The QUESTION Jay-Z thread

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Dude in the screenshot is getting an underwater bj. Pretty obvious, no?
Purification? Baptism? Some kind of cleanse? ???
Or maybe he's just swimming?

I haven't seen the video I don't know the context
Hello everyone.

Just over an hour ago, Jay Z released the video for his song, Kill Jay Z.

Would anyone like to discuss the ending? If you have not seen it, here is a screenshot...



its a pool of weenie juice IMO
Before we jump ahead, can we discuss what I have already presented to discuss?

I haven't gotten their yet.

A log of my afternoon has been spent discussing issues in my hometown with the current mayor.

I will still check this though, if we can finally get on topic.

Any updates on da Asian number 444 meaning?
My end goal is to live in my truth, as well as to call out anything and anyone that is against the truth.

I had cancer because I was a liar. It took energy to hold in my lies. I used so much energy to keep in so many lies, that it actually made me sick. I want to share my story, and inspire other people to live in their truth.

Jay Z isn't happy. He has been living a lie, which is why he is apologizing and making admissions like he is.

He is my FAVORITE rapper. I still remember the first time I heard Can I Live. My cousin Jason played it like 50 times in a row. He has been my favorite rapper ever since.

But if he is spreading negative messages subliminally through his music, he needs to get checked too.

So in summation, my end goal is for everyone to live in their truth. That is ultimately what saved my life. I just want everyone else to have a free mind too.
Man what? You didn't get cancer because you were "a liar". There's no reason to blame yourself for getting cancer.
I got cancer because I led my life through fear as an introvert. I lied about a lot in fear, and I never expressed myself because I was an introvert. Holding in lies took energy. Over time as the lie grew, the energy it took to keep the lie in grew. Those are called psychosomatic symptoms. Those then manifest into physical symptoms, because the energy it takes for my body to function is not being used on my body, but actually my lies. That is how physical symptoms develop... up to and including cancer
You callin my granny (RIP) a liar?!

You need to give thanks you beat that **** and do something positive and productive with your life dog. This analyzing jay z songs and videos and talking about ding dongs is not healthy.
The video was two minutes long.

It took one view of this video to understand what he was saying.

When he begins rapping... these words are rapped in acapella while simultaneously having a black screen displayed...

Kill Jay Z, they'll never love you
You'll never be enough, let's just keep it real, Jay Z...

F Jay Z

His voice inflection then changes as the picture goes from black to the young Jay Z running.

He is trying to visually show the viewer how mid-bar he can switch the meaning of his words with voice inflection. The image change accentuates that point as opposed to just using the acapella example.

This bar ends with a "distinct" and "demanding" F Jay Z. Again... listen to the voice inflection.

Now when the video comes back on, a young Jay Z is running. He is being "shot" at. There is water splashing behind him. What does this represent?



The shooting target on the introduction of the video symbolizes the shots.

This is his back after the "backshots." Notice the small black arrow pointing down. I am sure we all can catch that reference without an explanation.


The next part of the video, the camera focuses on his mouth. What does this screen shot look like to you? Remember the album covers?


There is emphasis on the cheek motion. It is the same motion as... you know. The next picture confirm s it.


This part of the video is in slow motion. You can no longer see his mouth. His head though is bouncing up and down in the motion of... you know. Again...think about the album cover examples. This is the video version of what he does there.

Now immediately after that... the song skips forward to the bar...

"But this **** everybody attitude ain't natural."

As that happens, we now see a grown Jay Z "stroking" in the water.


This is symbolizing Jay Z now doing the stroking. The bar (This f everyone attitude ain't natural) is referencing what he is now doing... F'ing everyone. The blood in the water represents... you know.

They then go to this image. What does this represent?


This image represents Jay Z "running through" the streets... or running through the industry.

The video then switches back and forth to a picture of the feet of a young Jay Z in puddles, and his head bobbing up and down without his mouth being shown. See below...



This again is a visual sexual innuendo.

The young Jay Z then slows down after he sees the image of the older Jay Z laying in the pool visually showing his penis. I posted that before, so I won't post it again.

That is symbolizing him having "f'ed" everything. The water is... you know.

Even though that flash forward is something that the young Jay Z doesn't want to do, it is too late. He "falls," and that is how his career starts.


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I really don't know what all this **** about

But I prayed for you while you was going thru your battle and I prob pray 5 times a year

Another prayer up for you B
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