**The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

Anyone from the NY area? Never been up to Woodbury Commons this weekend.. is the Polo Outlet any good there? The one at Tanger Riverhead out on the Island always disappoints
Why is it only in ny
because that's where its at partner... we make em while y'all try to take-em ya dig...
Thanks Polo Sport. I was on the west coast for business this weekend so I had no chance at the sale. I don't purchase near as much these days, but I may see if I can line up my next east coast trip for work with one of the upcoming sales. From what I've seen over the past few years these sales are usually good, but I've heard that they are hit or miss. Some of my favorite RL items have come from resellers that feuqent these sales.
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Time to thin the heard

and yea those Sample Sales at Soiffer Haskin are VERY hit or miss. Most of the stuff is older samples and will need either mending or editing of some sort. Some of the leather will have pen marks on it or missing tags or adhesive marks from sticky notes left by designers. I never kept anything I ever bought from one of the sales, always sold it to someone who had plans for it. And the sizing is pretty much always off too, mediums that fit wonky, and pretty much all the shoes are size 9. If you want button down shirts, ties, and women's hand bags then the place is a gold mine.
Time to thin the heard

and yea those Sample Sales at Soiffer Haskin are VERY hit or miss. Most of the stuff is older samples and will need either mending or editing of some sort. Some of the leather will have pen marks on it or missing tags or adhesive marks from sticky notes left by designers. I never kept anything I ever bought from one of the sales, always sold it to someone who had plans for it. And the sizing is pretty much always off too, mediums that fit wonky, and pretty much all the shoes are size 9. If you want button down shirts, ties, and women's hand bags then the place is a gold mine.
 dang nice collection but why so many saved by the bell pairs
everything is 80% off today at the sale. i bought a bunch of stuff on saturday and have them listed on another forum. i dont have enough posts here so cant use the marketplace just yet, but PM me if you want the link.
Time to thin the heard

and yea those Sample Sales at Soiffer Haskin are VERY hit or miss. Most of the stuff is older samples and will need either mending or editing of some sort. Some of the leather will have pen marks on it or missing tags or adhesive marks from sticky notes left by designers. I never kept anything I ever bought from one of the sales, always sold it to someone who had plans for it. And the sizing is pretty much always off too, mediums that fit wonky, and pretty much all the shoes are size 9. If you want button down shirts, ties, and women's hand bags then the place is a gold mine.
this wasnt a sample sale so the sizing is the same with what you would find at retail stores. i will only say that for the RRL stuff tho, bc i dont know about the purple label or black label stuff that was there.  but agreed, when they have their sample sales the sizing can be off.

i'm curious, is that your personal collection of RRL denim, or do you sell them off? reason i ask is bc there are still tags on most of them.
do they carry xxl sizes at the sample sales?
yeah i saw a few XXL in tops. that's usually the size that's left when everyone has gone through the racks.
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just curious, but what is your motivation now for buying vintage polo? when i asked about what else you were holding in your collection since you just spent $2050 for two jackets i was hoping to see more vintage polo in your collection to justify your overt spending, unfortunately, that is not the case. your collection revealed 3 rugby items from the recent sale and a polo rugby from about 7 years ago.
how do you see these as "investments"? these are expenses. you just spend $1565 on a pullover that says snow beach and is oversized. that is the most overly hyped/priced polo item there is. it is not made of silk or cashmere. there are no special materials or treatment that makes it weatherproof. it is 100% nylon outer and 100% polyester inner.
anyhow, good luck to you and your search for polo.

my motivation is knowing that i can own something rare and hard to find items that i know a lot of my friends would love to have. It's not about the money because $2050 is nothing. I just like collecting vintage and rare things and i just recently got into collecting so it's basically i see it , i like it and i buy it type of thing. I dont know how old u guys are but i was only 5 when these things were released. So since i wasn't able to then , im doing it now.

Well, at least you’re honest.

Sorry I’m reviving this discussion, but consider this a (LONG) public service announcement.

1. If “$2050 is nothing” to you, then maybe you should be using it to buy some Hermes socks or something. The lifestyle represented by those kinds of pieces is not about $2050 being nothing. And, frankly, your cavalier attitude about acquiring the piece and just dropping major coin for it is something of an insult to the culture. To the people who “did this,” rocking “power pieces” wasn’t about balling – it was about getting over. It was about the hustle, the jux, the boost… the lifestyle. It was blood, sweat, and tears. It was about respect. It was about the dichotomy of your situation and what you were able to pull off.

At the time, cats couldn’t have expected what happened to the market for these pieces to happen, but suffice to say that those who were there when it mattered would not pay $1500 for a Snow Beach. I could drop $1500 on a sweater now, if I wanted to as well. But, I’d never buy a Snow Beach from NOTone or some crap like that for that price because having lived through the era that the piece glorifies, I know enough to know how antithetical to the “rules” doing something like that is. …It doesn’t matter whether you can afford it; there are rules. …I’m sure plenty of grown graff writers can “afford” to buy paint and markers, but you steal them because those are the rules. Some people think “the rules” are dumb, but the rules are what separates people in the culture (or at least who understand the culture) from those who just want to appropriate the culture for self-serving purposes. It’s what prevents vintage Polo from becoming what sneakers has.

2. Rocking “power pieces” is like rocking jewelry. It’s about “stripes” as much as anything else. What you are saying with a piece like that, as much as anything, is that I can rock this and come home with it. I know you said you were 5 when this stuff popped off, so I know you don’t get this aspect, But, if you aren’t playing poker for money, then you aren’t really playing poker, because the game can’t exist properly when there’s no downside to bluffing and getting called.

Now, the city is nearly impotent nowadays, so the dynamic ain’t the same. And, while I lament the loss of the old NYC, from a personal POV, it’s not a horrible thing to know that it’s unlikely I’ll have to fight somebody for my jacket on any given day. I’m 30+ with a good job and too much to lose for that stuff. But, if you’ve never experienced that, you probably don’t understand why people keep telling you that you don’t understand.

To make another graff analogy; rocking power pieces in a nice little suburb is like rocking a fill on a garage door in a neighborhood of McMansions, or an iced out Cuban to a country club. It just doesn’t make sense; it’s out of place and doesn’t look right.

3. A lot of kids today get gassed of the strength of the sneaker culture. But, not every urban subculture is so accepting and inclusive. …What you basically did with the Snow Beach and not much else vintage-wise in your stash, is come to NT announcing that you bought one of your first pairs of kicks – Tiffany Dunks for $1000. …Except that a lot of the people in the vintage Lo culture are thoroughbread street dudes. You can essentially buy your way into the Sneaker culture, and it’s big enough and shallow enough that the masses will show you love. But, don’t for a second think that you can come up on a grown, Lo-head and be like, “I have a Snow Beach; you have a Snow Beach. We are Snow Beach brothers. Yay!! High five!” That’s not how you make friends. That’s how dudes catch cases.

Maybe you don’t care about any of this; my hunch is you will say that you don’t. But, at the end of the day, you can’t really cop the most “controversial” Lo item of all time among OG collectors and then say that their opinions don’t matter to you. Like Chris Brown, anybody who wears that piece ASKS to be judged/dissected by the older collectors. And, those people ARE the culture. So, if you don’t care what they say, that’s just further evidence of being outside instead of inside.

Everybody gets to have an opinion, but not everybody’s counts.

And, finally, I’m not some big time collector. I have gear, but not in the order of somebody like Jay or some of the legends from places like VGA. I’m just a dude who lived through the era, misses those days, and understands the culture. You can buy all the power pieces you want, but if you aren’t striving for the understanding, then none of it matters.

/back to lurk mode
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thing is I understood what it culture meant cuz I had cousins doin it, I don't rock power pieces since I got it in my hands I never even tried it on , it's just for my personal collection so one day when I have kids I can show them what they missed out on, it's not even about rocking it I don't need acknowledge cuz I have that piece it's just there and honestly I don't see y ppl have an opinion about how i send money but like they say, " opinions r like ********, everybody's going to have one."
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Hey NT fam,

anyone out there mind letting me use there RUGBY STUDENT discount code. 

Thanks in advance 
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