bought really yellowed white/red V's yesterday....and a 16 oz bottle of seaglow. ill post pictures when i get them. i hope it works :\

maybe 10 thin coats of seaglow for about 10 hours in the sun....only doing the one shoe now....for comparrison

its slowly working

Wow looks good.
I'm about to do the bar keepr's friend thing right now
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o k getting a ilittle frustrated.
On my third try and the white cloth material is just as yellow as the first time I tried it.
What am I doing wrong?
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ok frustrated.
can someone put a step by step for the bar keeper and sea glow so this thread doesn't get to 100+ pages.
On my 4th try, I let it sit for a few minutes and nothing.
I see all of these before and after for the sea glow but no step by step for the BKF?

Now I totally understand why NT won't make this a sticky.
That would make NT partly responsible for ruined shoes and mess up it's reputation for reccomending something that doesn't really work.
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lol how would a sticky make NT responsible, the purpose of a sticky is to make a useful topic easy to find.

anway, I could use some instructions for bar keepers friend as well. Can anybody who had success with it post what they did exactly.
Well if they made it a sticky it would be like NT is promoting the use of something that is obviously a controversial(spelling) product.

I mean I'm at the point where I want to leave the bar keeper's friend soaked into the mesh of my concord's for a whole day just to see if any affect will take place. I'm pretty sure that would do more damage then good but on the otherhand there is no for sure step by step instructions.

In otherwords NT would be held responsible for promoting the use of chemicals on your shoes for something that the chemicals weren't originally intended for. At this point the success of bar keeper's friend of making your mesh white again and sea glow turing yellow soles clear is only an opinion. If NT put this thread up it would be like NT stamping those products with thier name.



EDIT* I just check my still yellow meshed concord's that are drying right now an dguess what showed up today?
Those black spots? What the hell are those? Is there any success stories about bar keeper's friend besides the 1 1/2 in this thread?
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Could you because bar keeper's friend is doing jack but making dark spots appear on my concords
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Can someone please clarify on the exact process of using barkeepr's friend?
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Bar Keeper's Friend Instructions:
1. Put some of the powder in a cup.
2. Put some water (not too much, just a little) into the cup with the powder and mix it up. Try to get a somewhat thick paste.
3. Apply the paste to the mesh. I used a toothbrush for this.
4. Wipe off the excess paste with a paper towel.

Is it really that hard? I know these instructions have been posted before. These products work, you just have to be able to read to make them work.

If these instructions don't work for you, then Bar Keeper's Friend probably isn't for you. Take that for what it is worth.

BTW, this thread really should be stickied still.
Check out my listings:

Jordan X Ice Blue and Jordan XVIII, plus some Trunners, size 10.5-11

My bad. So I guess you're not supposed to wash the bar keeper's friend out? That would work I guess but then I guess it doesn't really whiten the mesh just covers it up? Well then that would explain why ot would "flatten" out the mesh.

There should be an edit in the first post that BKF only covers up the yellow rather than actually whitening the mesh.
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IMO, I think the OxiClean in the spray bottle is better than BKF... It actually gets rid of yellowing, rather than covering it up...

In case you're wondering it comes in a blue Windex-sized bottle... I used it on my girl's XI's and it pretty much turned 'em brand new... (The yellowing was on the lace-strap things)

Not really. The little bit of paste that will be left in the mesh becomes powder-like, almost a white dust. So try to get as much of it off by brushing it or even padding it down. Even by the time I first wore them after using the BKF, every time I'd tighten up my laces, you could see the white dust coming off them. BUT one things for sure, they look clean!!! The mesh's texture does change though, it sort loses some of its padding. But again both products work, just be patient! BKFs well worth the almost two buck I spent on the can.
Well after about 4 applications I'll show you my success or lack of. I think I'm gonna try oxiclean.

Tried this

Was Expecting This

Who's pics are these anyhow?
And why is only the toes a shiny patent leather and not the backs? Photoshopped?!

and got this

and this

For some Reason the yellow on the mesh isn't showing up as much as it does in person. Maybe I'm just expecting too much.

Stupid BKF
Sooooooooooo disapointing.
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The before and after pictures are mine. Nothing is photoshopped except I might have adjusted the brightness since the picture may have been a little dark. I do not know why the patent leather doesn't appear shiny along the side.

The difference in results could also be due to the fact that the pair I used was brand new and the yellowing was a result of sunlight instead of hard water stains, etc.
Am I supposed to let the Bar keeper's friend totally dry up before I wipe it off because after applying the bar keeper's friend the black spots dissappeared.

I am starting to lose hope. I'm not even going to try the sea glow if I have yellow/black spotted mesh.
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Slept on, you gotta be patient brova!!! First off, make the paste chunkier!!! Do not let the paste dry!!! Id say let it sort soak into the mesh for about 2-4 mins and then wipe off with a damp towel as much as possible. If you have those black leftover marks, just wash it over with BKF again. All those spots mean that you left a bit of paste on that spot. So perhaps after you wipe it all off, dampen a toothbrush with water and brush those leftover spots to sort of dilute the paste left on there. Thats what I did!!!! And btw, Im telling you!!! I've tried it all since the first release of the xi's, and any other products like oxiclean, bleach or any other detergent will leave the mesh yellow, opaque and spotty. The best thing out there is BKF, which flattens the mesh (not completely though), but leaves it as white as can be!!! And SG which does work miracles!!
^^^ Yes, he is right. Do not let it dry. I agree completely with that. And I mentioned trying to make a thick paste... it just works better.

Yes, all BFK does is really put kind of a real thin layer over the yellowing. It does not "reverse oxidation" in anyway, just makes the shoes look better. SeaGlow, however, is a different matter (because it actually does something to decrease the visibility of oxidation without just covering it up).
Check out my listings:

Jordan X Ice Blue and Jordan XVIII, plus some Trunners, size 10.5-11

i just tried sea glow on my fire red 5s mesh and it didn't work. followed the instructions precisely. anyone know how long im suppose to leave it out in the sun to get results. i left it out there for over 8 hrs today and don't seem a bit of difference.

any ideas as to why this is?
^^^^^^^^^^ It works really good on V soles.....but I've tried on the mesh for days and had no results....I guess keep trying :rolleyes

Sorry SleptOn...thats really wack.
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