The Glove Thread / Zoom Flight 98

still waiting on that shipping conf. the kobes i got on friday were mailed sunday night, hopefully these'l update soon
finally saw that my order was updated to "shipped"! I'm still stressing because it is an order for 2 pairs, but I'm feeling better now. The rest of you should get good news soon as well
Did they email you or u just manually checked?

And yes I better get them ******* this week
No email from nike, but my ups mychoice shows label created from Nike.

Edit... Right after I posted this, got the email.
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Yeap just got the email my order has been shipped & also got the draft email for the 11s 
havent got the email but checked Manually and it says the label has been created finally cannot wait to use these as my beaters for Baseball Season Opening day for the Oakland A's cannot come any sooner
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