Texas Dept. of Justice has a record of the last words of every inmate they've ever executed


"Hope this makes you feel better that your killing me."

Shut up dude.
Don't even know what to say.
It really makes you wonder how many of these individuals are innocent.
I cant help but feel as if the ones who declined their last statement actually did the crime and do not feel sorry about it, either that or they just have nothing more to say.
It is really sad. I know people change, but I wonder how those families can forgive these individuals, the ones who truly committed these crimes.
I myself believe that as humans, we do not have the right to say who should die. I am not for the death penalty but its hard to feel sorry for some of these people. Sad none the less. Its sad for the families indeed.
I'm not here to convince any of you or trying to be accepted.

Yes, that's what I believe. You don't see me badgering you guys for your beliefs do you?

You can counter it with anything you'd like, I will never budge. Life is a learning process, I understand you guys just haven't learned yet

This is not a religion debate, I want no part of that.

Every victim and suspect in every one of these cases got exactly what they deserve. nothing more nothing less.
Originally Posted by glasses

I'm not here to convince any of you or trying to be accepted.

Yes, that's what I believe. You don't see me badgering you guys for your beliefs do you?

You can counter it with anything you'd like, I will never budge. Life is a learning process, I understand you guys just haven't learned yet

This is not a religion debate, I want no part of that.

Every victim and suspect in every one of these cases got exactly what they deserve. nothing more nothing less.

I would love to hear what you have to say if any of this stuff happened to you or your family members. 
Originally Posted by glasses

Every victim and suspect in every one of these cases got exactly what they deserve. nothing more nothing less.

How do you know for certain and where's your evidence??


Matter of fact you better not ever attempt to become a judge if your not one already........or were ever a judge in your past life
.  What would you tell the victim of a crime that was committed against them.............."No sorry I'm sure you did something wrong in your former life............case dismissed"
Originally Posted by glasses

I'm not here to convince any of you or trying to be accepted.

Yes, that's what I believe. You don't see me badgering you guys for your beliefs do you?

You can counter it with anything you'd like, I will never budge. Life is a learning process, I understand you guys just haven't learned yet

This is not a religion debate, I want no part of that.

Every victim and suspect in every one of these cases got exactly what they deserve. nothing more nothing less.
Then don't complain if something terrible happens to you... apparently you deserved it.  You sound like you are very close-minded, that is probably the only way you're able to hang on to such a belief.  There are some major flaws in your belief because punishing someone for something they didn't do or have no knowledge of doing isn't really punishment at all since they can't learn a lesson.  How can someone regret or feel sorrow for acts they committed in a "previous life" if they have no knowledge of those acts?

I could say that during a near death experience I had a vision of seeing an elephant... so I now know that "God" is an elephant.  I can't prove God is an elephant, but my life experiences have taught me that he is one big elephant!  If you don't believe this... it's just because you haven't learned what I have learned.  Don't attempt to change my belief, I'm very close-minded so I immediately reject all information that doesn't reinforce that God is an elephant because I don't want to risk hearing something that will make me question my belief.
Originally Posted by voodoo

Originally Posted by glasses

I'm not here to convince any of you or trying to be accepted.

Yes, that's what I believe. You don't see me badgering you guys for your beliefs do you?

You can counter it with anything you'd like, I will never budge. Life is a learning process, I understand you guys just haven't learned yet

This is not a religion debate, I want no part of that.

Every victim and suspect in every one of these cases got exactly what they deserve. nothing more nothing less.
Then don't complain if something terrible happens to you... apparently you deserved it. 

I could say that during a near death experience I had a vision of seeing an elephant... so I now know that "God" is an elephant.  I can't prove God is an elephant, but my life experiences have taught me that he is one big elephant!  If you don't believe this... it's just because you haven't learned what I have learned.  Don't attempt to change my belief, I'm very close-minded so I immediately reject all information that doesn't reinforce that God is an elephant because I don't want to risk hearing something that will make me question my belief.
I won't, I know I deserved it. I've had plenty of bad things happened to me and I know why. I have since righted my wrongs and i've been good ever since.

Your attempts to drag me into a debate isn't going to work.

I was born and raised a non-believer...terrible stuff happened and I was going to die. Then I was shown the truth and saved. And no, not by a church. This was an out of body supernatural experience.

Nobody can take that away from me. I understand you haven't been through the same so I don't expect you to relate to it. I'm not telling you to believe. I'm just saying I do know God is real.
Originally Posted by glasses

Originally Posted by voodoo

Originally Posted by glasses

I'm not here to convince any of you or trying to be accepted.

Yes, that's what I believe. You don't see me badgering you guys for your beliefs do you?

You can counter it with anything you'd like, I will never budge. Life is a learning process, I understand you guys just haven't learned yet

This is not a religion debate, I want no part of that.

Every victim and suspect in every one of these cases got exactly what they deserve. nothing more nothing less.
Then don't complain if something terrible happens to you... apparently you deserved it. 

I could say that during a near death experience I had a vision of seeing an elephant... so I now know that "God" is an elephant.  I can't prove God is an elephant, but my life experiences have taught me that he is one big elephant!  If you don't believe this... it's just because you haven't learned what I have learned.  Don't attempt to change my belief, I'm very close-minded so I immediately reject all information that doesn't reinforce that God is an elephant because I don't want to risk hearing something that will make me question my belief.
I won't, I know I deserved it. I've had plenty of bad things happened to me and I know why. I have since righted my wrongs and i've been good ever since.

Your attempts to drag me into a debate isn't going to work.

I was born and raised a non-believer...terrible stuff happened and I was going to die. Then I was shown the truth and saved. And no, not by a church. This was an out of body supernatural experience.

Nobody can take that away from me. I understand you haven't been through the same so I don't expect you to relate to it. I'm not telling you to believe. I'm just saying I do know God is real.
if a guy is truly guilty i feel no remorse, if he died innocent thats messed up
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by glasses

Originally Posted by voodoo

Then don't complain if something terrible happens to you... apparently you deserved it. 

I could say that during a near death experience I had a vision of seeing an elephant... so I now know that "God" is an elephant.  I can't prove God is an elephant, but my life experiences have taught me that he is one big elephant!  If you don't believe this... it's just because you haven't learned what I have learned.  Don't attempt to change my belief, I'm very close-minded so I immediately reject all information that doesn't reinforce that God is an elephant because I don't want to risk hearing something that will make me question my belief.
I won't, I know I deserved it. I've had plenty of bad things happened to me and I know why. I have since righted my wrongs and i've been good ever since.

Your attempts to drag me into a debate isn't going to work.

I was born and raised a non-believer...terrible stuff happened and I was going to die. Then I was shown the truth and saved. And no, not by a church. This was an out of body supernatural experience.

Nobody can take that away from me. I understand you haven't been through the same so I don't expect you to relate to it. I'm not telling you to believe. I'm just saying I do know God is real.

Maybe bad things happened to you cuz you got what was coming to you and not cuz you're a non-believer. Hallucinations aren't reasons to change. You're suppose to change cuz you actually want to. You sound like a victim of circumstances.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

always browse the TDCJ site when i'm bored
There's a guy on the that I recognize from HS

and another guy on there Dexter Johnson, there i knew the girl that was convicted with him

dude was really a monster
they haven't been executed yet

Houston has a site where you can see every crime committed by month

they give the street name and the nature of the crime

pretty interesting stuff

Most people probably remember all the controversy surrounding this one

Gary Graham, a man most people believed was innocent 

I would like to say that I did not kill Bobby Lambert. That I'm an innocent black man that is being murdered. This is a lynching that is happening in America tonight. There's overwhelming and compelling evidence of my defense that has never been heard in any court of America. What is happening here is an outrage for any civilized country to anybody anywhere to look at what's happening here is wrong. I thank all of the people that have rallied to my cause. They've been standing in support of me. Who have finished with me. I say to Mr. Lambert's family, I did not kill Bobby Lambert. You are pursuing the execution of an innocent man. I want to express my sincere thanks to all of ya'll. We must continue to move forward and do everything we can to outlaw legal lynching in America. We must continue to stay strong all around the world, and people must come together to stop the systematic killing of poor and innocent black people. We must continue to stand together in unity and to demand a moratorium on all executions. We must not let this murder/lynching be forgotten tonight, my brothers. We must take it to the nation. We must keep our faith. We must go forward. We recognize that many leaders have died. Malcom X, Martin Luther King, and others who stood up for what was right. They stood up for what was just. We must, you must brothers, that's why I have called you today. You must carry on that condition. What is here is just a lynching that is taking place. But they're going to keep on lynching us for the next 100 years, if you do not carry on that tradition, and that period of resistance. We will prevail. We may loose this battle, but we will win the war. This death, this lynching will be avenged. It will be avenged, it must be avenged. The people must avenge this murder. So my brothers, all of ya'll stay strong, continue to move forward. Know that I love all of you. I love the people, I love all of you for your blessing, strength, for your courage, for your dignity, the way you have come here tonight, and the way you have protested and kept this nation together. Keep moving forward, my brothers. Slavery couldn't stop us. The lynching couldn't stop us in the south. This lynching will not stop us tonight. We will go forward. Our destiny in this country is freedom and liberation. We will gain our freedom and liberation by any means necessary. By any means necessary, we keep marching forward. I love you, Mr. Jackson. Bianca, make sure that the state does not get my body. Make sure that we get my name as Shaka Sankofa. My name is not Gary Graham. Make sure that it is properly presented on my grave. Shaka Sankofa. I died fighting for what I believe in. I died fighting for what was just and what was right. I did not kill Bobby Lambert, and the truth is going to come out. It will be brought out. I want you to take this thing off into international court, Mr. Robert Mohammed and all ya'll. I want you, I want to get my family and take this down to international court and file a law suit. Get all the video tapes of all the beatings. They have beat me up in the back. They have beat me up at the unit over there. Get all the video tapes supporting that law suit. And make the public exposed to the genocide and this brutality world, and let the world see what is really happening here behind closed doors. Let the world see the barbarity and injustice of what is really happening here. You must get those video tapes. You must make it exposed, this injustice, to the world. You must continue to demand a moratorium on all executions. We must move forward Minister Robert Mohammed. Ashanti Chimurenga, I love you for standing with me, my sister. You are a strong warrior queen. You will continue to be string in everything that you do. Believe in yourself, you must hold your head up, in the spirit of Winnie Mandela, in the spirit of Nelson Mandela. Ya'll must move forward. We will stop this lynching. Reverend Al Sharpton, I love you, my brother. Bianca Jagger, I love all of you. Ya'll make sure that we continue to stand together. Reverend Jesse Jackson and know that this murder, this lynching will not be forgotten. I love you, too, my brother. This is genocide in America. This is what happens to black men when they stand up and protest for what is right and just. We refuse to compromise, we refuse to surrender the dignity for what we know is right. But we will move on, we have been strong in the past. We will continue to be strong as a people. You can kill a revolutionary, but you cannot stop the revolution. The revolution will go on. The people will carry the revolution on. You are the people that must carry that revolutionary on, in order to liberate our children from this genocide and for what is happening here in America tonight. What has happened for the last 100 or so years in America. This is the part of the genocide, this is part of the African (unintelligible), that we as black people have endured in America. But we shall overcome, we will continue with this. We will continue, we will gain our freedom and liberation, by any means necessary. Stay strong. They cannot kill us. We will move forward. To my sons, to my daughters, all of you. I love all of you. You have been wonderful. Keep your heads up. Keep moving forward. Keep united. Maintain the love and unity in the community. And know that victory is assured. Victory for the people will be assured. We will gain our freedom and liberation in this country. We will gain it and we will do it by any means necessary. We will keep marching. March on black people. Keep your heads high. March on. All ya'll leaders. March on. Take your message to the people. Preach the moratorium for all executions. We're gonna stop, we are going to end the death penalty in this country. We are going to end it all across this world. Push forward people. And know that what ya'll are doing is right. What ya'll are doing is just. This is nothing more that pure and simple murder. This is what is happening tonight in America. Nothing more than state sanctioned murders, state sanctioned lynching, right here in America, and right here tonight. This is what is happening my brothers. Nothing less. They know I'm innocent. They've got the facts to prove it. They know I'm innocent. But they cannot acknowledge my innocence, because to do so would be to publicly admit their guilt. This is something these racist people will never do. We must remember brothers, this is what we're faced with. You must take this endeavor forward. You must stay strong. You must continue to hold your heads up, and to be there. And I love you, too, my brother. All of you who are standing with me in solidarity. We will prevail. We will keep marching. Keep marching black people, black power. Keep marching black people, black power. Keep marching black people. Keep marching black people. They are killing me tonight. They are murdering me tonight.

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I remember that one vividly, I had just graduated high school and was actually suffering from a horrendous tooth ache the day he was executed. I remember the craziness that went into trying to get his execution overturned, but he obviously wasn't so lucky. After reading the crime in detail, not really sure how I feel, I actually don't recall supporting him back then because I only had opinions to go off of. In the black community, he was seen as innocent by default by most people, but I wonder how most would feel after reading his case details. Not for me to judge at all, but it does seem rather convincing.
Originally Posted by glasses

My intent is not to make you subscribe to my same beliefs. I posted my opinion about this topic.

The answer is  
NO.  I can't submit to you any proof to back up my opinion and my claims, that's why it's called faith.  If there was proof it wouldn't be called faith.

I have my own personal life experiences that i've went through to be shown the truth. And with those I will never once doubt my beliefs about God and karma ever again, no matter what.

You either believe or you don't.

But I would love to see all you "non-beleivers" be put in that position that these death row inmates were in, minutes away from death, and see how fast you come to your senses and mention God. If you've never been on deaths door, your opinion is invalid regarding that.  (Yes, I have)
Since you have no proof to back up what you're saying, why are you saying that people get murdered/raped for a reason? If you don't know, why are you acting like you do?
How do you know that you were shown the truth? Is it the truth or do you just believe it's the truth?
If there's no proof to back up that truth, then it's not the truth.
In what ways have you doubted your beliefs and why would you never doubt them again?
What would be the ultimate way to test your faith in your beliefs?
It's not "you either believe or you don't" I think it's you believe in your own version of faith to understand life or you use logic.
You make it seem as if non-believers are blinded by something. What is this great understanding or realization that you've come to to be able to act as if what you believe is true?
I've had a near death experience. It was a potential car accident while I was a passenger. The last thing on my mind was whether or not god was going to save me.
If I was in that position, I would not mention god.
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

So you saying YOLO aint real life?

Originally Posted by cap1229

It was prolly both yall that snitched anyway.
and I lost my name that night.

Spoiler [+]

I've gotten better since then.
I just checked your old account and it says that you were banned in the music forum.
What did you say?

Looks like you and sillyputty have at least one thing in common.
Did you actually wish that he would die or was it a spur of the moment kind of thing since sillyputty was winning the argument?
I think wishing death on someone is something that you know you shouldn't do.
You prayed for MPLSdunk so it would be hypocritical of you to not regret wishing death on sillyputty then praying for MPLSdunk's life.
What's the point of praying for someone's life but also wishing for the death of someone else?
That makes no sense.
That's good to hear.

Originally Posted by glasses

I'm not here to convince any of you or trying to be accepted.

Yes, that's what I believe. You don't see me badgering you guys for your beliefs do you?

You can counter it with anything you'd like, I will never budge. Life is a learning process, I understand you guys just haven't learned yet

This is not a religion debate, I want no part of that.

Every victim and suspect in every one of these cases got exactly what they deserve. nothing more nothing less.
No, you don't badger us because what I getting from your previous posts is that you believe non-believers are blind or not willing to accept the truth aka your beliefs.
That's cool, but you act like what you believe is right. There have been plenty of people who believed in god(s) long before your version of a god(s) was created. How you believe that your version of faith is the truth makes absolutely no sense.
Past peoples were sacrificing humans and animals for their beliefs and you're over here arguing like your beliefs are the truth.
To me, it seems that those past peoples had more faith in their beliefs then you.
The way you think about how the world works is based around religion and your using that to speak on real life events, but you want any part in a religion debate?
You don't know that nor can you prove it, so to say it as if that were the case is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by glasses

I'm just saying I do know God is real.
You don't know if that is the 100% truth, you just believe that. If you know that god is real, then why are you wasting your precious time on this earth talking to non-believers? Isn't fulfilling the plan that god has for you a much better use of your time then talking to non-believers?
Originally Posted by glasses

Originally Posted by voodoo

Originally Posted by glasses

I'm not here to convince any of you or trying to be accepted.

Yes, that's what I believe. You don't see me badgering you guys for your beliefs do you?

You can counter it with anything you'd like, I will never budge. Life is a learning process, I understand you guys just haven't learned yet

This is not a religion debate, I want no part of that.

Every victim and suspect in every one of these cases got exactly what they deserve. nothing more nothing less.
Then don't complain if something terrible happens to you... apparently you deserved it. 

I could say that during a near death experience I had a vision of seeing an elephant... so I now know that "God" is an elephant.  I can't prove God is an elephant, but my life experiences have taught me that he is one big elephant!  If you don't believe this... it's just because you haven't learned what I have learned.  Don't attempt to change my belief, I'm very close-minded so I immediately reject all information that doesn't reinforce that God is an elephant because I don't want to risk hearing something that will make me question my belief.
I won't, I know I deserved it. I've had plenty of bad things happened to me and I know why. I have since righted my wrongs and i've been good ever since.

Your attempts to drag me into a debate isn't going to work.

I was born and raised a non-believer...terrible stuff happened and I was going to die. Then I was shown the truth and saved. And no, not by a church. This was an out of body supernatural experience.

Nobody can take that away from me. I understand you haven't been through the same so I don't expect you to relate to it. I'm not telling you to believe. I'm just saying I do know God is real.
I don't doubt you believe in a God, you rationalize bad things happening to innocent people as "God doesn't make mistakes... they had it coming."  If that's what you truly believe, then it's real to you.

You say you've righted your wrongs and you've been good ever since.  What will you believe when something else bad happens to you in the future?  You must have missed one of your wrongs?  How do you know exactly how much dirt you did in your previous life? 

You do realize that in a near death or traumatic experience the brain releases chemicals that can cause you to hallucinate... right?  You can call it an "out of body supernatural experience", but people in the know call it a release of DMT.
Method Man, can you please PM me and tell me what was wrong with my post? Was I not supposed to mention that incident? Or was it for a certain verb I used? Acronym? Please let me know so I can avoid it in the future, thanks in advance.


After reading the rules of conduct I'm guessing it was for the acronym I used.... but if the verb I used was out of line as well, please let me know.
...justice served herr in TX...yet killers are still alive for the same types of crimes in other states...
Originally Posted by glasses

Every victim and suspect in every one of these cases got exactly what they deserve. nothing more nothing less.
you're saying the 11 month old boy I read about deserved to get clocked in the head with a flashlight and die?

you sound like those "she had on a short skirt, she deserved that gang rape and murder" type dudes.

if you got imprisoned wrongfully and got gang raped repeatedly every night, would it be because you deserve it and your deity was punishing you for a past life you had nothing to do with and know nothing about? would you report it to the guards? would it be okay if the guards didn't stop it?

plz rspnd

plz plz plz plz rspnd
read some of them, didn't really feel much of anything.

I support the death penalty in theory, but the way it's currently applied in some jurisdictions is absolutely criminal.
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