The Oscars: 2024's 96th Academy Awards, 7:00pm March 10th ABC

Nicki Minaj must've been back stage and pulled the old switcheroo with the envelopes so social media could be focused on something else.
Also when you win that lady is dropping that info for the audience as the winners walk up.

Moonlight gets none of that.

Yeah that sucked for everyone involved except the viewers. That was pure entertainment for the viewers :lol:
That was unforgettable. :lol: But props for the way the La La Land guy handled it, he was real for making sure to announce Moonlight had won and he wasn't joking, that's awesome.

How the hell did Emma's card get re-sealed in an envelope!?!?!?!?!? Warren was truly confused when he opened it, made perfect sense once you started seeing producers scrambling. :rofl:
Do the Oscars have a post game interview like show? I need answers b.
Warren said he got the wrong envelope, tried to pass off the blame.

I see you old man
It was wrong though, Faye is the one that actually read it out loud.
Yes, Warren got the blame because he was still up there in front.

Faye did him wrong.
Son, the dude from La La had to announce the actual winner.

You know how soul crushing that must feel? He and 2 others gave their entire thank you speech before having to give back the awards.

Damn. That's way worse than being a loser sitting down.
He was angry AF, but at least he owned up to it and announced Moonlight.
Son of a *****, I turned it once La La Land was announced. I'm tight as **** I missed this **** live.
Man what happened?

La La Land is announced as winner of Best Picture, everyone goes up. Two dudes give their thank you speeches, but you know something is wrong because a bunch of the Academy staff rushes up and starts taking away awards. At the end of second guy's speech he says "we lost by the way" and another one of the La La Land guys angrily snatches the right card out of Warren Beatty's hand and announces Moonlight as the real winner.

It was LIT
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