The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

^Thanks my man. Forgot to mention they are freelensed (lens not attached to camera to allow for closer focus).

those came out really well, no light leaks? scared to try this because i hate getting dirt/stuff on the sensor...

one more of the bike, love how it came out:

athleticism by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

haven't really gone out to shoot anything for a minute, so just randoms from the cue:

en route by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

parallels II by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

on point: flatiron building by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

outchea by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

structural symmetry by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

dancing the dragon by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

floater by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

cab ride by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr
Finally got to take my D810 out to play on Saturday. Went for a walk around DC area to put the camera through its paces. Loving the improvements over the D800 thus far! Here's a couple sample pix, all SOOC aside from a few exposure changes. No sharpening or clarity was added. More info on my blog! 
Was reading your blog. What made you decide to go through Amazon rather than B&H or Adorama?
Just brand loyalty I guess. I been shopping with Amazon for so long, plus Prime, they had never let me down in the past. Also, no taxes sure does help when making a large purchase.
Just brand loyalty I guess. I been shopping with Amazon for so long, plus Prime, they had never let me down in the past. Also, no taxes sure does help when making a large purchase.

Understandable. I asked because I didn't know what type of rewards they offered. I plan to get the D810 also but I think B&H offers 4% back. Would've used it on something else. Being in the DMV usually got my packages next day or so when I ordered from them. Definitely jealous tho. Having a real struggle about if I should get a 70-200 before the new camera.
prime has spoiled me.
Needed a long walk today. Took this one. iIsh I had a longer exposure but I brought the wrong filter so I had to hold up a 77mm filter up to my 82mm lens as steady as possible 
when people see the final image do they notice the edits?

I am pretty sure they know that the images were touched up but don't know how much was done. This is not a usual edit for me tho. Most times I just clean up blemished and lightly dodge and burn. I will use frequency separation if there are a lot of imperfections with the skin tone and texture. I have been seeing a horrible trend lately, where photographers will blur the skin and sharpen the eyes :smh: .

I like how polished the 2nd pic looks but I like her skin tone on the before pic more.

Thanks for the critique, I may go back and play with the tones a little more.
Haven't posted anything in a cool minute. Here are some of my recent shots. Check me on Flickr one time: NTKnows 72

Prehistoric 2 by NTKnows 72, on Flickr

[COLOR=#red]This was taken with a Nikon 3200 with a fixed 50mm 1.8 lens. If somehow the exif data was taken away the photog said it was taken with one of the premium Full Frame DSLRS nobody would know the wiser.

In the firearm world we say most guns are more accurate than the shooter, well I think most cameras are more capable than their photog. We have a tendency to upgrade and move up before truly mastering what we have at the time. No shots fired, just saying.[/COLOR]
Eh, I don't really care :lol:

I came from a Samsung P&S then several camera phones. I fell in love with the art form so I grabbed a beginner's DSLR. I've only been shooting for about two months so I'm teaching myself on the fly. I'm going to grab a photography book and really go to town soon though.
[COLOR=#red]Sorry Marshal're the man and all, but Rakim is THE Rap Gawd!!! Awesome pics of the legend Fong. Jealous I wasn't there.[/COLOR]

Thanks my dude. Rakim is actually a very photogenic rapper. Doesn't really move much and always does poses from set to set. Unfortunately at the venue I got to, it's lit pretty bad with red and blue ambient light which I really hate. At least at some other places, they'll mix up the lighting a bit more where you get more variation. Dope concert though and really cool to see like super old heads there. Rakim is like a generation before me so oddly, I was one of the younger people folks in the crowd for once. Haha.

If you guys like concert photos, I have to plug my (I guess) colleague. Dude blogs for The Hundreds and is a overall great shooter but I love his concert works. It's something I have yet to even get close to seeing he doesn't have that wall that I have where he doesn't feel compelled to be in one area. I know he has a photo pass but he really goes out of his way to get different angles and what not and his lighting is always on point.

Here's some of his work if you haven't seen it. He posts as AKAM1K3:

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