The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Eh I can’t get into black clover. It’s trying so hard to capture the magic of other popular shounen series but it feels super derivative
:lol: it's annoying but I still find it funny though. I rlike this anime. It kinda reminds me of My Hero Academia but with magic instead of superpowers. Anyone know when MHA is coming back?
Damn. I know what I'm going to watch next then!

Still in the process of finishing up FMAB and Akame Ga Kill
Damn. I know what I'm going to watch next then!

Still in the process of finishing up FMAB and Akame Ga Kill
Hold up though fam... I'm only on episode 5 I think or 6, so don't jump in just yet unless someone else can vouch for it too. :lol:
I decided to catch up and read some MHA. I got past the overhaul arc and fight. It was dope but the art is starting into Bleach territory. Where I have zero idea what is happening during fights.

I’m also tired of the hero’s being incompetent. Like besides All Might, the rest are mostly garbage tied aside from Endeavor and the bandage eraser guy. The villains are just too OP
been trying to tell yall.

Amel, how deep in Anime are you trying to get, and does it only have to be the serious shonen ones, or do you want to have a laugh or two. what else you looking for?

how to get yambs in a dungeon is a good one too (I dont know the real title for it but it's close)
Lol if Deku becomes like All Might right away then it's just going to be boring. All Might is effing OP.

Watching the struggle and the slow improvement is enjoyable for me.


By the way, I cam here to post about how I was caught off guard by the episode 37 twist for FMAB :wow:
Lol if Deku becomes like All Might right away then it's just going to be boring. All Might is effing OP.

Watching the struggle and the slow improvement is enjoyable for me.


By the way, I cam here to post about how I was caught off guard by the episode 37 twist for FMAB :wow:
It’s not really deku as much as all the other adult heroes are garbage.
Tower of God:

The arc is picking up. It's crazy to see how strong the family heads were even as they were climbing the tower. I'm excited to see Baam's training with Khun's father. Baam hasn't gotten to finish his ricepot revolution, this training plus that, if he still needs it will make him impressive. My concern is he'll be too powerful to travel with the rest of the cast, which is what Quant warned at the end of the part 1, that him and Endrossi would be the only 2 who could climb together, but I don't see Khun and Rak settling for that. Nor do I see current Baam wanting that, but Baam has so much room for development his perspective could easily change there. I hope Khun and everyone else gets to join in onthe training, so that the rest of the team can shine a bit, as the story has been a bit too focused on big Baam battles and on the FoD, it was more a Urek battle. Right now Khun can't even use his Enna core so his last "power up" is gone. Rachel got a power up that I hope ends up biting her. We haven't really seen the results of Endrosi's training. Also want to see what Hockney can do and the girl with the pillow, I want to see what that plot point of her family head giving her a task on the data floor ends up being.

Hopefully we also get to see more of Khun's background as he notices differences between this version of his father and the one he knows. It seems the climb has changed the family heads quite a bit. I think SIU is setting this arc up so that we can learn more about Khun as well which will be interesting.

I originally thought Jahad had tricked the God of Guardians when the GoG said Jahad wasn't corrupted when he did his ricepot revolution, but it looks like the real Jahad came back to corrupt his data to make it more like his current self. Sucks that he deleted the data of the other family heads though.

It'll be interesting to see if Baam can learn attacks from the family heads. I think he should be able to, but there might be some restrictions. I do want Baam to start developing his own fighting style, but then I remember that he's still relatively young in terms of entering the story, developing his own personality and world views and things like that so it'll definitely be a while depending on how long SIU makes the time skip after this saga.
That's what I've been saying about MHA that bothers me.
You have Deku (which again I dont mind his type of character, he actually strives to get better despite his original short comings)
but other than All-might who you have no made oboslete the rest of the adults are trash. Just about all have trash powers too except eraser head)
And still not letting all the kids shine. other than letting Shoto and deku fight in that tournament, the rest have not shown an ounce of that awesomeness. THey had a chance for Bakugo during his mini arc to shine and they wasted it.
the studious student with the super calves they had a chance for him to really shine... they kinda dropped that ball.
Even the girls Uravity and the other one who is class president dropped the ball. and I think she has a cool power, kinda like Erza from fairy Tail

I hope this isn't the only big battle we get to see Shin command his whole army. Hopefully they don't have him regress after this. Maybe Shin will take some interest in strategy. It's a pretty good fight, glad he's not dominating Gyou'un or anything, but is getting some hits in. The pace of these last few chapters has been really fast. He's already battling Gyou'on which is interesting. I wonder if they'll have him eliminated this soon after his introduction or if there will be additional rounds of this battle. I think it's too quick to move things toward the conclusion of this portion of the battle.
Just got into MHA, so far, so good. I like it more than OPM because it's alot more intricate with multiple interesting characters. OPM is more satirical with more visuals and action so it's apples and oranges, but I enjoy MHA more. Can anyone recommend another new(ish) Anime for me on either Netflix or Hulu?
That's what I've been saying about MHA that bothers me.
You have Deku (which again I dont mind his type of character, he actually strives to get better despite his original short comings)
but other than All-might who you have no made oboslete the rest of the adults are trash. Just about all have trash powers too except eraser head)
And still not letting all the kids shine. other than letting Shoto and deku fight in that tournament, the rest have not shown an ounce of that awesomeness. THey had a chance for Bakugo during his mini arc to shine and they wasted it.
the studious student with the super calves they had a chance for him to really shine... they kinda dropped that ball.
Even the girls Uravity and the other one who is class president dropped the ball. and I think she has a cool power, kinda like Erza from fairy Tail
I think the show works best going through deku. Focusing on too many characters can have its drawbacks. For example, I'm up to episode 50 of FMAB and I feel like Ed gets lost in the mix A LOT. Sometimes it's like I forget he's in the show.

As far as MHA, the show is really about the kids. No need to focus on the adult heroes. I don't mind that these kids are struggling cuz I think that's the point. They're learning form their failures.
It's Def personal preference. Some people like the focus on one character with others sprinkled in.... some focus on everyone... . I prefer everyone get some shine.
Which is why I live OP FMAB. NARUTO
I also like the one character mangas but it needs to be solely about that character. For me.
Shin Angy Onshi. Ares. Air gear.

Mha to me is not a good attempt to try to do both.
But again if you like it cool.
I will continually gripe about it til it gets better since I'm somewhat invested.
But I'm cynical like thay
I have finished Baki, finally. I thought the show was damn near perfect.

Suggest something else for me.

I like violence. I like being put in a trance from a spiritual perspective. Nothing mindless.

Preferrably something fighting related
One Piece
I have all the respect in the world for Katakuri as a character now. I sure hope that they don't kill each other and they both come out as rivals after all this is said and done. It'd be good for Luffy to have someone out there with similar powers that he can butt heads with on occasion.
I have finished Baki, finally. I thought the show was damn near perfect.

Suggest something else for me.

I like violence. I like being put in a trance from a spiritual perspective. Nothing mindless.

Preferrably something fighting related
I always thought Space Dandy, as comical as it was, went into some deep subjects in quite a few episodes.

As for the violence aspect, you can never go wrong with Black Lagoon or Jormungand.
I saw on my Xbox dashboard an ad for Your Name. Reminded me that I never got around to watching it. Anime movies are hit and miss for me if they aren’t Ghibli. The boy and the beast was kinda garbage imo but A Silent Voice was one of the best I’ve ever seen) highly recommended).
One Piece
I have all the respect in the world for Katakuri as a character now. I sure hope that they don't kill each other and they both come out as rivals after all this is said and done. It'd be good for Luffy to have someone out there with similar powers that he can butt heads with on occasion.
Yea he's easily my new top 5 villian
One Piece

I enjoyed Katakuri in this chapter. Hope the fight doesn't just turn into a generic brawl though. I feel like even when Luffy gets his observation haki to Katakuri's level, Katakuri's awakening should continue to give him a solid advantage. I don't see Luffy awakening in this fight, so interested to see the conclusion. I like Luffy repeating what Crocodile told him in Alabasta.
Some solid development for Katakuri it seems like he no longer cares about appearing perfect. He went from killing the chefs who saw him eating to not really caring about them taking picture of his this chapter. It could be that it's because it's his sister. I find it interesting how Big Mom claims she wants all the races to live together peacefully in Totland and loves exotic creatures, the family members with abnormalities seems to be treated poorly. Pudding because she's a 3 eye, Katakuri b/c of his mouth. Seems like that's a theme Oda's wanted to hammer home in the New World. Also, now that we've had these developments hopefully the arc can wrap up
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