The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Idk if any of yall have watched Pete davidsons latest comedy special

It was so booty i turned it off 10 mins in

He was clearly high off something and it was so cringe watching him bomb over and over.
I knew this guy from For All Mankind was familiar:


But I only recently realised who he was:

Don't think I've watched a series on netflix since the first season of Russian Doll. Liked the first season, didn't finish the second.
What's good on there?
Brothers Sun was entertaining. Not the best writing and some just weirdly convenient stuff, but shut your brain off and Enjoy Michelle Yeoh and the family drama, a little comedy Plus some great action scenes. Great food shots too, been fighting the urge to get churros. Chairleg such an ill ***** he got me to call him chairleg (pause).
Brothers Sun was entertaining. Not the best writing and some just weirdly convenient stuff, but shut your brain off and Enjoy Michelle Yeoh and the family drama, a little comedy Plus some great action scenes. Great food shots too, been fighting the urge to get churros. Chairleg such an ill ***** he got me to call him chairleg (pause).

Yea the writing was downright bad at times but it did just enough with the action, food and visuals to stop me from hating it. :lol:

I think some of the bad writing was done purposefully.
It was so cliche and ridiculous but mildly entertaining. Interpol chick is hot so I kept watching waiting for t****y which never happened.
Yeah she was fine.

It was entertaining but for me, I don't need much to be kept entertained.
The heist was lazily written. The crew wasn't interesting. The guy that cracks the safe was mad annoying. Had the most who cares villain ever. I think he had a total of 2 minutes of screen time.
They really just painted fake gold bricks and swapped it out at the end.... that was the big reveal? their biggest issue was the agent breaking the device. Dude had no difficulty cracking the safe and swapping the gold. :lol:
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