***The Official Legalization of Cannabis Thread***

Originally Posted by chr1scross

from the bay.. so I got to chime in..

2008-2010 smoked weed a lot

stopped october.. career reasons

but will vote yes because it will jus set the tone for the legalization of marijuana period

btw.. Sour diesel, OG Kush, Cherry Pie, Blue Dream, Headband >>>>

Cali is gonna be an interesting place to live if this is passed. Gonna roll up the fattest victory blunt.
Originally Posted by chr1scross

from the bay.. so I got to chime in..

2008-2010 smoked weed a lot

stopped october.. career reasons

but will vote yes because it will jus set the tone for the legalization of marijuana period

btw.. Sour diesel, OG Kush, Cherry Pie, Blue Dream, Headband >>>>

Cali is gonna be an interesting place to live if this is passed. Gonna roll up the fattest victory blunt.
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

[h3]California: Study Say Blacks Disproportionately Arrested For Minor Marijuana Crimes[/h3] October 22nd, 2010 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director
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From 2006 to 2008, African Americans were arrested for marijuana possession offenses in California’s 25 largest cities at at four, five, six, seven and even twelve times the rate of whites, according to a report released today by researchers at the Queens College, City University of New York and Shenandoah University in Virginia.

Among some of the California cities profiled:

* The City of Los Angeles, with ten percent of California’s population, arrested blacks for marijuana possession at seven times the rate of whites.

* San Diego, the second largest city in California, arrested blacks for marijuana possession at nearly six times the rate of whites.

* In Pasadena, blacks are 11% of the population but 49% of the people arrested for marijuana possession. Pasadena arrested blacks at twelve and a half times the rate of whites.

* In Sacramento, the state capitol, blacks are 14% of the city’s population but more than 51% of all the people arrested for possessing marijuana.

* San Jose, the third largest city in California, is only 2.9% African American. But San Jose arrested blacks for marijuana possession at more than five times the rate of whites. San Jose arrested 619 blacks per 100,000 blacks compared to 121 whites per 100,000 whites.

* The City of Torrance, with a population of 140,000, had the highest racial disparity of the 25 cities. Blacks are only 2% of the population but they made up almost 24% of the people arrested for marijuana possession. Torrance arrested blacks at over thirteen times the rate for whites.

“These racially-biased marijuana arrests were a system-wide phenomenon, occurring in every county and nearly every police department in California,â€
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

[h3]California: Study Say Blacks Disproportionately Arrested For Minor Marijuana Crimes[/h3] October 22nd, 2010 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director
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From 2006 to 2008, African Americans were arrested for marijuana possession offenses in California’s 25 largest cities at at four, five, six, seven and even twelve times the rate of whites, according to a report released today by researchers at the Queens College, City University of New York and Shenandoah University in Virginia.

Among some of the California cities profiled:

* The City of Los Angeles, with ten percent of California’s population, arrested blacks for marijuana possession at seven times the rate of whites.

* San Diego, the second largest city in California, arrested blacks for marijuana possession at nearly six times the rate of whites.

* In Pasadena, blacks are 11% of the population but 49% of the people arrested for marijuana possession. Pasadena arrested blacks at twelve and a half times the rate of whites.

* In Sacramento, the state capitol, blacks are 14% of the city’s population but more than 51% of all the people arrested for possessing marijuana.

* San Jose, the third largest city in California, is only 2.9% African American. But San Jose arrested blacks for marijuana possession at more than five times the rate of whites. San Jose arrested 619 blacks per 100,000 blacks compared to 121 whites per 100,000 whites.

* The City of Torrance, with a population of 140,000, had the highest racial disparity of the 25 cities. Blacks are only 2% of the population but they made up almost 24% of the people arrested for marijuana possession. Torrance arrested blacks at over thirteen times the rate for whites.

“These racially-biased marijuana arrests were a system-wide phenomenon, occurring in every county and nearly every police department in California,â€
[h3]19 Reasons for Every Californian to Vote Yes on Prop 19[/h3] October 25th, 2010 By: Russ Belville, NORML Outreach Coordinator
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California’s Prop 19 will be the most talked-about ballot initiative in the November election.  This measure would make lawful the possession and sharing of one ounce of marijuana outside the home and allow for personal cultivation of a small marijuana garden and possession of its harvest in the home.  California cities and counties would be able to opt-in to commercial sales, regulation, and taxation of marijuana.  Existing prohibitions against driving under the influence and working under the influence would be maintained and prohibitions against furnishing marijuana to minors would be strengthened.

After almost 100 years of marijuana prohibition in California, marijuana is more popular and accepted than everProhibition has clearly failed. Prop 19 gives us another choice, one that benefits not just those whoenjoy the herb, but the entire state of California and ultimately, thenation and the world.  Whether you are a regular marijuana user now, anoccasional toker back in the day, or you’ve never touched the stuff,there are many compelling economic, social, public safety, and civillibertarian reasons to support its legalization.  Here are nineteenreasons for six distinct groups of Californians to vote Yes on Prop 19.
[h2]For the Concerned Parents[/h2]
1. To make pot more difficult for kids to buy.It might seem counter-intuitive to some, but illegal marijuana is mucheasier to acquire than regulated marijuana because weed dealers don’tcheck ID’s.  Four out of five high school seniors, more than three infive sophomores, and two in five middle schoolers (8[sup]th[/sup] grade) say marijuana is “fairly easyâ€
[h3]19 Reasons for Every Californian to Vote Yes on Prop 19[/h3] October 25th, 2010 By: Russ Belville, NORML Outreach Coordinator
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California’s Prop 19 will be the most talked-about ballot initiative in the November election.  This measure would make lawful the possession and sharing of one ounce of marijuana outside the home and allow for personal cultivation of a small marijuana garden and possession of its harvest in the home.  California cities and counties would be able to opt-in to commercial sales, regulation, and taxation of marijuana.  Existing prohibitions against driving under the influence and working under the influence would be maintained and prohibitions against furnishing marijuana to minors would be strengthened.

After almost 100 years of marijuana prohibition in California, marijuana is more popular and accepted than everProhibition has clearly failed. Prop 19 gives us another choice, one that benefits not just those whoenjoy the herb, but the entire state of California and ultimately, thenation and the world.  Whether you are a regular marijuana user now, anoccasional toker back in the day, or you’ve never touched the stuff,there are many compelling economic, social, public safety, and civillibertarian reasons to support its legalization.  Here are nineteenreasons for six distinct groups of Californians to vote Yes on Prop 19.
[h2]For the Concerned Parents[/h2]
1. To make pot more difficult for kids to buy.It might seem counter-intuitive to some, but illegal marijuana is mucheasier to acquire than regulated marijuana because weed dealers don’tcheck ID’s.  Four out of five high school seniors, more than three infive sophomores, and two in five middle schoolers (8[sup]th[/sup] grade) say marijuana is “fairly easyâ€
i hope they don't start railroading cats while their on da way to polls ala florida election in 2000.....

start randomly sacking groups by stopping and frisking....
i hope they don't start railroading cats while their on da way to polls ala florida election in 2000.....

start randomly sacking groups by stopping and frisking....
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

* In Pasadena, blacks are 11% of the population but 49% of the people arrested for marijuana possession. Pasadena arrested blacks at twelve and a half times the rate of whites.

Wow.  Are there other reasons besides racial bias for such a huge discrepancy in Pasadena?  Cali NTers chime in?

cops are going to always be snooping around and patrolling %$###% areas. no surprise here.
stoners from outside of Cali should be telling your relatives and friends there to vote to pass prop 19. Cali bud is already all over the country, the price drop will be felt nationwide. Think about how much more herb will be coming out of Cali if this passes. I really wish it was my state voting on this.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

* In Pasadena, blacks are 11% of the population but 49% of the people arrested for marijuana possession. Pasadena arrested blacks at twelve and a half times the rate of whites.

Wow.  Are there other reasons besides racial bias for such a huge discrepancy in Pasadena?  Cali NTers chime in?

cops are going to always be snooping around and patrolling %$###% areas. no surprise here.
stoners from outside of Cali should be telling your relatives and friends there to vote to pass prop 19. Cali bud is already all over the country, the price drop will be felt nationwide. Think about how much more herb will be coming out of Cali if this passes. I really wish it was my state voting on this.
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