the thread about nothing...

I don't give a **** anyways so it's okay

Don't go shaking the table.

Calm down.

You dont care for......movies????


the concept of siting down and watching a movie is weird and doesn't seem like a fun experience. I have forced myself to watch classics in the few years.
I saw Godfather for the first time like a year ago :lol:

Im very weird by those standards :lol: :lol:

You get a pass for Godfather..I swear as great/popular as that movie is...nobody has seen it, it seems :smh:

K.Michelle gifs...kill me nao
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Not even at home? 
no, I have 3 dvds: Osmosis Jones, Jurassic Park 3, and Chamber of Secrets :lol:

When I was a kid I ran through VCRs like crazy :x and had a 100+ VHS collection and watched movies all night. Now, I can't do it. :\
Last time I went to a movie theatre tickets were $6. :lol:
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Osmosis Jones and Chamber of Secrets :smokin

if you like space, night skating, and conversations that lead nowhere, we'd probs be real life friends.
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Osmosis Jones and Chamber of Secrets :smokin

if you like space, night skating, and conversations that lead nowhere, we'd probs be real life friends.

We can be friends, if you lemme get a piece of Poison Ivy over there :evil:

I;m just kidding like Jason
Unless you gon do it
Nah but seriously what do you like about space?
My ******* Pabs yoooooo, I swear that has been the gif of the week for me. That was damn near my response to everything 

Osmosis Jones tho? Uhhhhh 

I too remember Beta Max, I watched C.H.U.D on it too, and now I'm showing my age 

FTR, I was late to The Godfather trilogy, I thought it was boring too until I actually watched it. Come to think of it, I'm very much like the Michael Corleone of my family. Quiet, and unassuming and "nice" to everyone.
Ewwwww I was a complete thirstball this weekend....I'm ashamed. To the fullest
I think people need to understand truly what thirst is. The overused definition got people all ****** up in the game. Genuine interest, pre-maturely excited (when not experienced) =/= thirst. People just like to put labels on things and run with it 


Oh yeah, saw your post Rusty, it's cool

no feeling like when you first get into someone. its crazy people overlook it now because sex is just a past time at this point.

them feels when you go to sleep thinking about the next time you'll talk to someone you like. them feels when you genuinely like someone and its not that "we're talking" (we have sex and hang out) ********.

I feel old, b.

:wow: |I :frown:
The Godfather series has such a slow feel to it that turns me off.
My tastes haven't dulled to that movie critic level where subtlety is
Osmosis Jones and Chamber of Secrets :smokin

if you like space, night skating, and conversations that lead nowhere, we'd probs be real life friends.

We can be friends, if you lemme get a piece of Poison Ivy over there :evil:

I;m just kidding like Jason
Unless you gon do it
Nah but seriously what do you like about space?

:lol: she's right here knocked out. I can never find a sharpie when I need one.

Space in general is amazing though. I was smacked staring at pics of NGC 7635 contemplating existence. all this stuff out there undiscovered and new stuff popping up daily. they're discovering new planets that are causing serious discussion about rethinking how planets are formed.

there's a lot of stuff I love about space but I guess my favorite part is the mystery.

I just yell laughed at Thriller on laserdisc :lol: the video had me shook as a youngin. couldn't eem imagine owning it. which reminds me, I didn't wanna go near a mirror after seeing Candyman as a kid. And my aunt had a huge one at the end of the hall in her old crib.

walking down that hall at night, not even once.
The Godfather series has such a slow feel to it that turns me off.
My tastes haven't dulled to that movie critic level where subtlety is
I used to feel this way. Try again, I swear you won't feel the same when you get through it and you'll want to immediately watch part 2
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