that's good, if we're still together in a year you might be making more than me :lol:" she says "No, I'm sure you'll make more. I'll ONLY make like $75K starting out, doing non-profit legal work." I told her "Yeah, idc who makes more really." She responds and says "Yeah, ideally, I think the man should be the provider and ideally I would want to be in a situation where the man makes more" 

I told her Idc, i'll always make good money but law tends to pay more. So who knows what will happen." she says "I wouldn't be bothered by it that much either way, I'm just saying what I would want my ideal situation to be." 

Fast-forward to our conversation today, we're supposed to be going to LA for President's Day weekend. She got me a pretty nice Christmas gift so I said I would cover most of the trip. I'm looking it up and realize that it would be a total of $1200 for three nights, plane tix and all. I tell her it was higher than what I originally thought, and she goes "Oh it's not that much". :lol: 

Now I'm secure as a man, but a lot of this ish is a turnoff. I feel like she's too caught up on who makes/does XYZ and it's making me want to cut her off..‎

Yeah you guys are just getting ahead of yourselves. Just take it one day at a time b. You never know what can happen from now until then
The first time my girl ain't **** me for a week I went and smashed something else *shrug* but u need to sit and have a convo with her. U don't trust her and probably never will again. Then it's not helping that the sex is non existent to [emoji]128078[/emoji] which makes u believe she could possibly be smashing someone else. Then u gotta turn down p everyday too? No man who lives in the same home as his lover should never have to fap everyday, I repeat no man. Have that convo bruh

I'm late to the party, but THIS. When I was living with my ex and wasn't getting in it when I wanted it, that was one of the things that led to me cutting it off.

But yall have a kid, and with a newborn you can't really expect her to want to get it popping every other day. Still though, you shouldn't have to fap to get off when you have P right by you. If the kid wasn't involved and you were that bothered by it i'd tell you to drop her, or if you were feeling like a savage then step out (do not recommend). ‎
Idk bruh you started the money convo by asking how much she make so how she caught up in who makes what? (y'all should never know how much unless marriage IMO) :lol: if that's chump change to her so be it as long as she can afford it. It's like you be asking her questions and get bothered by her honesty
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Idk bruh you started the money convo by asking how much she make so how she caught up in who makes what? (y'all should never know how much unless marriage IMO) :lol: if that's chump change to her so be it as long as she can afford it. It's like you be asking her questions and get bothered by her honesty

Yeah she kind of asked me how much I made on the low once and I gave her a broad range without revealing the number. But with that said, it seems like money keeps coming up on both ends (the most recent time was on me) and it's something that can't be ignored I guess‎
Are yous planning on getting serious? Because that's not something that matters unless yous are moving in together or something.
My mom having her 60th birthday party on Valentine's Day weekend :pimp: I put the invitation under a magnet on my refrigerator for my girl to see. It's the only thing up on my fridge :rofl: Not partaking in any festivities this year. Missed the Syracuse vs Duke game for it last year SMH.
Idk bruh you started the money convo by asking how much she make so how she caught up in who makes what? (y'all should never know how much unless marriage IMO) :lol: if that's chump change to her so be it as long as she can afford it. It's like you be asking her questions and get bothered by her honesty

Yeah she kind of asked me how much I made on the low once and I gave her a broad range without revealing the number. But with that said, it seems like money keeps coming up on both ends (the most recent time was on me) and it's something that can't be ignored I guess‎

You stay baiting these conversations, already knowing how she is. I think you're worst, because atleast she's honest with her materialism, but you try to hide behind yours by constantly villainizing her, no matter the topic. Chill and enjoy each other instead of that antagonize then judge ******** you keep doing.
You stay baiting these conversations, already knowing how she is. I think you're worst, because atleast she's honest with her materialism, but you try to hide behind yours by constantly villainizing her, no matter the topic. Chill and enjoy each other instead of that antagonize then judge ******** you keep doing.

I'm getting this vibe a lil too from the outside looking in....
You stay baiting these conversations, already knowing how she is. I think you're worst, because atleast she's honest with her materialism, but you try to hide behind yours by constantly villainizing her, no matter the topic. Chill and enjoy each other instead of that antagonize then judge ******** you keep doing.
My man Mark stay spitting that truth.
I couldn't take a chick serious who would base our relationship on how much we both make and if she makes more than me it's a problem. If you gettin' mo bread than me and that's a prob, I'd hate to see you go but I don't decide on what I get paid.
I couldn't take a chick serious who would base our relationship on how much we both make and if she makes more than me it's a problem. If you gettin' mo bread than me and that's a prob, I'd hate to see you go but I don't decide on what I get paid.

Word but based on that convo homie posted shorty said nothing out the norm, all she said it wouldn't bother her that much but ideally she would like a dude who makes more. Most girls think that way but it really never stopped them from settling down. I think USA likes shorty a tad bit too much and everything she says he thinks too deep into it.
You stay baiting these conversations, already knowing how she is. I think you're worst, because atleast she's honest with her materialism, but you try to hide behind yours by constantly villainizing her, no matter the topic. Chill and enjoy each other instead of that antagonize then judge ******** you keep doing.
as invested as I am with USA's situation. I also think this...

I'm starting to believe you want to push her away and trying to justify a reason to doing it. she's more your speed than the ex. but for somereason you're holding on and trying to let go at the same time....
Word but based on that convo homie posted shorty said nothing out the norm, all she said it wouldn't bother her that much but ideally she would like a dude who makes more. Most girls think that way but it really never stopped them from settling down. I think USA likes shorty a tad bit too much and everything she says he thinks too deep into it.
Yea they both seem like their down with each other no matter what money is looking like.

If my wife made enough for the both of us I'd be a stay at home papa QUICKLY
Fellas what's the concensus here about the number of guys when going out in groups?

I feel like a group of 3-4 is enough when going out to a bar/lounge type setting. I have this weird superstition that the more guys in our group, the number of the men/women ratio gets screwed lol.

I had one of my friends get mad at me this weekend for this reason. I invited him and him only to come out with me and my boy for some easy pickings since they're both great wingmen. But then he started calling some of our other boys trying to assemble a bigger group. His phone is messed up and I didn't receive the group text with their replies on who wanted to go.

So of course he gets mad at me telling me I left all of them hanging. But at the same time I told him the exact time I was leaving my house and to call me before to confirm. Either way I wasn't cool with the fact thathe started trying to expand the circle.

Me and my boy who I've known for more than 15 years went on with our plan anyways. I'm kinda tight though because we both missed easy layups with these 2 bad Bahamian women who were friends :smh:
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Fellas what's the concensus here about the number of guys when going out in groups?

I feel like a group of 3-4 is enough when going out to a bar/lounge type setting. I have this weird superstition that the more guys in our group, the number of the men/women ratio gets screwed lol.

I had one of my friends get mad at me this weekend for this reason. I invited him and him only to come out with me and my boy for some easy pickings since they're both great wingmen. But then he started calling some of our other boys trying to assemble a bigger group. His phone is messed up and I didn't receive the group text with their replies on who wanted to go.

So of course he gets mad at me telling me I left all of them hanging. But at the same time I told him the exact time I was leaving my house and to call me before to confirm. Either way I wasn't cool with the fact thathe started trying to expand the circle.

Me and my boy who I've known for more than 15 years went on with our plan anyways. I'm kinda tight though because we both missed easy layups with these 2 bad Bahamian women who were friends
I like going with one or two friends at the most. I really like going solo though ain't gotta worry about assembling **** just gotta worry about yourself. Excited to go to NYC by myself this weekend never been and I hope i get some butt.
I'm not too sure about the problem with going out with all your boys. Game is game, you either have it or you don't. Girls are gonna choose who they want anyway. Whenever all of my boys get together there's only 6-8 of us max anyway.
How did you miss layups ? I personally rock with a friend of mine and we go and tackle any amount of girls. Sometimes one of us scoops and the other doesn't(It's been him, haven't experienced it yet :smoking) and we flourish. I've since chilled on that though cause I'm in some kind of relationship :lol:
Fellas what's the concensus here about the number of guys when going out in groups?

I feel like a group of 3-4 is enough when going out to a bar/lounge type setting. I have this weird superstition that the more guys in our group, the number of the men/women ratio gets screwed lol.

I had one of my friends get mad at me this weekend for this reason. I invited him and him only to come out with me and my boy for some easy pickings since they're both great wingmen. But then he started calling some of our other boys trying to assemble a bigger group. His phone is messed up and I didn't receive the group text with their replies on who wanted to go.

So of course he gets mad at me telling me I left all of them hanging. But at the same time I told him the exact time I was leaving my house and to call me before to confirm. Either way I wasn't cool with the fact thathe started trying to expand the circle.

Me and my boy who I've known for more than 15 years went on with our plan anyways. I'm kinda tight though because we both missed easy layups with these 2 bad Bahamian women who were friends
Eh, 4-6 max. Couldn't see myself rollin' 8+ deep to a spot.

I wouldn't have been offended if 3 of my boys went out and didn't hit me up. Actually I'd be curious as to why but if it was a numbers game, I'd understand
Good look on dropping the real. We are both down for each other and lately it seems like the conversations have been getting more serious. I do think I'm trying to push her away. 

But...I've been in my ex's guts like every weekend for the past three months. Smh. I need to leave that alone. It's making me lose focus of the present, but it doesn't help that my ex's P is better. I need to practice self control. As crazy and ridiculous as DC is, I'm into her.‎

She's aware of DC and I's situation but for some reason she gets off on that ish. Smh

Dead *** made her sign a non disclosure agreement.‎
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Good look on dropping the real. We are both down for each other and lately it seems like the conversations have been getting more serious. I do think I'm trying to push her away. 

But...I've been in my ex's guts like every weekend for the past three months. Smh. I need to leave that alone. It's making me lose focus of the present, but it doesn't help that my ex's P is better. I need to practice self control. As crazy and ridiculous as DC is, I'm into her.‎

She's aware of DC and I's situation but for some reason she gets off on that ish. Smh

Dead *** made her sign a non disclosure agreement.


your situation is interesting man. I stopped smashing my ex because it was clouding everything else so if you REALLY want to see where you and DC go, you gotta drop your ex. Plain and simple.
Thing is, my ex is in my city and DC is out of town. It's convenient, safe, and enjoyable to smash my ex. I'm only seeing DC once a month right now. Some months it'll be two times or something. We both agree that it's annoying how we don't get to physically see each other much. If DC and I were in the same city or at least an hour/hour and a half away from each other it would be great.

I'm being selfish and ridiculous, but I guess I keep trying to give myself a reason to drop DC. At first I thought it was all a game but as some of yall know (if you've been following the situation from the jump) this chick is forreal. And overtime I started to really feel her.‎
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