the thread about nothing...

Idk if it's people actually finding her attractive or the fact she looks confident about herself.
Sometimes whenever I eat M&M's, i like to hold two M&M's in between my fingers and squeeze as hard as I can until one M&M cracks, I eat the cracked one and then the one that didn't crack becomes the champion. Then I grab another M&M and force it to compete with the champion in this deadly game of M&M gladiators. I do this until i run out of M&M's and when there is only one M&M left standing, I send a letter to the M&M's brand with the champion M&M in it with a note attached that reads " Please use this M&M for breeding purposes "


I'm at 187.
If I can get to 180 by my birthday I'll be a happy camper lol

Keep it up :smokin
Leonardo Di Caprio never died at the end of Titanic. The end scene of Titanic is him going underwater. The beginning scene of Inception is him waking up on a beach. It's a movie inside a movie.
The titanic sank in 1912 lol.

The best theory is that jules quit being a hitman to become nick fury


Thats not a real verse btw
Why do people book vacations with confirming they have enough accrued vacation time? It doesn't make sense. Then they get all pissy and give you attitude...Bro, you're the one that put yourself in this situation. I'm simply giving you company guidelines.
Woke up at 3:30AM due to coughing up spit and phlegm. Didn't fall back asleep till maybe 4:45, then woke up at 6:30 to get ready for work.

Let the weekend start already.
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