The Donald Sterling Thread

big j 33

May 31, 2006
This topic is bigger than the season thread.. there's already a discussion going on in General but here's one for the Sports section so the NBA thread isn't dominated by this discussion.
Or this that one in General. Whatever the mods decide makes the most sense, but it's too big of a topic for just the NBA Thread.

Use this for discussion, new information, league response, etc.
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Whatever legal loophole they find to jump thru, I hope the NBA finds a way to cut his *** with the quickness.

In all likelihood, he'll skate with a mere fine, and then next season, we'll see how many players decide they want out and leave the roster, as well as Doc Rivers.

Any way you slice it, just went Stern gift wrapped them relevancy, Sterling has managed to Clipper himself and his team once again. All the positive vibes they had been building, are all out the door and gone forever, as long as he remains in charge of that franchise.
The more I read about this cat the angrier I get.

Like throw racism out the window and dude is still a huge POS.
it's been going on for yrs. ppl just tolerate it. in my opinion, stern didnt do anything but sweep it under the rug. now it is silver's mess to clean up with the leaked audio.
dont tell me stern couldnt discipline him for all the bs he did as an owner. bringing girls to the locker room, not paying his employees, heckling his own players, discrimination in work place. and we havent even begun with him not renting to black/latinos
Other than an immense amount of public pressure, I'm not sure there's anything anybody can do to make him sell the team.
C CP1708 could be the loophole they need...unfortunately still feels like a reach

Requiring the sale of a team would be the most severe sanction," said sports lawyer Jeffrey Kessler, a partner at Winston & Strawn LLP. "But I believe the NBA would take the position that the commissioner has the necessary authority to take action." He said article 35 of the NBA's constitutional bylaws—which aren't public—gives the commissioner those powers.
it's been going on for yrs. ppl just tolerate it. in my opinion, stern didnt do anything but sweep it under the rug. now it is silver's mess to clean up with the leaked audio.
dont tell me stern couldnt discipline him for all the bs he did as an owner. bringing girls to the locker room, not paying his employees, heckling his own players, discrimination in work place. and we havent even begun with him not renting to black/latinos

Stern went in on Cuban every chance he got.

Like every single chance.
@CP1708 could be the loophole they need...unfortunately still feels like a reach
  Chris Hansen.  
C CP1708 could be the loophole they need...unfortunately still feels like a reach

Requiring the sale of a team would be the most severe sanction," said sports lawyer Jeffrey Kessler, a partner at Winston & Strawn LLP. "But I believe the NBA would take the position that the commissioner has the necessary authority to take action." He said article 35 of the NBA's constitutional bylaws—which aren't public—gives the commissioner those powers.

So Silver's first act, would be to take away a team from an owner worth 2 billion, who also happens to be a lawyer.

Man, if Silver went that route, he's already better than Stern ever was. :lol:

I don't see Silver havin those type balls from go tho.
C CP1708 could be the loophole they need...unfortunately still feels like a reach

Still think he'd have to have the backing of all the other owners to do it. The precedent it would set would be irrelevant, however unpopular it would be amongst the rest of the 29. Sterling should have been gone a long time ago. If he's allowed to remain owner, they should allow all the players to leave.
Other than an immense amount of public pressure, I'm not sure there's anything anybody can do to make him sell the team.

Exactly. And with shared revenue, his pockets will stay fat.

The issue here is that the NBA allowed this to go on for DECADES. It goes to show how the almighty dollar reigns supreme in the grand scheme of things. I mean, why else would this scumbag be the NAACP man of the year in 2009 and then be up for the same award later this year? Yall have to see through this transparent facade. An enabling environment was allowed to go on by his fellow owners, the front office, the coaches, the players, and to some extent, the fans.

It's good that there is finally pressure on the guy, but there is nothing that can be done other than a ridiculously heavy fine by Adam Silver. I'm talking about an unprecedented amount. Sterling is protected by California law in that the recording can be found unlawful. He's an EXTREMELY powerful lawyer and best believe that he'll do what it takes to protect himself.

As stubborn and as miserable as Sterling is, you almost just have to wait for him to die before things, on both a micro and macro level, in LA get back to normalcy.


As I said before, there need to be some HARD questions asked.

1. David Stern & the NBA. Ask them WHY this went on for so long when there are numerous documented incidents detailing Sterling's unethical/racist behavior.

2. Ask the coaches/players that in knowing what Sterling was about, why work/play for him?

I think principle is a great thing to have. It goes with your makeup as far as WHO you are as a person. However, when millions of dollars are at stake, a lot of times dignity and self-respect goes out the window. It's not the case with everyone, but please don't be surprised to hear the reasons as to why many minorities would play under him despite what he's all about. As we saw in another thread, dudes would do nothing short of selling their souls, despite how horrible their boss is, for a big payday. :smh:
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To be fair it has been known the NBA wanted to get rid of Sterling before.

Until lately his incredible cheapness/using the team solely as a moneymaking venture must have rubbed other owners the wrong way.
Alex Kennedy ‏@AlexKennedyNBA 25m
According to TMZ, "V. Stiviano is in possession of more than 100 hours of recordings" of Donald Sterling. Wow. This may get even uglier.

Alex Kennedy ‏@AlexKennedyNBA 22m
V. Stiviano claims Donald Sterling would ask her to record him, as he "frequently forgot what he said and the tapes refreshed his memory."
Alex Kennedy ‏@AlexKennedyNBA 25m
According to TMZ, "V. Stiviano is in possession of more than 100 hours of recordings" of Donald Sterling. Wow. This may get even uglier.

Alex Kennedy ‏@AlexKennedyNBA 22m
V. Stiviano claims Donald Sterling would ask her to record him, as he "frequently forgot what he said and the tapes refreshed his memory."

Hope she releases every single one.
Won't be public pressure or Adam Silver needed.

The answer is: Sponsors.

Carmax, Virgin America & State Farm have already pulled their sponsorships.

Each time one of these happens, the value obviously diminishes immensely.

Only a matter of time before his hand is forced... unfortunately, he will be making a killing as he bough the organization for $12.5 million.
he's the same guy that brought chicks to the locker room to look at dongs. cassell, maggette, brand, and them guys told people within the org and they didnt do a thing bc sterling was in charge.
still remember his deposition talking about chicks giving him head and sucking his feet just cause

i blame david stern for not disciplining him earlier and just sweeping all this under the rug
Am i missing something here? This dude is married and he has a side piece? How the hell is she still married to him?
Am i missing something here? This dude is married and he has a side piece? How the hell is she still married to him?

Because billionaire.

this. i thought it was well known he got a side girl. it's like that for a lot of rich folks. the wives tolerate it, because in the end, it's easier than going through the divorce process and being married to a billionaire still has a lot of benefits. heck, wouldnt surprise me if sterling probably allows her to have a few side boyfriends
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