The 20 Mistakes You Don't Want To Make in Your 20's (good read imo)

For the most part this is terrible advice. Kareem Abdul Jabbar's list is much better and more grounded than this one.

I'm only 25, and I can tell you that I've had the best luck with chicks when I'm I'm not even thinkin about them.

Whenever I'm in a zone of getting some long term thing done or really into improving myself and purposefully not chasing broads, THAT's when the sloots come flocking. They can smell a truly ambitious fella from a mile away.

So yea, disregard females. Acquire currency. A chick who is down and actually worth it will make it into your life regardless.

As for those "bad" chicks, the basketball wives love and hip hop types, they will be all over you when you're 35 and ballin because you kept your head down and your nose to the grindstone during your 20's. By then you will have probably met some women of true quality and know what that life's like, so you can come at these IG broads with absolute minimum thirst, thus aqcuiring even more yambs with less effort. Like I said before: These young hotties just wanna be around a ballin older dude. They wanna ride in his car, eat where he eats, hang out where he hangs out, etc. and see what that good life is about. That's what they give up the yambs for, and that's why they keep themselves up and spend their life savings and dignity on clothes/shoes/etc.
technically time fee vs dinners, gifts etc..
Flawed logic. Escort is just a fancy word for prostitute. Regular girls > Prostitutes

I think y'all are missing the point.

A broad is gonna cost bread no matter what (unless u got some great game), and even if u got great game that's still time you gotta invest.

While you're in your 20s its best to disregard females and acquire currency altogether, as the yambs will fall into your lap once you got your thing together and will require no time and only money you would feel like dropping. These young girls just wanna be around a ballin older dude.we al know that.

That's how I interpreted it at least.

thats what i was trying to get at
Good advice but #6 is hella sketchy to me. I couldn't follow through with that one even though its probably smart advice
^ you couldn't order up some p? 

Ya'll low key doing it anyway....
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Wouldnt feel right paying for an escort. Even though we all pay in some way for p Id always know I was just a customer and nothing more to an escort. I dunno maybe later in life Imma be ok with it but right now.......naw

Just think of it like beating off, but with a human. No feelings. No strings. Just a nut.
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I've been guilty of a variety of these in my late teens and early 20s, but at 24 I'm pleased to read the list and find that I'm essentially in line with it. Good advice here.

Though I can't say I plan to hire an escort anytime soon.

19. Thinking that this is the right time to fall in love

While all of your friends might be doing it, don’t fall into the trap of getting into a relationship. Sure it seems like the right thing to do, but your 20s are entirely too crucial for your personal growth for you to be focusing on fulfilling the wishes of another individual. Not only does it make you complacent with where you are in life, but it makes your boring. When your business is at stake and your future is resting on your shoulders, the last thing you need is to be bogged down by an insecure lover rushing you home. Get out there, meet new people, test the limits and have fun. It will take you to the places you’ve dreamed of going.

:\ :frown:
19. Thinking that this is the right time to fall in love

While all of your friends might be doing it, don’t fall into the trap of getting into a relationship. Sure it seems like the right thing to do, but your 20s are entirely too crucial for your personal growth for you to be focusing on fulfilling the wishes of another individual. Not only does it make you complacent with where you are in life, but it makes your boring. When your business is at stake and your future is resting on your shoulders, the last thing you need is to be bogged down by an insecure lover rushing you home. Get out there, meet new people, test the limits and have fun. It will take you to the places you’ve dreamed of going.

:\ :frown:
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My dude.


I can only do so much on the internet ....

So I hope this explains my gratitude for your list....

This list is me to a T. This is all me. But idgaf. YOLO, but my YOLO is different. I been working myself to death on my own business. Can't stop won't stop, but I need to lay off the drugs. Drugs aren't on the list though so I'm good right?
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