the thread about nothing...

so so worth it. Although i feel like the crazy theories that were popping up week to week really made the show fun. So binging it might not be as fun....but season 1 is probably one of the best series i have ever watched point blank period...ever.

I did it and loved it!!! Great writing on that **** and loved all the characters. Was looking online at all the crazy theories and people got crazy imaginations :rofl:

I know Season 2 won't be as good but might start that this weekend. No marathon tho. :x
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Sounds like you're the fall guy. RIP

I gotta give props to my boss. He sticks by his guys. Some boss from a different department sent out an angry email (mostly at me) yesterday evening... I talked to my boss this morning about it, and he has my back, and told me not to respond and he's going to ignore it, too 
 My old boss would've probably helped angry dude tie me to the stick to roast me over the fire... 
 Especially with some of the layoffs happening lately, and waking up this morning after a dream about getting fired,
 it's a big relief to have it reaffirmed that my boss has my back 
some "Boss'"  be spineless 
Hey TAN,

My grandma went home at 12:02 AM PST. this morning. I had a chance to facetime with her...But she no longer looked like the grandma that I knew.

She did open her eyes when I told her that I loved her and even attempted to say something to me.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. NT has become an outlet for me since I'm so far away from family. You guys have really helped me out during this time.

Rest in peace to your grandma. My condolences.
No lie boss walks into my office
Boss: I need you to send an email to them telling them that I don't agree with their philosophy on this.
Me: But they aren't going to change it, its a philosophical difference....their way isn't really wrong its just not what you would like
Boss: You are right they won't change it anyway no matter what i say
Me: Ok
Boss: But send the email and tell them I don't like it
Me: if it is a personal gripe that you have can you send the email yourself? I personally don't want to tell them i have an issue with it because i really don't see the point if its not going to change
Boss: No just send it thanks

Like really?
Who is he? Peter Griffin? 
Hey TAN,

My grandma went home at 12:02 AM PST. this morning. I had a chance to facetime with her...But she no longer looked like the grandma that I knew.

She did open her eyes when I told her that I loved her and even attempted to say something to me.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. NT has become an outlet for me since I'm so far away from family. You guys have really helped me out during this time.

my condolences.
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