the thread about nothing...

Little did yall know..... but rck2sactown is known to recreate with the devils lettuce every so often........

that sex while being blazed as hell 
 words cannot describe 

a million times better than drunk sex. 

word to having her on cowgirl, and both of us drunk as hell... not quite sure how it happened but she ended up getting thrown into the wall she was facing 
Screw y'all "green" party.

Me,rck,natrix,and others drinking party>>>

in4 this

I am not watching that dog crying vid. Watched a documentary on elephants on HBO yesterday about how they remember other elephants from over 50 years ago and how they morn deaths of other elephants....had me ready to open a sanctuary for elephants and just hang out with them all day every day.

I have been giving a ton of reps lately. I used to be stingy with them.....idk what changed.

Honey flavored chobani.....not that good
Salute LOT

What's good this Wednesday? I hope errbody ok. I don't smoke, but sometimes I wish I did. Ain't never too late to try though. I'm the odd man out in my family with that too :lol:
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I just realized that dressing better is like another TAN. Dudes get sidetracked in there and just start talking about their own lives. It's a cancer to da TAN.

saw that.

Some how they are on a convo about when people graduate and what their major is
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If I had the money to buy the things in that thread I would be all over the Dressing Better thread. Going in there now just makes me feel bad.
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I agree with both of you. I go in and ask if anyone can help me find an article of clothing and that will be it. But for that kind of stuff they are really helpful. There are a lot of lurkers in that thread that are helpful. But for me J. Crew is high end clothing :lol: i am not spending over $80 on a shirt sorry. And even for a suit i am not spending over $500. And since my job is business casual i usually just wear a shirt and khakis...don't' even tuck shirt in
My ex sent me a pic of our dog last night via email...idk why she sent it....but i miss the little guy. Bought him for her for Valentines day like 3 years ago or so...little homie was $600 and we had to drive to a random house in Virginia. It was an experience.

They only had one left and it was like first come first serve so i left work and we drove down there got there at like 8pm. Old man in his chair had Bud Ice cans all over the ground he was hammered. There were dogs everywhere. Little kid with a rat tail and front mullet was running around with all the dogs. Her "neighbor" came over to give the dog its shots while we were there. Was just like ok hold him for a sec...broke out a syringe and gave him the shot ...i was like uhh...what just happened.

But dude is the man haven't seen him since we broke up about 8 months ago


Salute LOT

What's good this Wednesday? I hope errbody ok. I don't smoke, but sometimes I wish I did. Ain't never too late to try though. I'm the odd man out in my family with that too :lol:

You could've done better for your 2,000th post in TAN. I am dissapoint.

It was? :wow:. I honestly don't pay attention to that kind of stuff, but I'm good with it though. I want my posts to reflect me. It's just my usual good morning to The Legion :smokin. I only wanna be me.
That dog crying video hit me with dem feels for a sec.

Always wanted one. My family was never about the pet ownership life.
I used to follow DB but that thread moves just as fast as this one. I'd rather talk about nothing then male wardrobe all day. I check it out sometimes because there's good stuff in there but I don't know how dudes can follow all that. There's a weird vibe in there some times.

This part really made me laugh for some reason.

If I had the money to buy the things in that thread I would be all over the Dressing Better thread. Going in there now just makes me feel bad.

I think subliminally that part of the point of that thread. Sort of a humblebrag if you will. I ain't with that mentality.
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