Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

how's it treating you?



You feeling like you need a girl? Let's talk about it. No jules.


I'll talk to you soon, Wally (no Vivrant)
Its good when you have a lot of friends with benefits on the side. If not you will have some lonely nights.
it has its up&downs. i think im over due for a relationship. a year and a half is way to long. :/

i dont know about yall but i refuse to settle for less.
If your single and smashing then it's great but if your not it;s the loneliest thing in the world
i love it, i hate having a gf, i hate seeeing the same chick every day

-i dont have to be considerate of someone else's feeling
-no one questioning where i am or what im doing
-no drama
-not having to walk in on her and a nba player
-most importantly, more money in my pocket to spend on myself
Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

i love it, i hate having a gf, i hate seeeing the same chick every day

-i dont have to be considerate of someone else's feeling
-no one questioning where i am or what im doing
-no drama
-not having to walk in on her and a nba player
-most importantly, more money in my pocket to spend on myself
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514


Son..why would you buy your girls close friend stuff for their birthdays? Your girl told you you had to?

Especially if they're inconsiderate of you!

Smh. That's a simp move if I ever seen one man.

Naw I don't 'have' to - I do because usually everytime I go out there, there's one birthday and everyone gives something and I wouldn'twant to just be in it for the festivities.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Originally Posted by MissinPieces

i dont know about yall but i refuse to settle for less.
what do you mean by this?

I'm guessing he has girlfriend options at the moment, but doesn't want to take them. I've been semi-steadily dating one girl for about 2.5 months,so it looks like I won't be alone for the holidays (I posted a pic of her in quickstrike fashion).

I've been single for about a year, and my 2008 might've been one of my best years ever. I hit the dating scene hard and had no problem meeting women. Ihad more time and motivation to hit the gym, and i'm in the best shape ever. Any location inhabited by strangers is a potential dating scene. The onlyproblem is being hit up by girls you lost interest in. Man, there are a lot of pretty girls out there was ugly personalities. I don't think i'm readyto be back in a relationship so I might even have to slow things down with the current girl so I can avoid "the talk".
Its alright I guess but I think its bout time to find me a wifey. Sucks I just found out the girl im damn near in love with is moving to New York in a month.Looks like im back to looking agan.
eh..i chill with my ex from time to time so if i feel like being single...i don't chill with her...but if i feel like having a relationship...ill just hither up to chill
Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

there are a lot of damn pros to being single:
-you have more money -- you have a lot of money you can spend on your self, especially during holidays, whenever your girl's bday might be, anniversaries, and possibly your girl's close friend's bdays (all of which i spend money on, and her friend's never have given me #@@# for my bday, not once... which it's cool to give them something but i'm in huge debt and it's like they don't show their appreciation for my bday)
-less drama -- you don't ever have to deal with crap during important times such as studying for finals and all that.
-if you're in the party scene in college, you can go out and experience others, if that's your thing... i guess even in high school, but more diversity and less drama in college (minus high school drama that never seems to go away).

that's all i can think of atm.
Pretty much.

The last relationship I was in was drama 24/7. We lived together too which was a dumb idea. I spent way more money and was more stressed out. But that justmeans it wasn't mean to be.

I'm only in Austin til May so there's no point in getting into a relationship now. Being single is fun though.
i'm loving it!!!!! i get to flirt with all the guys i want without any dude watching over my shoulder.
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