the thread about nothing...

On another note, I just watched Blue Valentine and I have the song from this scene stuck in my head...

why'd you have to ist that vieo brah
Did it remind you of your ex or something? SOFT!
 I was lightweight heated till i clpcked the spoiler
Im not powerballin :lol:


mods wouldve outed me by now.
I don't believe you, we need mor3  peoplz
My first contribution to Late night TAN x "let's get weird"...


Screen shot is from Star Trek: The Next Generation; can't believe someone actually thought this would be a good alien "costume"...:lol: :lol:

how are you guise? Got off the phone with my cousin she said a bunch of randoms tried to add her :nerd: :smh: :lol: lmaoooooooo good luck
Explain unsuited

I have to go on a spring break trip to the beach atleast once in my lifetime
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I am driving home, pretty mellow night for me.

spot an older lady (40's) on the curb with thumb out ( i have to add she wasn't wearing much for the weather, a low cut black top and some tight pants,  but this didn't click yet)

eventually made a u turn thinking *screw this, yolo*

I slow down and lower my window as i pull over

Me: hi (smile), it's pretty cold out?

Her: pauses and comes closer

Me: ? were you going anywhere specific?

Her: I'm looking for a couple bucks, you got anything?

Me: (declined her request; no spare change) so, you don't need a ride? I just thought you had your thumb out.

Her: I could really use a few bucks.

"sorry, I don't have any change"

window goes back up, she steps back and I drive off

not sure if me being a girl threw her off her game.

it was awkward, and maybe she was an addict and not a prostitute, but i tried. *shrug*
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