The Last Exorcism trailer (excuse if late)

Went to the midnight showing last night, movie sucked. The ending was TERRIBLE.
69% on rottentomatoes...I'm on the borderline between watching and not watching. All i know is I am definitely not paying $10 a ticket for this no matter what.
69% on rottentomatoes...I'm on the borderline between watching and not watching. All i know is I am definitely not paying $10 a ticket for this no matter what.
69% on rottentomatoes...I'm on the borderline between watching and not watching. All i know is I am definitely not paying $10 a ticket for this no matter what.
69% on rottentomatoes...I'm on the borderline between watching and not watching. All i know is I am definitely not paying $10 a ticket for this no matter what.
Can Someone Explain The Ending For Me? I Was Sitting There Watching Like "%%+?...... That's It?". Maybe I Missed Something
Can Someone Explain The Ending For Me? I Was Sitting There Watching Like "%%+?...... That's It?". Maybe I Missed Something
Don't even waste your time watching this mess. It was weak, IMO.
Don't even waste your time watching this mess. It was weak, IMO.
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