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Ok guys, I need some advice smh..

I met this chick off of tinder, and we had a several dates, I was really feeling her. Her communication was never 100% on point, but it wasn't much of an issue for us to chill. She canceled a couple of times, but we made the date happen very soon after. So on the 4th date, we got super frisky in a public place (blame it on the alcohol) but obviously no smashing..So we agreed next time we chill, it's going down. So she hits me up a couple days later wanting to chill, so we did and we had sex. The problem is, my game was off that night smh, I arrived a little too earlier than I wanted to (I mean it wasn't one minute, but about 4 minutes in smh) I told her don't judge me off of this, I messed up. She said it's cool, it happens, she understands it's tough being a dude with the pressure. Ever since that night, I only chilled with her once, I couldn't smash that night because her brother was staying at her crib. I wanted to redeem myself as this doesn't happen to me all the time (I smashed 2 girls after her and was able to hold out) but unfortunately with her was an off night. Now it's impossible for us to chill, every time I try to set something up, she says she can't, but doesn't offer another day for us to chill like she use to. the last straw was after a week of trying to work something out to chill, she actually hits me up and asks how is wed for me, I say it's good and when Wed comes I hit her up in the morning saying good morning, no response, about 4 PM I say hey are we still chilling tonight? And she says she can't she is swamped with work, and then asked me if I got the job I was applying for? (I have a job, but I was trying to get another one in the same career) I didn't respond, because I was tired of chasing her to chill. It's been like 5 days now with us not talking. I honestly don't want a relationship with her, but I'm obsessed that I messed up that night and want to redeem myself lol..Should I hit her up, or should I just leave it alone? Maybe she will hit me up? Even though she asked a question with her last text and I didn't respond. Sorry for the long read guys, what do you think? 

I mean damn, we don't get second chances anymore? seesh

Charge her to the game. It happens to the best of us. When communication is cut that it usually means another dude is involved. Someone else is probably knocking the fire out of that yogurt box right now. You don't want to get caught up on just her especially if she isn't showing full cooperation.

Idk about another dude, but just take this L and do better next time. Sounds like you have two others on the roster, anyways.
wait have you smashed yet?
not yet, she wants to "take it slow" so well see how it goes

Man don't listen to her. Make her delightfully mad at you for giving into you sexually earlier than she wanted to. If you like this chick, you gotta smash. The threshold on the ******** she'll put up with after proper pipe is much bigger. Once you learn this truth you go in all the time. Some chicks generally believe in the months rule, smash them early too, she'll think you're special.
I hate females that hold back. i mean if she's feeling you, why hold back? Let things happen naturally

8 dates is too much time to not get a chance to smash
Do you guys think it's to late to respond? Damn near a week later? lol

Me personally. If I wanted to stroke again like you said you wanted to. I would hit her up like "apologize for not responding, but had some personal issues going on." It's none of her business so if she ask you tell her it's something personal.

But I would give her one more chance, if she flakes again I would dead her.
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Do you guys think it's to late to respond? Damn near a week later? lol

Me personally. If I wanted to stroke again like you said you wanted to. I would hit her up like "apologize for not responding, but had some personal issues going on." It's none of her business so if she ask you tell her it's something personal.

But I would give her one more chance, if she flakes again I would dead her.

dont text her fam just call her

she will know ur srs

アミーゴ アミーゴ when u gunna take me out on our date #1?
I usually tell girls straight up. yo I havent had sex in a min. so dont be surprised but i'll make it up
So I'm not sure if I should pursue or take the L.

I finally talk to this girl I've seen last semester, and onto this summer session. I see her, and the opportunity was right cause she was alone and seemed to be waiting for someone.

I approach and sit right next to her, and hit her with the how are you. She responds and and then I tell her I've seen you around a lot and I thought I would say hi. Then she hits me with omg did someone send you here, is this a set up or something. I laugh and I'm just like yeah this is a social experiment and I have a camera hidden over there. She was astonished, I'm not sure but maybe it's because no one really hits on her or I thought she has noticed me from before and she can't believe I'm talking to her lol. We continue to talk, and I know we have made eye contact before in the past but she hits me oh I've never seen you before. Bro, I was legit hurt because not to brag, but I know I am one of the best dressed in campus lol.

Anyways we continue to chop it up until her friend arrives, really cool chick that I would want to continue talking. She wasn't on her phone or anything and when someone texted her she took the curtesy to say excuse me for one second to respond to the text.

Unfortunately I didn't ask for the number mainly because I knew during the convo I took a few losses and didn't want to seem extra thirsty. I know I mentioned to her I seen her around "a lot" and I think I used the word "everyday". I caught myself saying that and I knew I messed up.

Anyways later today I feel like two things. She was either playing the game when she hit me with oh she never seen me before. Or two, when she was like oh did someone send you here, is this a joke even though she seemed astonished she was actually thinking I was the ugly friend being sent to tell her that my friend likes her something lol.

Either way I'm just going to wait until I see her next time to see she if she even acknowledges me. It really did give me a confidence booster and even if I take the L I feel the next chick (this other chick I want talk to) I feel I can do it more easily and smoothly now.
So I'm not sure if I should pursue or take the L.

I finally talk to this girl I've seen last semester, and onto this summer session. I see her, and the opportunity was right cause she was alone and seemed to be waiting for someone.

I approach and sit right next to her, and hit her with the how are you. She responds and and then I tell her I've seen you around a lot and I thought I would say hi. Then she hits me with omg did someone send you here, is this a set up or something. I laugh and I'm just like yeah this is a social experiment and I have a camera hidden over there. She was astonished, I'm not sure but maybe it's because no one really hits on her or I thought she has noticed me from before and she can't believe I'm talking to her lol. We continue to talk, and I know we have made eye contact before in the past but she hits me oh I've never seen you before. Bro, I was legit hurt because not to brag, but I know I am one of the best dressed in campus lol.

Anyways we continue to chop it up until her friend arrives, really cool chick that I would want to continue talking. She wasn't on her phone or anything and when someone texted her she took the curtesy to say excuse me for one second to respond to the text.

Unfortunately I didn't ask for the number mainly because I knew during the convo I took a few losses and didn't want to seem extra thirsty. I know I mentioned to her I seen her around "a lot" and I think I used the word "everyday". I caught myself saying that and I knew I messed up.

Anyways later today I feel like two things. She was either playing the game when she hit me with oh she never seen me before. Or two, when she was like oh did someone send you here, is this a joke even though she seemed astonished she was actually thinking I was the ugly friend being sent to tell her that my friend likes her something lol.

Either way I'm just going to wait until I see her next time to see she if she even acknowledges me. It really did give me a confidence booster and even if I take the L I feel the next chick (this other chick I want talk to) I feel I can do it more easily and smoothly now.

Get out of your head brethren.
Stop worrying about what these females think and just "shoot your shot".
Over analyzing the little things about a girl you don't even know is a waste of time. You are not owed or guaranteed another breath of life from your lunges. Talk to her and just go with the flow.
"I find you very attractive and I didn't like how our last conversation ended, can we grab drinks(Coffee,Bobba Tea,etc..) and continue getting to know each other"
Play with that how you want.
Rejection or her being flaky is not the end of the world. It builds your tolerance and experience, it gives you wisdom and a better mouth piece. She is just a person, so don't beat yourself up if she doesn't like you or isn't giving up the yambs. It's too many damn women on this planet to be worried about one. I missed out on a lot of females until I stop giving a damn and just did the damn thing.
Just talk to her and let things do what it do.[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
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Omari is just too goofy and insecure man. Son would rather go after the joke or compare his manhood to another than really learn.
Man don't listen to her. Make her delightfully mad at you for giving into you sexually earlier than she wanted to. If you like this chick, you gotta smash. The threshold on the ******** she'll put up with after proper pipe is much bigger. Once you learn this truth you go in all the time. Some chicks generally believe in the months rule, smash them early too, she'll think you're special.
Hell yeah ! Whats wrong with you ? Seduction ftw
Omari is just too goofy and insecure man. Son would rather go after the joke or compare his manhood to another than really learn.

The funny thing is I invited him to a party in Santa Monica few months back and dude went to the LA Summit instead. Could have stopped by before.. It was a girls party too.
 Let me get that pic of best dress dude on campus

Haha I'm an ugly dude, but I guess I'm very materialistic. Everyone always complements me on my kicks and I always got something supreme on. I feel like I stand out but I probably don't and like Mugen said a lot of these stupid things are in my imagination. Just a shy and timid dude who wears nice clothes lol.

Get out of your head brethren.
Stop worrying about what these females think and just "shoot your shot".
Over analyzing the little things about a girl you don't even know is a waste of time. You are not owed or guaranteed another breath of life from your lunges. Talk to her and just go with the flow.
"I find you very attractive and I didn't like how our last conversation ended, can we grab drinks(Coffee,Bobba Tea,etc..) and continue getting to know each other"
Play with that how you want.
Rejection or her being flaky is not the end of the world. It builds your tolerance and experience, it gives you wisdom and a better mouth piece. She is just a person, so don't beat yourself up if she doesn't like you or isn't giving up the yambs. It's too many damn women on this planet to be worried about one. I missed out on a lot of females until I stop giving a damn and just did the damn thing.
Just talk to her and let things do what it do.[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️

Thanks man, needed that. I just got out of a really long relationship (7-8 years) and I still haven't moved on. This was probably the first girl in about a year I tried to make a move on so I guess I'm very rusty.

Don't get me wrong I used to get my yambs on the side but I always knew I had my main one no matter what so I had the confidence. But didn't realize how important she was to me until I lost her.
is Supreme really popular?

I've never seen one person in my life wear Supreme here in America.

and when I was overseas they were all knock offs. and no one stil wore it
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