The 20 Mistakes You Don't Want To Make in Your 20's (good read imo)

All of these are easier said then done. You don't know if some one is a bad friend wasting your time, or a bad girl....if you don't actually experience those points to me are moot. And most of these things are the funnest part of the journey we call life.

Yes don't get in tons of debt
Yes don't blow all your money and be poor....but some times splurging is fun
Don't date girls with daddy issues? For every crazy stripper with daddy issues there is a girl that has daddy issues and have overcome them to be a great person.

But the skeezer....sleep with her...have things end poorly....ITs FUN....what is life without some excitement.
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technically time fee vs dinners, gifts etc..
Flawed logic. Escort is just a fancy word for prostitute. Regular girls > Prostitutes

I think y'all are missing the point.

A broad is gonna cost bread no matter what (unless u got some great game), and even if u got great game that's still time you gotta invest.

While you're in your 20s its best to disregard females and acquire currency altogether, as the yambs will fall into your lap once you got your thing together and will require no time and only money you would feel like dropping. These young girls just wanna be around a ballin older dude.we al know that.

That's how I interpreted it at least.
I think y'all are missing the point.

A broad is gonna cost bread no matter what (unless u got some great game), and even if u got great game that's still time you gotta invest.

While you're in your 20s its best to disregard females and acquire currency altogether, as the yambs will fall into your lap once you got your thing together and will require no time and only money you would feel like dropping. These young girls just wanna be around a ballin older dude.we al know that.

That's how I interpreted it at least.
There is your problem. I'm not calling any woman I interact with a "broad". Why dudes always look at it as paying for yambs? Why can't it be that I rather us go out for dinner or a movie or activity instead of sitting in the house and watching TV? Sex will come regardless if you both want it.

Why would I "disregard" females in my 20's when that is the prime of my sexual life? That money > chicks logic is a lonely one bruh. A balance just needs to be found. Nobody saying waste all your money on chicks, but don't be chasing cash over life. A balance is what should be found.
6. Spending your money on women who aren't escorts

Your sex life is an investment — and the smarter the deals you execute, the savvier of an investor you become. Free sex is the most expensive sex in the world. Instead of navigating through an ambiguous investment in which you shower your woman with cash and prizes for the mediocre sex provided, deal with a professional as soon as possible. Although some of you may immediately jump to the negative connotations of a woman who is paid for sex, we suggest you take one step back. As an entrepreneur herself, why would you not want to deal with someone who has the same honesty and integrity that you do. Want a best friend? Buy a puppy. Want great sex? Call an escort.

I lol'd because my boy and I ordered some up Friday :lol:

That's serial killer logic though.
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I was feeling it up until the escorts part, yall can have that
Same here.
I think y'all are missing the point.

A broad is gonna cost bread no matter what (unless u got some great game), and even if u got great game that's still time you gotta invest.

While you're in your 20s its best to disregard females and acquire currency altogether, as the yambs will fall into your lap once you got your thing together and will require no time and only money you would feel like dropping. These young girls just wanna be around a ballin older dude.we al know that.

That's how I interpreted it at least.
There is your problem. I'm not calling any woman I interact with a "broad". Why dudes always look at it as paying for yambs? Why can't it be that I rather us go out for dinner or a movie or activity instead of sitting in the house and watching TV? Sex will come regardless if you both want it.

Why would I "disregard" females in my 20's when that is the prime of my sexual life? That money > chicks logic is a lonely one bruh. A balance just needs to be found. Nobody saying waste all your money on chicks, but don't be chasing cash over life. A balance is what should be found.
 Very good points, because balance definitely needs to be stressed more people's lives in general.
Solid advice but not realistic. Human's aren't born amazing. We go through life and make mistake after mistake. The difference between the leaders and the betas is that the leaders LEARN from their mistakes while the betas continue to repeat the same mistakes.

Making mistakes, and accumulating knowledge from them is a necessary process. This list assumes that people can just follow the list and be that dude. Nope. Being that dude comes from experience. 

For example, I have a very small group of friends now. Small, but solid friends who I can say are truly my friends that I can count on 24/7. 5 years ago, I might have 3X as many friends as I do now, but most of them were were people who eventually ended up dissapointing me/manipulative/deceiving people. I quickly filtered through them once I become aware of their true identities and, going forward, I have the insight to be able to understand people and my relationships with them much better than I did 5 years ago, thus, bringing only quality people into my life going forward. I would never have this virtue unless I went through the bad ones. This also applies to women. The list completely ignores this process, and I believe that it is a HUGE part of being in your 20's, take risks, act on instinct, make mistakes, and most importantly, LEARN from them. 
technically time fee vs dinners, gifts etc..
Flawed logic. Escort is just a fancy word for prostitute. Regular girls > Prostitutes

I think y'all are missing the point.

A broad is gonna cost bread no matter what (unless u got some great game), and even if u got great game that's still time you gotta invest.

While you're in your 20s its best to disregard females and acquire currency altogether, as the yambs will fall into your lap once you got your thing together and will require no time and only money you would feel like dropping. These young girls just wanna be around a ballin older dude.we al know that.

That's how I interpreted it at least.
:lol: What? What if we, I dunno, actually want to interact with females and build relationships over the course of our life instead of just buying prostitutes? 'Cause some people want to do that, you know.

The list was pretty bad. The whole time I was reading it, I kept thinking "The guy writing this is probably an assh*t"
Any time you see advice like this, you have to think about the type of person it is coming from, because it is simply a reflection of the mindset of whoever is writing the list.

The writer's biography:

A true innovator of journalistic delivery, Adam Hayes gives readers a unique look into the world of sports. The former rugby and track star left his life of adult films to pursue writing, another one of his many passions which he calls, "therapeutic." Adam strives to deliver the most current, real and unique information from an athlete's perspective.


So ya'll are taking life advice from a dude who was a porn star. Okay. :lol:

And the writer seems like he is either in his 20's himself, or just barely out of his 20's (guessing from the pop culture references). So how can he possibly have any perspective on life when he's still young himself and hasn't accomplished anything, hasn't been through major challenges, midlife crisis, etc?

Anyone who is saying "Yeah, I better apply these things to my life!" was probably destined for mediocrity anyways. You can't live your life based on any set of rules, especially when they were written by some meathead who is probably no more accomplished than you.
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Too much truth in that post OP. I've been guilty of a couple of those things. I am doing my best to change those habits.
great post we need more stuff like this informating the youth, the youth is too caught up in dumb ish. they need to get their head out of the fantasy and get down to reality. 
I think y'all are missing the point.

A broad is gonna cost bread no matter what (unless u got some great game), and even if u got great game that's still time you gotta invest.

While you're in your 20s its best to disregard females and acquire currency altogether, as the yambs will fall into your lap once you got your thing together and will require no time and only money you would feel like dropping. These young girls just wanna be around a ballin older dude.we al know that.

That's how I interpreted it at least.
This list is comforting to read. Can't say that I agree point for point, but so far, my twenties have been nothing but a lot of "I don't know what the F is going on" moments, and to read something like this list and share similar thinking on some of the points helps me to feel a little less lost.
For the most part this is terrible advice. Kareem Abdul Jabbar's list is much better and more grounded than this one.
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