the thread about nothing...

Whenever I see those threads I see dude saying stuff like.

"fml I need to stop dating ugly girl"

"I need to upgrade"

"all the girls are ugly around me"

"my girl looks like $%^% compared to these girls"

Im sure those threads have hindered many dudes from approaching girls
yea true but come on bra..if one your homeboys came out to you and said I wanna be a would you take it lol

"How long is this going to take for the full transformation?"

:lol: I could see some thirsty liberal in/out jail ***** saying that too. " Well **** my *****... least I could do is see what that new ***** like, one time is fine with me" .
This whole time I was thinking I had the newest ipad, not realizing 1 with a lightening connector came out [emoji]128529[/emoji] I'm pissed that ****** up my resell money lol
Whenever I see those threads I see dude saying stuff like.

"fml I need to stop dating ugly girl"

"I need to upgrade"

"all the girls are ugly around me"

"my girl looks like $%^% compared to these girls"

Im sure those threads have hindered many dudes from approaching girls
don't worry. you're beautiful!

semi srs

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