The Handmaid's Tale [A Hulu Original Series] | [Season III JUNE 5: BLESSED BE THE FIGHT]

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Aunt Lydia episode was great
Crazy because I went to a Catholic Jr and a Christian HS, so I knew teachers and parents like her and old classmates that legit grew up to be like that.
Episode def brought me back. Wish we got some backstory on how she got recruited to an Aunt because she seems pretty high ranking and seems to garner a ton of authority and clout.
Legit chills when that kid said "Thank you Aunt Lydia" when he gave him the present.

This past episode I wasn't a fan of it. I honestly hate it when shows film an entire episode from one place and I know what they were going for and why we had to be there with June, but it would've been nice to have that 2nd storyline for the episode, just wasn't for me.

It seems like we are in the calm before the storm for the season and things start picking up steam with this upcoming episode.
With the type of awards this show has been winning or nominated for, budget shouldn't be an issue especially in the 3rd season.
It was a creative choice, which is fine, just wasn't for me.

This past episode I was tense the entire 2nd half of the episode.
The minute they called June in for The Ceremony as she walked in and her whole expression changed....great stuff.

They do a great job of letting you know something HORRIBLE is about to happen. They always got scenes that make you tense, uneasy.

I thought Commander Lawrence bailed when he just walked out the house. Thought his wife had a trap door in the room they put her in., and she met him somewhere

Crazy how slow this episode was starting for me, had me thinking "Is ANYTHING gonna happen in this episode."

I'll admit, I was out on his show. I stopped watching after episode 7 but got caught up after I'd heard all the buzz about Episode 11. This show has really bad pacing issues (goes two or three episodes with nothing happening then alot happens in 20 mins) but they definitely delivered on this one.

- Fred Waterford has to be the dumbest, most gullible character on TV now. You're a high ranking officer in a totalitarian regime that's killed millions. The moment you cross over into any other country (without diplomatic immunity) you'll be arrested, how do you not know where the border is?
- I feel like they kinda wasted Commander Winslow, I thought they had bigger plans for him but whatever
i just caught up! i don't know if it is my favorite ep this season but it's definitely the most satisfying. so good!
thank goodness we're spared having to see the commander molest fred :lol:

still trips me out that this thread is so dead. even in my small office there are at least 5 people waiting for the season to end so they can binge it.
just watched episode 12. not much action but i guess this is the set up for the season finale.
very enjoyable when fred realizes that serena betrayed him.
i don't think this show is sustainable for a 5th season with june as the central character. she's turned into heisenberg and this show better not get too ludicrous. i hope the finale is great and then they wrap it up next season.
just watched episode 12. not much action but i guess this is the set up for the season finale.
very enjoyable when fred realizes that serena betrayed him.
i don't think this show is sustainable for a 5th season with june as the central character. she's turned into heisenberg and this show better not get too ludicrous. i hope the finale is great and then they wrap it up next season.

I think the show definitely needs a change of scenery. We've seen Gilead, we know its awful and it sucks, we've seen all we need to see of it. That's why I was so frustrated that June decided to stay in Gilead at the end of last season and why I'm excited about Fred and Serena getting arrested. We should focus more on the Canada and resistance stuff and less on the inner workings of of Gilead.
Finally wrapped up season 2 monday ... i dozed off and woke up with June letting Serena hold the baby once more before taking off. So i gotta recap the last 20 min or so but man something good needs to happen :rolleyes
Also, where's Nick? We saw him for like 10 mins five episodes ago and we haven't seen him since
Strong finale. They did a really good job of ratcheting up the tension and delivering on the high stakes moments.

- At least they gave us a good reason for June staying behind this time and she actually accomplished something my staying.
- The Waterfords flipping on each other is hilarious and totally in character; they deserve each other.
- Where's Nick? Dude's been fighting in Chicago for half the season. It's odd that they'd just stop showing a primary character halfway through the season. I really thought we'd see him this episode. I wonder if his character was written off the show.
- I wonder what Commander Lawrence is accomplishing by staying. He said he wants to "clean his own mess", but the only thing that's gonna happen is him getting his wig split
- I really wonder if June survives, I hope she dies tbh, he's had a good character arc (but she's had invulnerable plot armor in the past so well see)

It's gonna be interesting to see where they go from here. I wouldn't mind a (much needed) change of scenery or a new lead character
finally watched the finale last night.

Felt the parts in Gilead draaaagggggged and enjoyed the Waterford/Canada stuff much more. I was pretty underwhelmed.
I'm not saying that I'm not happy those kids(and Rita) got out, but I'm looking to see how the BIG victory happens and how that goes into motion.
To me, this season has been all over the place, some of these storylines should've been in the 2nd season.

After she got caught last season, June could've just put this plan together to end that season, while this season we could've explored Canada stuff and Gilead in DC. I'm going to have to look it up because this season just didn't seem as coherent as the others.
We got a waaaaay overdue Aunt Lydia backstory in a season where she was barely featured. I loved the episode but like many thing it felt out of place.
No Nick either? Had to suspend a ton of belief, because even if that guy gives an "All Clear" sign on the walkie talkie, if I'm on the other side I check it out regardless, dude emptied a clip of ammo on an "false alarm"? Chasing June down on foot and instead of just spraying her with his AK, he's shooting the shots one by one, pretty convenient.

Man that entire plane scene was great though, from seeing those kids and Rita, to the little girl reuniting with her dad, to Luke looking for his kid, to EMily greeting Rita, some damn good writing.

They gotta end it next season though

Also besides my wife, I think the woman who's face I would recognize the most is Elisabeth Moss, half of every show is closeups of her face.
Not sure if any leading lady has had the camera on just her face the way she has, movie or TV
just a random thought
So i finally wrapped this up last night, didnt know it had more seasons to go so I was like damn thats it. Overall i enjoyed it, it took me some time the pace is so slow then boom action for a lil bit

Anyways ....

- First, Thank you for getting OfMatthew tfoh!!!
- Ok lets be serious here I know its a show and June is THE character but it makes no sense that she has been able to still be alive after everything she has done. She's been "punished" what 2,3x (whipping her feet, they clip her ear?, then staying on her knees at the hospital). She should have been on the wall long ago
- Between The Leftovers and this Ann Dowd's characters deserve what happens to them
- Fred & Serena :lol:

They do a good job with makeup on June between all the closeups her appearance changes so much. But when Fred first took her in the city and she was walkin woth the dress n heels i was like :wow: Offred? ... not bad
cant wait for season 4

Hope they tine down OfFred's character a bit...she was too Rambo last season and it was frustrating as hell.

Season 4 should be centered on the Canadian side of things now.

Really the only thing I really did not like from this show is the constant humanizing of the Waterford's and Aunt Lydia, all just to turn them around and be completely evil the next scene. To me, there are no redeeming qualities of anyone in Gilead, except Nick and Commander Lawrence. I hope they get into more of how the founders of Gilead will be dealt with and killed, because they frickin deserve it.
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