Awesome stuff everyone!! 

Wei- Crispy USA BW's 

Aneks- Wow talk about moving those pairs quick! And awesome wear! 

Geces- Awesome comparison homie! 

Rich- Awesome greystones and graphites!! No wonder you find deals all the time! No one wears your size! 

MarkIX- Awesome wear though out the week Marcus! Where are the Urawas? lol

C4- Awesome wear on the Triax, Hope those are holding up nicely. 

Denverairforce- Super crispy 95's Brian!

Lemon- 98's looking good David! 

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Wow Ralph! How did they hold up?
Great pickups filthyrich! I need greystones!
Nice wears Marcus!
C4, great wear man!
Great pickups rich

Very nice wears Markix !

Denver, always glad to help out fam ! (even though this was before I was fam...)

Since i was down in the storage yesterday I pulled out some things to play with.

For today. Og Mesh 99.

Some colour:
Greystones AND in sz 14. Must've been a great feeling to nab those rich!

Lots of great color guys!
aneks - dope stack! loving the colors.
geces - dat mass on those 95s
rich - awesome pickups
denver - clean 95s
c4 - nice triax
lemon - great wear
marcus - nice rotation, double drurys :nerd:
ralph - glad it held up

Rpreme- thanks! hope those are staying strong for ya
bguira- thanks bro
aneks- that color 8)
msgt16- thanks and those 95s are some of my all time favorite AMs. Clean shot as usual too, you on IG? Wouldn't mind seeing your pics more
JayDeeBeeze, disbyaboiij :smokin

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Great wears and pickups fellas.

Finally found a pair of lady killer 1's in my size. Grabbed some corn's and NL's also. The feds picked me up when I was wearing my black NL's a few years back. I sold the unlucky pair, but now that I'm home, needed a pair back. The corn's I sold a few years back also, but just found a near deadstock pair for a good deal.

Finally setted up

Enjoy your Sunday fellas. I'm rooting for Adam Scott with a few cold ones in hand. Last week with this damn bracelet on. Cheers.

So many nice pickups. JTTL so much hemp !

Jesjor all three are fantastic

Love the stash 95s Dan.

Great wears jaydeebe

For today:

Ralph- how did they hold up?!

Aneks- great og mesh royals, and awesome dw 87s

Dan- sick stashes, as c4 said, prolly one of my favorite 95s as well, your pics is lovely as usual

JD- great weeks rotation, those homegrowns tho

disyaboiij- sick wears and amazing pick up!

c4- lovely laser blues

JT-lots of hemp! love the 90s from that pack, so nice..

non AM wear today so no pic
thanks for the comments fellas!
ive actually had both pairs, just messing with my camera and figured id share a few of my favorite pairs

Aneks- awesome pairs man! royals are one of my faves. too bad mine are starting to wei tow :smh:
jason- great pickups man!
msgt- dem stashes :pimp:
Thanks everyone. The AM2's held up exceptionally well! Was hesitant at first, but gave full pressure after the first two steps. They are really comfortable! Literally the definition of walking on air! But all in all, no cracks! And no separation! Thank goodness! 

Aneks- Awesome wear on the 00 Royals and DW 1's!

JD- Awesome rotation. All awesome pairs in there! 

Msgt16- Beautiful Stashes Dan! 

disby- Awesome pickup on the Patta's! 

Jaytt- Nice pickup! And very nice pic of the Crepe set! 

No Am wears today due to the heavy rain here. But hope everyone is having an awesome weekend! 
Awesome rotation JayDeeBeeze.
Great lineup Aneks!
Great pickups JTTL!
Nice wears and pickups everyone else!
What's up Fam and Friends! Haven't really posted much in here, been in lurk mode. Nice wears and pick ups by everyone in here...well, except that Lemon guy. Buying all the good Sz 11s out there :smh:

LOL just messing with you Dave...sometimes haha

Some recent AM wears:

Trying to get my Slingdude pose on. Need moar lean

finally unDS my last pair of HOA 90s (bought 4 pairs when they released, sold two, beat one, and now these)

back to lurk mode :nerd:
jd - dope rotation!
jeso - nice pickup on the pattas
c4 - thanks, clean laser 90. I once had an IG account but deleted it lol
jay - great crepes
aneks - awesome DW's
bguira - mini swoosh :smokin
arvin - nice wears fam

What's up Fam and Friends! Haven't really posted much in here, been in lurk mode. Nice wears and pick ups by everyone in here...well, except that Lemon guy. Buying all the good Sz 11s out there

LOL just messing with you Dave...sometimes haha
LOL! sorry Arvin.. The last few pairs have been 10.5(well some of them lol).. Nice wears!

Bennett- mini swoosh action is lovely

Dan- vio's

Tak- Millers

Great stuff all around fellas. Pickups and wears from everyone are all on point.

Been wearing the orange peels doing some work outside today, and they are still holding up.

Awesome stuff everyone! 

Bguira- Awesome forefoot swoosh shot B!

Arbys2k- Very clean wear and unds Arvin! 

Msgt16- Shot is crispy as always!

Tak- Miller 90's looking good Mike!

Lemon- Hufquakes still holding up David? Very nice wear!

JTTL- Orange peels look very clean! Hope those hold up well for you! 
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