The Bastard Executioner (TBX)

Jan 11, 2013
 The Bastard Executioner tells the story of Wilkin Brattle, a 14th century warrior, whose life is forever changed when a divine messenger beseeches him to lay down his sword and lead the life of another man: a journeyman executioner. Set in northern Wales during a time rife with rebellion and political upheaval, Wilkin must walk a tight rope between protecting his true identity while also serving a mysterious destiny. Guided by Annora, a mystical healer whose seeming omniscience keeps Wilkin under her sway; manipulated by Milus Corbett, a devious Chamberlain with grand political aspirations; and driven by a deepening connection with the Baroness Lady Love, Wilkin struggles to navigate political, emotional and supernal pitfalls in his quest to understand his greater purpose.
anyone catch this? 

i only got thru the first 10 min 
I have it dvred, haven't watched it yet. I'll eventually watch, but I don't know if i can stand another Sutter show.
I'll probably watch the pilot...But I'm not really interested in it.
Why start a thread and bash the Show? You could ask if anyone watched or liked the show, in the Movie thread on in the Thread About Nothing.

Leave starting the thread for someone who actually likes it. Delete this **** hand2handking.

Anyway, show is cool so far, this thread is **** though....

About to get on ep 2 now, I will post my thoughts in the not in here thread.
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Why start a thread and bash the Show? You could ask if anyone watched or liked the show, in the Movie thread on in the Thread About Nothing.

Leave starting the thread for someone who actually likes it. Delete this **** hand2handking.

Anyway, show is cool so far, this thread is **** though....

About to get on ep 2 now, I will post my thoughts in the not in here thread.

That **** really grinded ur gears huh
Man I dunno, I tuned in and out of this 2nd ep :smh: :lol: Not even sure what it was about other than there's more rebels, a leader guy named Wolf, some disrespectful old lady selling sea shells by the seashore, and this Executioner guy and his friends are still trying to play both sides to help rebels while also still seeking revenge on all the soldiers that killed their fam.

Also a ****** up scene where dude cuts a little girl's nose off. Managed to be worse than the face maiming scene on Vikings :lol: :x

I might have to start binging this show to be engaged.

No need to delete this thread :lol:
:rofl: Yea a thread is a thread, at least there is one.
Thank you hand2hand, my bad man.
Ep 2 was decent. 

Boy Sutter doesn't believe in the 1hour format does he. His shows are perfect for Showtime/HBO. 
Those twins, I wish they were mine. I wonder if it was easy to talk the actresses into kissing each other.

I was wondering why he was going to use that small blade to cut off her head then her nose flew off. Nasty. I think i'd rather die than not have a nose anymore.

Actually kinda nice that the executioner's family has taken Wilkin in and they won't get beaten anymore.

This witch is worse then gemma. Planning and doing all that crazy black magic stuff.
Sutter is the Dark Mute. The other sorcerer in the caverns that assists her.

He was shown in the flashback scene of Wilkin training as a kid too. I guess he was one of the older knights and is still following him around.
Sutter the Puffy of TV.

He's not producing anything without putting him or his wife's face in it. I actually thought the witch was cool until I realized it was Katy Segal, then I found out he was in it, too, and was like come on dude, for real

Now I pick them to death. Katy's accent wasn't bad initially, now it's horrible, all I hear is Jax's mom
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Those twins busting it open for everybody. They better bust it open for me. The maid for the baroness is entertaining. The executioner's wife got that battered wife syndrome and seems to be legit crazy.

Read up on that king edward II guy. Really interesting stuff about him. There were rumors of him and his best friend being gay lovers. His friend was exiled and brought back a few times. Constant political fights with his lords and barons because of the infuence his best friend had on him. The king and queen had to flee one time with the friend. Friend stayed behind and was captured, then executed. Few years later the queen went to France and stayed there. She started hooking up with a lord and went back to England with troops and made her husband give up the crown. Their son became king and the former king was imprisoned and might've been executed while in custody.
It was Tuesday though :lol:

They should've gave Welkin a better looking fake wife after losing his own. All those frustrations build up being around the dude you think killed your wife and unborn child.
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