The College Basketball Post

At some point, you gotta realize its better not to shoot

OSU press conference about the Smart situation at 6

Really that big of a deal?
Gotta be GRIII, dude has all the natural ability but basically no skillset or basketball IQ. Bad footwork, no go to moves, inconsistent shooter.

Still will probably be picked in the top 15 :lol:
damn you Gary Harris 

^Dekker hasnt played that  bad this season
Marcus Smrt still a top 7 pick, I just like trolling college journalist about Marcus Smart "great decision" to stay in school.
Adreian Payne has gotten so much better over these 4 years. Probably the poster child for staying in school for this year.
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Kevin Negandhi
Everyday we come across stories where an adult expects a kid/teenager to act like an adult but they overlook the adults who act like kids.
I agree w/ Steven A. smith

Marcus gotta control himself.

What did that push prove? . He won, no matter what this will cost Smart way more than it will him. Buddy is at home chilling with his good ol' boys laughing at how he cost a ****** and he's still gonna call us ******* behind closed doors.

You gonna fight every time you get called a racial slur or disrespected due to race? Get your lawyer money up, bc that's a daily fight

Enh. At some point you gotta stick up for yourself. At the very least it'll make that fan or any other think twice before they swing the N word his way.

Agree he's gotta have tougher skin, but not to the point where anybody can just say whatever the hell they want to you and i'm not going to stick up for myself. All that does is give the idiot more leeway to continue to do it and the player has to deal with even more of it because he just keeps letting it go. A bully isn't going to stop bullying you until you stick up for yourself.

This ain't the 1960's. I'm not just gonna let some racist white dude call me racial slurs and i'm going to shut up, take it, and keep my mouth shut because I'm black and need to just learn to live with racism. By doing/saying nothing over and over you're just giving racists a free pass to be racist. If somebody wants to be racist you can't stop them, but that doesn't mean I've gotta tolerate it and just bend over and take it up the ***. Can't keep giving these bigots free passes.

I don't understand why the refs don't kick fans like this out of games. If I go into the stands chasing a loose ball and some Texas biggot calls me an N word, I should be able to walk over to the ref, tell the ref what happened, and have that fan kicked out of the game and banned from coming back.

As it stands, there's no repercussions for the offender, and the "student-athlete" gets all the punishment.

Dave Zirin made an excellent point:

In a just world, Marcus Smart would not be suspended at all. Instead the NCAA would enact a FIFA-style response. That means they would either bar Jeff Orr for life from ever going to another Texas Tech game, or, if it is found out that “the n-word” gets dropped from the stands in Lubbock like it’s open-season on black players, then make Texas Tech play in front of an empty arena for the rest of the season.

I would have had no problem with Smart and the rest of his teammates walking off the court and refusing to play the rest of the game unless that fan was kicked out.
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The black guy smiling gets me every time LOL already know what he was thinking :pimp:

You knew EXACTLY what he was thinking... "my hitta, my hitta!" :lol:

I'd gladly take him on my team. I was in a similar situation in high school where a fan called me buckwheat and I threw up 2 middle fingers. My coach decided to suspend me for the 1st half of the next game and write an apology to the headmaster of the other school. I one upped him and decided to sit myself for the entire game, which he was not happy about.

@#$% that _. #freemarcussmart
I agree w/ Steven A. smith

Marcus gotta control himself.

What did that push prove? . He won, no matter what this will cost Smart way more than it will him. Buddy is at home chilling with his good ol' boys laughing at how he cost a ****** and he's still gonna call us ******* behind closed doors.

You gonna fight every time you get called a racial slur or disrespected due to race? Get your lawyer money up, bc that's a daily fight

Enh. At some point you gotta stick up for yourself. At the very least it'll make that fan or any other think twice before they swing the N word his way.

Agree he's gotta have tougher skin, but not to the point where anybody can just say whatever the hell they want to you and i'm not going to stick up for myself. All that does is give the idiot more leeway to continue to do it and the player has to deal with even more of it because he just keeps letting it go. A bully isn't going to stop bullying you until you stick up for yourself.

This ain't the 1960's. I'm not just gonna let some racist white dude call me racial slurs and i'm going to shut up, take it, and keep my mouth shut because I'm black and need to just learn to live with racism. By doing/saying nothing over and over you're just giving racists a free pass to be racist. If somebody wants to be racist you can't stop them, but that doesn't mean I've gotta tolerate it and just bend over and take it up the ***. Can't keep giving these bigots free passes.

I don't understand why the refs don't kick fans like this out of games. If I go into the stands chasing a loose ball and some Texas biggot calls me an N word, I should be able to walk over to the ref, tell the ref what happened, and have that fan kicked out of the game and banned from coming back.

As it stands, there's no repercussions for the offender, and the "student-athlete" gets all the punishment.

Dave Zirin made an excellent point:

In a just world, Marcus Smart would not be suspended at all. Instead the NCAA would enact a FIFA-style response. That means they would either bar Jeff Orr for life from ever going to another Texas Tech game, or, if it is found out that “the n-word” gets dropped from the stands in Lubbock like it’s open-season on black players, then make Texas Tech play in front of an empty arena for the rest of the season.

I would have had no problem with Smart and the rest of his teammates walking off the court and refusing to play the rest of the game unless that fan was kicked out.

Doesn't the last scenario make a helluva a lot more.sense than punching the fan? In fact u would be making a much greater statement.

No matter how much u physivallu fight you will not change the hearts of men.
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Marcus Smart gets 3 games. Jeff Orr claims all he said was "piece of crap." :rolleyes

edit: someone did say Piece of crap

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haha man I know you do not really believe that video is authentic!! You can not hear anything except that! obvious they manipulated the video
Lotta new cats coming into this thread for the first time all year :lol: yet :frown:

Can we just call these new posters DISNEY and move on

Okie State tough road comin up, ****** situation for them, do not give ONE damn about the Smart situation. He did what he did. Stupid, others will learn so thats the good thatll come from this. That is all. I sit close usually & Im an ignorant fan at Providence games , i would never be racist, but i will say anything to get in an opps head...damn last week Lavin tried to have me removed :lol:

UMASS w a IMPRESSIVE comeback vs URI... Ripped Hurleys heart out man :lol: that block by Putney tho!!!
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Oh and last post on the subject but LMAO @ people not in the know thinking this incident will affect Smarts stock in ANY way. After the camps gm's will be saying "what incident". The only gms saying **** right now are the ones that know theyll be picking later on and PRAY a guy w Smarts talents will slip to them :lol:

Odds are he still goes top 5. Id lay good money on that
I can't believe they're still carrying on about this on SC. You'd think he had shot him. It was a shove. It was uncalled for and he definitely crossed the line. It's right that he got suspended but in the heat of a game after an intense play and taking a fall your adrenaline is up. Suspension is handed down and it should be done with, I can't make sense of why this is getting school-shooting type of coverage on ESPN.
Marcus Smart gets 3 games. Jeff Orr claims all he said was "piece of crap." :rolleyes

edit: someone did say Piece of crap

:rofl: how is it a crowd full of people and the only thing you can distinguish is "piece of crap"? Call me a skeptic but I don't buy it
And nothing gonna happen to the fan :smh:...espn acting like somebody got shot of course :lol: ...hope my mans smart comes back styling in em
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