the thread about nothing...

hbd tan

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Just beat Metal Gear Solid 2 for like the 8th time I think.
One of my favorite line in the game-"We're all born with an expiration date. No one lasts forever"

on ps or gamecube? :nerd:

We're all born with an expiration date. No one lasts forever. Life is nothing but a grace period - for turning our genetic material into the next generation. The data of life is transferred from parent to child. That's how it works. But we have no heirs, no legacy. Cloned from our father, with the ability to reproduce conveniently engineered out. What is our legacy if we cannot pass the torch? Proof of our existence - a mark of some sort. When the torch is passed on from parent to child... it extends beyond DNA; information is imparted as well. All I want is to be remembered. By other people, by history.
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