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Dry convo either means they're not interested in you or are just boring in general.
I usually try minimize the texting game in the beginning. I see how they act face-to-face and take it from there.

Some of these basic o's get satisfaction from a dude texting them all day and night and they have zero interest. Don't be that guy. Keep it pushin
Dry convo either means they're not interested in you or are just boring in general.
I usually try minimize the texting game in the beginning. I see how they act face-to-face and take it from there.

Some of these basic o's get satisfaction from a dude texting them all day and night and they have zero interest. Don't be that guy. Keep it pushin

yeah i didnt text her all day just now.

she told me she goes to uei college so yeah she seems a lil wierd :lol:
Man NT... SMH.

No yambs around at all. None of my friends wanna go to clubs, bars, parties etc. anymore.

But they usually just wanna chill together with no bishes and get drunk together. Man I'm bout to hit the bar up dolo next weekend. I'm too cool for these ******.

So much real life, wish it was easy to make new friends lol, sucks you can't pick your friends and that it just happens. Since I turned 21 I have yet to go to a bar by myself but think I need to learn to be dolo.
Man NT... SMH.

No yambs around at all. None of my friends wanna go to clubs, bars, parties etc. anymore.

But they usually just wanna chill together with no bishes and get drunk together. Man I'm bout to hit the bar up dolo next weekend. I'm too cool for these ******.

So much real life, wish it was easy to make new friends lol, sucks you can't pick your friends and that it just happens. Since I turned 21 I have yet to go to a bar by myself but think I need to learn to be dolo.

Damb :frown: good to know I'm not the only one. It sucks man.

I need to get on tinder ASAP but got no good pictures.

I rolled dolo yesterday after the pregame cuz I didn't agree w/ their location choice and had a great time.

Ran into alotta the homies and prospects.

Just go to a local place and you're bound to run into familiar faces, unless you don't go out much.
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I rolled dolo yesterday after the pregame cuz I didn't agree w/ their location choice and had a great time.

Ran into alotta the homies and prospects.

Just go to a local place and you're bound to run into familiar faces, unless you don't go out much.

Yeah I don't. I know what you mean though.
Man NT... SMH.

No yambs around at all. None of my friends wanna go to clubs, bars, parties etc. anymore.

They weird. But they usually just wanna chill together with no bishes and talk about cars and get drunk together. Man I'm bout to hit the bar up dolo next weekend. I'm too cool for these ******.

Could just imagine what they're saying about you. :lol:

Seems they are already secured with their lifestyle. Are they in relationships? Married? Are you the youngest?

And :x at those pics of that girl. NT thick? :lol:
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Man NT... SMH.

No yambs around at all. None of my friends wanna go to clubs, bars, parties etc. anymore.

They weird. But they usually just wanna chill together with no bishes and talk about cars and get drunk together. Man I'm bout to hit the bar up dolo next weekend. I'm too cool for these ******.
Could just imagine what they're saying about you.
Its not a Me vs. Them thing though. Nothing like that. 
I need to learn how to do the dolo thing. Tired of depending on people to go out

Same here. Summertime = yamb primetime, but my homies rather be on the ps4. Funny thing is I stay throwin up the oop for whoever's my wingman, but these dudes stay on some elbows too pointy steez :lol: :smh:
I need to learn how to do the dolo thing. Tired of depending on people to go out

Same here. Summertime = yamb primetime, but my homies rather be on the ps4. Funny thing is I stay throwin up the oop for whoever's my wingman, but these dudes stay on some elbows too pointy steez :lol: :smh:

Yea I have a friend like that. Real cool dude, but every time there would be 2 attractive girls giving us eye contact and smiling he would always pick at something (dont like her eyebrows, wtf is she wearing, hair too short, etc). That would make me not approach so he wont be alone. **** got annoying real quick.

I'm 23 havent done the solo thing ever, but I already know that if I will down the line I can reap the benefits. Forces you to approach with nothing/no one holding you back.
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Spend 95% of my time with a girl who seems to have me defined as one of (if not her biggest) pet peeve, but still feels the need to always have me around. I've told her she needs to get out and meet more ppl (girls and guys), and that she's just lonely. I do help her in some aspects with regards to personal growth, and feels as if she not only sees but values that. When she annoys me to a point (irrelevant arguments over nothing) where I tell her I don't really want to kick it no more, she apologizes and makes it known she wants me around.

All of this would be fine IF I saw myself with her long-term or even the possibility of it. But I'm not sure I do. Physically she's alright, but I've grown less attracted to her than I was initially. What started out as a lil thick (when you don't see someone everyday) grew to a lil sloppy/lazy. Then when you witness certain habits that contribute to that, it gets a lil bothersome/annoying when every 3 days you hear "I need to get in shape, I'm going to start eating well, going to run, etc." only for any plan to last 1 or 2 days tops. (As I've gotten older, those arms on women really turn me off when they're loose/flabby. If this is the starting point, what happens if we start having kids!!?)

Have made it clear we're not together. After some of the arguments, I've told her that we are indeed just friends and that she's not my girl. Yet when she went home this weekend, her father asked who I was (after asking if she had a BF) and she told him "my friend". But if I heard her correct, still gave off the "he's kind of my BF" thing to her dad. She may have even said "IDK" when initially asked if she had a BF. Which goes against what I've clearly articulated to her.

Yes we do have sex, but not very regularly at all. Could be even less frequent than occasional. My routine has been go to work, chill for a lil at home, and then she picks me up to go back to her place in which I won't return back home until the next morning before work. So I spend the night a lot at her crib, but we're not always kicking it together. I'll go chill in the car a lot to :smokin and she'll just be in the room. I'll hit the surrounding "bars" like BWW and the like that are right around where she stays while she'll be doing something in the room. Many times just sleeping.

P.S.- For reference, she's a little smaller than the last girl posted in this page but it's the arms that really kill me. The girl I'm referring to arm's aren't as bad though.
Spend 95% of my time with a girl who seems to have me defined as one of (if not her biggest) pet peeve, but still feels the need to always have me around. I've told her she needs to get out and meet more ppl (girls and guys), and that she's just lonely. I do help her in some aspects with regards to personal growth, and feels as if she not only sees but values that. When she annoys me to a point (irrelevant arguments over nothing) where I tell her I don't really want to kick it no more, she apologizes and makes it known she wants me around.

All of this would be fine IF I saw myself with her long-term or even the possibility of it. But I'm not sure I do. Physically she's alright, but I've grown less attracted to her than I was initially. What started out as a lil thick (when you don't see someone everyday) grew to a lil sloppy/lazy. Then when you witness certain habits that contribute to that, it gets a lil bothersome/annoying when every 3 days you hear "I need to get in shape, I'm going to start eating well, going to run, etc." only for any plan to last 1 or 2 days tops. (As I've gotten older, those arms on women really turn me off when they're loose/flabby. If this is the starting point, what happens if we start having kids!!?)

Have made it clear we're not together. After some of the arguments, I've told her that we are indeed just friends and that she's not my girl. Yet when she went home this weekend, her father asked who I was (after asking if she had a BF) and she told him "my friend". But if I heard her correct, still gave off the "he's kind of my BF" thing to her dad. She may have even said "IDK" when initially asked if she had a BF. Which goes against what I've clearly articulated to her.

Yes we do have sex, but not very regularly at all. Could be even less frequent than occasional. My routine has been go to work, chill for a lil at home, and then she picks me up to go back to her place in which I won't return back home until the next morning before work. So I spend the night a lot at her crib, but we're not always kicking it together. I'll go chill in the car a lot to
and she'll just be in the room. I'll hit the surrounding "bars" like BWW and the like that are right around where she stays while she'll be doing something in the room. Many times just sleeping.

P.S.- For reference, she's a little smaller than the last girl posted in this page but it's the arms that really kill me. The girl I'm referring to arm's aren't as bad though.
So what was the question exactly?
yo tay fam what should I do??..so this chick im cool with back home just hit me up I like you as a friend so can she talk 2 me about other dudes:smh:...man what:smh: Ive done everything with this chick except smash n she wants to put me in the friend zone cuz im in DC lol...but at the same time I think she doin it to see if I really have feelings for her...which I don't but at the same time Im not about to be listening to her guy problems :x

I told her ill pass..if she wants to attempt to friend zone ima just move on
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yo tay fam what should I do??..so this chick im cool with back home just hit me up I like you as a friend so can she talk 2 me about other dudes:smh:...man what:smh: Ive done everything with this chick except smash n she wants to put me in the friend zone cuz im in DC lol...but at the same time I think she doin it to see if I really have feelings for me...which I don't but at the same time Im not about to be listening to her guy problems :x
Tell her to move around with that, don't she got homegirls to talk to about stuff like this?
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