The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Finished Watch Dogs last night. Pretty disappointed in the game overall.

Wrote a quick review on my site

that sucks. I took some time away from watchdogs to play nba2k14 before I trade it in. 2nd season... still pissed at Jackson Ellis.

im probably gonna trade in Watchdogs before even beating it (rarely do this). Its a cool game tho. Just don't think I want to spend the time working with it. The last of us remastered comes out in a few weeks and im gonna play tomb raider on the ps4 since I got it cheap a few weeks ago and I only played it on the PS3.
Mother in Law in town. Everytime I come home her and the wife in the living room using the PS3 for Netflix
 I don't want to move my PS4, so looks like I'm going to be running through the backlog of Vita/3DS games
I haven't played baseball games in forever and trying to decide if I can get back into it since I'm not big on baseball. How does everyone like it.

Not really a baseball fan personally, but I enjoy the game. If you don't have good hand eye coordination, you'll hate it (depending on which settings you choose). I only play road to the show and enjoy building my player up.

So with all that said, get it.

Traded watch dogs in a few weeks ago, haven't missed the game at all... If there's a sequel, I'd definitely play it.
Man, two weddings in 2 days... still hungover.

Just going to D/L DS3 and Vessel; trying to clear some space on my HD. 

Is there any conceiveable reason to keep Game Data for games you no longer play? I remember SE giving bonuses to people who played the first FFXIII, but did it read your saves on the system or the game data?

I have a bunch I am terrified to delete. 
Man, two weddings in 2 days... still hungover.

Just going to D/L DS3 and Vessel; trying to clear some space on my HD. 

Is there any conceiveable reason to keep Game Data for games you no longer play? I remember SE giving bonuses to people who played the first FFXIII, but did it read your saves on the system or the game data?

I have a bunch I am terrified to delete. :lol:

NEVER delete your game data saves. You will regret it.

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Watch Dogs DLC Hacks Its Way Out, Includes Three New Missions

View media item 1057100
In a press release, Ubisoft has announced additional content for its open world action game, Watch Dogs. It includes three single-player missions, unlockable weapons, and other bonuses, which we’ve listed below.

The Palace Single Player Mission: A police raid is planned on the luxury palace of an Internet mogul. His databanks have intimate details on thousands of people including Dedsec and Aiden Pearce. Break inside, wipe his hard drive and escape before the raid begins. Then silence the Internet mogul.
Signature Shot Single Player Mission: A biometrics weapon has been smuggled into Chicago for a captain of the Black Viceroys gang. The weapon only works with the first person to imprint his palm on the handle. Breach a stronghold, steal the package and be the first to imprint the weapon.
Breakthrough Single Player Mission: A secret gathering is underway. The Chicago South Club is negotiating power with Corporate CEOs. The Club has hired scramblers to block surveillance devices. Find the scrambler vehicles and take out their technicians. Locate the meeting and eliminate everyone taking part.

Not content with single-player missions? The DLC also has new weapons including the “Biometric Rifle,” and “Auto-6 pistol,” which should help in Aiden’s rampage for revenge. There are also new perks, bonuses and even outfits included in the DLC, such as the “Dedsec Battery,” a new outfit called “South Chicago”and a couple of new boosts.

Those with a Season Pass for Watch Dogs will be able to access the content a week in advance starting today, while non-Season Pass holders can buy the DLC for $6.99. Anyone looking to spend more for some Watch Dogs DLC or have you had your fill of the game already?

Report: The DualShock 4 Now Works Wirelessly on PlayStation 3
View media item 1057102
Although I personally couldn’t get it to work for whatever reason, many users on Reddit are reporting that, following the latest PS3 firmware update, you can now use the DualShock 4 wirelessly on PlayStation 3 (previously you had to plug it in).

Here’s the steps to follow:

Make sure your PS3 has at least firmware 4.60
Connect the DualShock 4 to your PS3 with the cable and turn the PS3 on.
Go to Accessory settings.
Go to Manage Bluetooth Devices and scan for a device.
While scanning, hold down the PS and SHARE buttons on the DualShock 4
Select Wireless Controller (the DualShock 4 light should now be white)
Unplug it and try it out.

Even after connected wirelessly, the DualShock 4 won’t be able to execute certain commands, with the Sixaxis, PS button, and vibration functions all disabled.

Crimsonland PS4 Release Confirmed for This Month

Nailing their summer release window, 10tons has announced that Crimsonland, their updated version of the top-down, dual-stick shooter will hit the PlayStation 4 on July 15 in North America and July 16 in Europe. No price was given, but with Steam listing it for $13.99, expect it to be around there.

Noting how the PS4 version is “largely the same” as the 2003 version of Crimsonland, 10tons said, “The graphics have been replaced with new HD assets, content has been added and design tweaks made, but the immensely satisfying gameplay remains intact.”

Crimsonland features 30 weapons, 55 perks, 60 campaign missions with three difficulty settings, and five survival gameplay modes with dedicated leaderboards for single player and 2-4 player local co-op (the co-op works by adding a monster multiplier based on player count, so with four players you get literally hundreds of enemies on screen at the same time).

Report: The DualShock 4 Now Works Wirelessly on PlayStation 3
Although I personally couldn’t get it to work for whatever reason, many users on Reddit are reporting that, following the latest PS3 firmware update, you can now use the DualShock 4 wirelessly on PlayStation 3 (previously you had to plug it in).

Here’s the steps to follow:

Make sure your PS3 has at least firmware 4.60
Connect the DualShock 4 to your PS3 with the cable and turn the PS3 on.
Go to Accessory settings.
Go to Manage Bluetooth Devices and scan for a device.
While scanning, hold down the PS and SHARE buttons on the DualShock 4
Select Wireless Controller (the DualShock 4 light should now be white)
Unplug it and try it out.

Even after connected wirelessly, the DualShock 4 won’t be able to execute certain commands, with the Sixaxis, PS button, and vibration functions all disabled.
This didn't work for me.

I wonder what the significance is of holding the share button.
So are we getting 3 games a month now or does Doki Doki not count since it's multiplat?
No still 2, we just get it because it's cross-buy. There have been some like that in the past but I think they were just between PS3 and Vita, not all 3 platforms.
Beat Wolfenstein last night, just need about 6 more trophies and Ill have my plat. Not sure what I want to try next....I'm leaning towards   FF X-2 or Bravely Default
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Hopefully they'll bring Wolf Among Us to PS4 like Walking Dead

edit: nvm, Nov 18 is the release date for PS4/X1
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I have not been sold on the wolf among us yet.

I'm still on episode 1 with little desire to know what happens next.

TT intertwining fables into that game is impressive though.

Their GOT game will be awesome, I would assume.
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