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Ot friend zone sounds aight to me. You ain't doing nothing but keeping her in the cut, texting and prepping them cheeks for whenever y'all in the same city. Its a level I think 353456677875baller can handle, fdub not so much.
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Yeah nothing wrong with that. Just don't make the mistake of making her anything more then a Consistant smash
Yeah don't fall or make it bigger than it is in your head. But if you can handle it, friend zone her ***, now she's a cool home girl/ ot smash. For a little bit at least till the feels pop up.
Ot friend zone sounds aight to me. You ain't doing nothing but keeping her in the cut, texting and prepping them cheeks for whenever y'all in the same city. Its a level I think 353456677875baller can handle, fdub not so much.
bra im tired of yall goin on in on my sn lol,,,but what did fdub do?
Pretty girl, that loves sneakers and is funny as hell. Smokes bud but works her *** off but hella generous as well.

I'm waiting on the catch though, because there has to be one.
:lol: I can't deal with some of these chicks, b. I'm new to the city and I'm trying to break into the art scene by doing elegant body art on fine chicks (and, yes, this is a sideways way to acquire yambs). I've been chit chatting with a lil 20 y/o and I decide that I'd like her to model. Of course I want to present it as professionally as possible so I want to have a sit down meeting with my portfolio and credentials.

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Wait. Just 15 minutes earlier you said you were chilling...

I can't deal.

She's been dropping subtle hints like she's interested, but this is the second time she's pulled the "i have plans" card. I'm not telling her anything unless she offers a time to reschedule.
Strongly considering it. The fact that she's not offering any alternative times is a bad sign. She walks funny anyway.
Bro she probably thinks you're on your pyramid scheme grind. I'd just tell her what the opportunity is. 
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I was thinking that actually. It does kinda sound like that. I told her it involves photography and artwork and that we'll discuss details when we talk. I also assured her that it was nothing like some pyramid business bs.
I was thinking that actually. It does kinda sound like that. I told her it involves photography and artwork and that we'll discuss details when we talk. I also assured her that it was nothing like some pyramid business bs.

Yea she definitely think your gonna pitch that Wake Up Now scam to her. Tell her what it is straight up, fam
Yeah how would u feel if i texted you saying that i have a business opportunity for u without giving details?

She prolly thinks ur a pawn director
I never said business opportunity. And I ended up telling her that I'd like her to model for me. I didn't go into detail via text tho.

Look up ed the artist. Son is a popular body painter that has worked with some BAD chicks. Since he's known, chicks book him to paint them. I'm an accomplished artist. I'm very good. I can attain his level of success but I have to start somewhere. If she's down she's down, if not, on to the next.
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Middle finger to the nay sayers. When she's stepping out of steamy shower, removing the paint from her body, she'll step into my living room, in awe of the masterpiece the she just became of apart of. Minutes later i will be indulging in those chocolate waters, caressing that carefully crafted caramel canvas with speckles of acrylic still staining my immensely talented hand. After I'm done painting her face for the second time, I'll think of all of the doubters and laugh.

And she's just the first.
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