The I want a bae - The Single Thread

Isn't 18 out of range for you. How low are you willing to go

Real talk what's your philosophy on the age limit thing.

The official "Half your age plus 7" Rule when it comes to dating. anything out of the blue is deemed inappropriate. For instance You being 20 and the other party is 15, its below the Red line

This rule has been documented in use as early as 1901
What is there that could be done to be more out there with more opportunities? I don't have a traditional job and I wanna be more out there to find that right chick.

Pedro try and have more confidence man. Just go out there and enjoy yourself and have some fun. Don't get discouraged you just haven't found the right person yet. Be patient talk to chicks and just have fun. When I'm on Tinder I don't even care much about whether I'm gonna score or not. I go on there just to have fun and take my chances to see if I match with someone interesting. I use the same two lines over and over again when I get matched:

The Ecook line which I'm incredibly grateful for: Does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend now?
And Can I borrow you? I'll give you back I promise.

I just go on there to have fun and quell my time when I'm bored. Don't press, just enjoy yourself.

See, this is the double edge sword I deal with on a constant basis. Overall, I'm pretty confident in myself just not when it comes to women. I've been through some hard things in my life, had odds stacked against me but I still was able to finish school, get my B.S. in Business Management and learn how to become a man ( more or less) without a father figure in my life. I've worked hard for everything I have although it may not be much, I've never had anything handed to me. I have all the characteristic these broads ask for in a "good dude" but I guess it just comes down to physical attraction and wealth, which the Good Lord didn't bless me with. I mean, I know as a person, I'm better than half of the dudes I'm losing out to girls on but they won't give me a the chance to showcase that and hence that makes me the token shoulder to cry on; the plan b. This last girl that I had feelings for really hurt because again, I felt this girl was within my "range". She's about a 4, maybe a 5 based on her being white and thin. I grade myself a 4 looks wise so being turned down by a girl like that hit me like "damn" I guess I have no choice but to date 1's and 2's even though I have far more to give. I know I have no game, that's pretty obvious, I'm just a plain, honest dude but I guess these girls rather be lied to. I'm in a no win situation. I've got no direction and losing time day by day. I'm destined to just be that dude who's the "friend" and it kills me because I know I have more to offer. This whole paragraph is making me depressed so I'm gonna go get to 40s at the local liquor store and call it a day. :frown:
You'll be fine man I think you just put too much pressure on yourself. Don't worry about 4s or 5s who cares about that stuff. If you're a good dude internally with a good mind a good heart and a good spirit you'll attract someone incredibly special. But if you keep viewing yourself as inferior or whatever it becomes a tougher journey. Just focus on the positive stuff in life and go out there and do what you can. No 4 overcomes adversity like you did, that's a 10 right there. Believe in yourself and have fun.
These are the types of girls I advise dudes to stay away from if you want a solid relationship. These materialistic birds won't hesitate to move on to the next sucka
Fame and notoriety >>>> money when it comes to bagging ****.

I know plenty of lames with bread that ain't getting no *******. Plus who wants to basically pay a ***** to fw you? That's prostitution.

****, all you have to do is LOOK like you have money and stature and you'll be good. ******* like that attention they get from being with a famous dude(or a dude that knows everybody) it's all about how much attention you can manage to get them
You need to stop viewing girls as these special mythical creatures. Stop putting the P on a pedestal. Be nonchalant when it comes to girls and ALWAYS let them know you have other female options
See, this is the double edge sword I deal with on a constant basis. Overall, I'm pretty confident in myself just not when it comes to women. I've been through some hard things in my life, had odds stacked against me but I still was able to finish school, get my B.S. in Business Management and learn how to become a man ( more or less) without a father figure in my life. I've worked hard for everything I have although it may not be much, I've never had anything handed to me. I have all the characteristic these broads ask for in a "good dude" but I guess it just comes down to physical attraction and wealth, which the Good Lord didn't bless me with. I mean, I know as a person, I'm better than half of the dudes I'm losing out to girls on but they won't give me a the chance to showcase that and hence that makes me the token shoulder to cry on; the plan b. This last girl that I had feelings for really hurt because again, I felt this girl was within my "range". She's about a 4, maybe a 5 based on her being white and thin. I grade myself a 4 looks wise so being turned down by a girl like that hit me like "damn" I guess I have no choice but to date 1's and 2's even though I have far more to give. I know I have no game, that's pretty obvious, I'm just a plain, honest dude but I guess these girls rather be lied to. I'm in a no win situation. I've got no direction and losing time day by day. I'm destined to just be that dude who's the "friend" and it kills me because I know I have more to offer. This whole paragraph is making me depressed so I'm gonna go get to 40s at the local liquor store and call it a day. :frown:
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These are the types of girls I advise dudes to stay away from if you want a solid relationship. These materialistic birds won't hesitate to move on to the next sucka

I agree but part of me feels like every girl is really like this. Not to the extreme but I feel like every girl is attracted to the stature of a man In some way

Kind of relating to why a girl would want a dude that gets a bunch of a girls.
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Word, man. Who cares? I'll show my age here but back in the myspace days, I remember my "sent" folder was like 50+ pages and I only had like 5 active pages worth of messages :lol: Just keep shooting and you're bound to hit something.

Maybe lower your standards until you hit your stride and then work your way up?

I feel you man but i just dont think the online stuff works for a dude like me. Like i said, i tried it and failed miserably. You got (no romo) better looking dudes on there cuz they know they can get the desperate yambs and usually do. So know these homely females think they at the level even though they just get used by these dudes to get their beak wet. My standards arent that high either. All i ask for is a girl smaller than me. Im 5' 10" and have a stocky build from what ive been told. I just recently got rejected by a white ***** that i work with who's face would remind you of a gargoyle. She is thin so i guess thats why rejected my *** and worse, shes after another puto i work with (pretty boy douche type) who is probably just smashing on the side even though his girl is mad cute. I just dont anymore. I try not to let it get to me but at my age, with everyone else i know is with someone and with kids, it messes with you. My self esteem is low to begin with but the way females see me really has me suicidal at times. Anyways, imma stop right here but i do appreciate y'all for hearing me out as i got nobody to turn to and get help when it comes it comes to this

Johnny pretty much hit the nail on the head. Just go out, have fun, and try not to worry about it. You always get what you're looking for when you're not thinking/looking for it. It's cliche but it's true. And put that 40 down and go to the gym or something. From the two paragraphs you said about yourself, you've worked so hard in life, don't call it a life now.
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