the thread about nothing...

AND his sons out there rocking the shoes and cleats he made famous :wow: :wow:

We’ve never seen anything like this at the college level. Hopefully this continues the trend of SUPERSTAR nfl athletes continuing to build their legacies at the college level. I can’t stand seeing dudes who never played sniffed the nfl or college level sports out there whipping these kids around.
Has Primetime failed at anything in life????
21 point underdogs.

And already the flyest lookin coach to ever do it

Can anyone identify primes shades? I know i cant afford em but maybe a knockoff, that gold mirror tint is 🔥
Facebook definitely stalking tonight 🤣. Surprisingly they affordable, but im not paying $70 for sunglasses they are definitely 🔥🔥 tho.
Im high school i only got play from 1 chola. She was dope tho even with the eyeliner outline on her lipstick and wild bangs. I was beige enough her brother didnt trip much. Her moms and little sister were super haters tho. Me and Letty aka La Smiley xoxo woulda had a dope summer she just stopped writing me those lil folded up notes for my 👀s only and showing up at the park after school tho 😢
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