the thread about nothing...


I attended WM XIII. As someone that was a huge wrestling fan at the time, that's a pretty huge deal to me. The Hart vs Stone Cold I Quit match where stone cold passes out...imo, it's chapter 2 in Stone Cold's rise. Austin 3:16 at the Royal Rumble being chapter 1. Bret Hart was my favorite wrestler at the time, so night of WM XIII, I still thought the crowd was behind Hart more so than Stone Cold, at least at the end if their match. Hart would go on to interfere in the title match later that night to help solidify his heel turn.

The following night though on MNR, in the same arena as WM XIII, the entire crowd was behind Stone Cold. ****, even I was.

I agree with the person that said the downfall of WWE was coincided with the rise of Cena. Not to say it was his fault. But it was a different product by then.
loved Bret Hart. still hated that Montreal screw job the management pulled on him. now that wasn't scripted at all. could hear Bret's anger after the match and Shawn getting out of there and Bret spitting at Vince that they had to cut the program with no promo ending.

part of the downfall imo was the rise of the PG era where certain censorship and acts being dumbed down like violence, language, etc..... also, there weren't any interesting characters being promoted other than some weak acts.
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