There are NO benefits for men to get married.

I'm still trying to figure out a few things ..
Becoming a husband = becoming a man?

You can't have a family without being married?

Two people can't fully love each other unless they are married?

Why do people feel the above statements are true?

Edit: It looks like the majority of people in here defending marriage only do so due to social reasons and feeling like they need to. I don't think many benefits have been named.
I'm still trying to figure out a few things ..
Becoming a husband = becoming a man?

You can't have a family without being married?

Two people can't fully love each other unless they are married?

Why do people feel the above statements are true?

Edit: It looks like the majority of people in here defending marriage only do so due to social reasons and feeling like they need to. I don't think many benefits have been named.
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

TruthGetsBusy wrote 

And back to this topic.  I really would like to see what type of woman choose to deal with you guys.  While you guys might be educated, well off financially, and respectful you are clearly nuts.

I said it once and I will say it again there are plenty of women that fell the same way we do 
you cant show me a poll or a stat or anything that says 100% of women or men see marriage as being necessary 

Which is why I presented my last question to LDJ.

I think many women agree with our sentiments, it is just that they aren't comfortable with expressing or acting upon those ideas in public because of the backlash they would get. I think it takes a lot for someone to come out and voice their opinion, especially is they are the vast minority. But remember, being minority doesn't make your opinion any less/more wrong/right. I think that is where people get confused. More people agreeing doesn't mean you are right.

So Truth, there are PLENTY of females that feel the same way, that aren't hood girls, but they just wouldn't display it because they have a lot of sisters, aunts, and angry friends and mothers.
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

TruthGetsBusy wrote 

And back to this topic.  I really would like to see what type of woman choose to deal with you guys.  While you guys might be educated, well off financially, and respectful you are clearly nuts.

I said it once and I will say it again there are plenty of women that fell the same way we do 
you cant show me a poll or a stat or anything that says 100% of women or men see marriage as being necessary 

Which is why I presented my last question to LDJ.

I think many women agree with our sentiments, it is just that they aren't comfortable with expressing or acting upon those ideas in public because of the backlash they would get. I think it takes a lot for someone to come out and voice their opinion, especially is they are the vast minority. But remember, being minority doesn't make your opinion any less/more wrong/right. I think that is where people get confused. More people agreeing doesn't mean you are right.

So Truth, there are PLENTY of females that feel the same way, that aren't hood girls, but they just wouldn't display it because they have a lot of sisters, aunts, and angry friends and mothers.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

Edit: It looks like the majority of people in here defending marriage only do so due to social reasons and feeling like they need to. I don't think many benefits have been named.
And that is exactly the point a few of us here are trying to make. I think people get married because they are "told" to. The same way we do a lot of things in life because we are told to. We all are guilty of it at some point in time. That is what makes this thing a society. It has its norms, but it is up to the individual the determine if it is right for him/her. I just think people need to stop associating a morality clause when someone choses to go against the social norm. That is my hangup here. Why do I have to have my manhood challenged, or be insecure, immature, childish, or selfish because I don't subscribe with the logic of marriage?
Originally Posted by Wilroc

Edit: It looks like the majority of people in here defending marriage only do so due to social reasons and feeling like they need to. I don't think many benefits have been named.
And that is exactly the point a few of us here are trying to make. I think people get married because they are "told" to. The same way we do a lot of things in life because we are told to. We all are guilty of it at some point in time. That is what makes this thing a society. It has its norms, but it is up to the individual the determine if it is right for him/her. I just think people need to stop associating a morality clause when someone choses to go against the social norm. That is my hangup here. Why do I have to have my manhood challenged, or be insecure, immature, childish, or selfish because I don't subscribe with the logic of marriage?
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy


DC and LDJ.  I actually feel sorry for you guys.  Its sad to see people suck all the joy out of life and disguise it as "living for me".   It's sad to see grown men who find pleasure in finding ways to defend acting like children.  The close-minded and selfish point of view you guys have on almost every topic is actually childish and not mature like you have convinced yourself to believe.  Never once have either of you ever actually attempted to see things through another persons POV.  It just shows your lack of perspective and proves you guys could be sociopaths.  While you guys are intelligent people you lack in the social aspect of life which almost matters more.  Don't you think its weird you are always the minority and it's almost you against the world in 8/10 discussions?  I guess you just always figured that you were the smarter or more real person
.  See the thing is I understand partly where you guys are coming from but I'm not crazy and see the bigger picture.  You guys are too old for this and it seems like you haven't learned much from your life experiences maybe its because you forced yourself to miss out on so much. 

This world is all about give and take, picking your spots, holding your tongue, playing off of other peoples emotions, etc.  This is CHESS NOT CHECKERS.  If you plan on living your life for you 24/7 you are actually making your life harder than it needs to be. 

And back to this topic.  I really would like to see what type of woman choose to deal with you guys.  While you guys might be educated, well off financially, and respectful you are clearly nuts.

Im not defending anything or trying to prove anything which is my entire point. My love for the mother of my kids and my kids is a strong bond that needs no validity, nor does needed to be proven to the outside world, because the outside world doesnt live inside my family structure. What you think or others think, nor me proving to you i care etc.. wont change that. But you guys clearly think that validation, and social acceptance does. And all im asking is how? How does a ring/pact/contract/ceremony change what you feel inside? How does it impact who you are as a person unless you live for acceptance for others? I enjoy bball regardless if i was in the pros playing in the finals, or playing 21 in the backyard with my kids and homies. How does a stage and a audience change my love for the game?

As far as the whole social aspect, our social status is to say the least ******ed. I mean see it for what it is, you have ppl who communicate to ppl on ei a facebook etc that they know, hangout with everyday, yet think it is crazy ******ed to text them or hell better yet call them on the phone. How does that not sound crazy. Like really what are the chances a person has high-speed internet but dont have a working phone? But our so-called society deems this as the norm. Like why did ppl go from myspace to facebook? Isnt it essentially the same thing? They both pretty much serve the same purpose, and get the same task done. So why switch, again like I said its because society acceptance and living your life for others and not being your on man/woman. Does facebook get the message any faster to the person.... no.

I mean we have a society where over 75% of tv is filming ppl just living lives. What sense does it make to sit all day and be captivated about ppl living life. Whats so entertaining about that. What makes brothers/sisters arguments more entertaining on a screen then it does in real life? Iuno but society seems to think it is and just like most ppl just do follow what others say/do like mindless zombies.

I mean i could go on and on but what would be the point. Some ppl live to love and some ppl love to live. And i like being in the minority, cause stats facts etc which can prove the majority are all in disarray, and i guess nuts. Aka the majority of marriages fail, The majority of ppl who tend/depend on jobs others has failed i mean so on and so forth.

I respect your thoughts and all but to say that not doing the stereotypical things, and actions that todays society follows is a strong point for marriage you clearly shot yourself in the foot on that one.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy


DC and LDJ.  I actually feel sorry for you guys.  Its sad to see people suck all the joy out of life and disguise it as "living for me".   It's sad to see grown men who find pleasure in finding ways to defend acting like children.  The close-minded and selfish point of view you guys have on almost every topic is actually childish and not mature like you have convinced yourself to believe.  Never once have either of you ever actually attempted to see things through another persons POV.  It just shows your lack of perspective and proves you guys could be sociopaths.  While you guys are intelligent people you lack in the social aspect of life which almost matters more.  Don't you think its weird you are always the minority and it's almost you against the world in 8/10 discussions?  I guess you just always figured that you were the smarter or more real person
.  See the thing is I understand partly where you guys are coming from but I'm not crazy and see the bigger picture.  You guys are too old for this and it seems like you haven't learned much from your life experiences maybe its because you forced yourself to miss out on so much. 

This world is all about give and take, picking your spots, holding your tongue, playing off of other peoples emotions, etc.  This is CHESS NOT CHECKERS.  If you plan on living your life for you 24/7 you are actually making your life harder than it needs to be. 

And back to this topic.  I really would like to see what type of woman choose to deal with you guys.  While you guys might be educated, well off financially, and respectful you are clearly nuts.

Im not defending anything or trying to prove anything which is my entire point. My love for the mother of my kids and my kids is a strong bond that needs no validity, nor does needed to be proven to the outside world, because the outside world doesnt live inside my family structure. What you think or others think, nor me proving to you i care etc.. wont change that. But you guys clearly think that validation, and social acceptance does. And all im asking is how? How does a ring/pact/contract/ceremony change what you feel inside? How does it impact who you are as a person unless you live for acceptance for others? I enjoy bball regardless if i was in the pros playing in the finals, or playing 21 in the backyard with my kids and homies. How does a stage and a audience change my love for the game?

As far as the whole social aspect, our social status is to say the least ******ed. I mean see it for what it is, you have ppl who communicate to ppl on ei a facebook etc that they know, hangout with everyday, yet think it is crazy ******ed to text them or hell better yet call them on the phone. How does that not sound crazy. Like really what are the chances a person has high-speed internet but dont have a working phone? But our so-called society deems this as the norm. Like why did ppl go from myspace to facebook? Isnt it essentially the same thing? They both pretty much serve the same purpose, and get the same task done. So why switch, again like I said its because society acceptance and living your life for others and not being your on man/woman. Does facebook get the message any faster to the person.... no.

I mean we have a society where over 75% of tv is filming ppl just living lives. What sense does it make to sit all day and be captivated about ppl living life. Whats so entertaining about that. What makes brothers/sisters arguments more entertaining on a screen then it does in real life? Iuno but society seems to think it is and just like most ppl just do follow what others say/do like mindless zombies.

I mean i could go on and on but what would be the point. Some ppl live to love and some ppl love to live. And i like being in the minority, cause stats facts etc which can prove the majority are all in disarray, and i guess nuts. Aka the majority of marriages fail, The majority of ppl who tend/depend on jobs others has failed i mean so on and so forth.

I respect your thoughts and all but to say that not doing the stereotypical things, and actions that todays society follows is a strong point for marriage you clearly shot yourself in the foot on that one.
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by Al Audi

you might meet someone who will change your view on that opinion one day OP.
Women are depreciating asssets. Why buy when you can lease.
The reason you think that way is because your looking at it from a physical sense only 
But one day when you grow up mentally you will realize that you wont be in your 20's anymore and life will not be just about smashing the next good looking chick

Just look at Reggie bush and all those celebrities they go from one bad chick to the next but the sad part is their is going to come a time when they want a real women who can take care of them and their future kids and love them until their weak and old 

But their not going to have that their going to have the super hot blonde with double DD's and a shallow mind and heart staring back at them waiting for them to die so they can finally get their cut.
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by Al Audi

you might meet someone who will change your view on that opinion one day OP.
Women are depreciating asssets. Why buy when you can lease.
The reason you think that way is because your looking at it from a physical sense only 
But one day when you grow up mentally you will realize that you wont be in your 20's anymore and life will not be just about smashing the next good looking chick

Just look at Reggie bush and all those celebrities they go from one bad chick to the next but the sad part is their is going to come a time when they want a real women who can take care of them and their future kids and love them until their weak and old 

But their not going to have that their going to have the super hot blonde with double DD's and a shallow mind and heart staring back at them waiting for them to die so they can finally get their cut.
Originally Posted by bay1591

Originally Posted by rowenarrow

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Women are depreciating assets. Why buy when you can lease.
Man I want to be a romantic on this one, but can't really make an argument for that. SMH... it just makes since.
I'm surprised no one caught this error
I am to, lol!!!! I read over it and had a face palm moment, but it has been quoted so much that I just didn't even try to correct it. The whole statement came out wrong. 
Anyways, truth be told I am a romantic true and true and one could say that this statement pure wrong, but at this present stage of my life it seriously made me think. Marriage is more of a legal term than the unity of two people. While we men aren't perfect, the greed of a woman in a divorce is down right scary. I can stand for love all day even if it is fading, but percentages don't lie, the facts stand true. As a man if you get married and it fails you are paying the price. Its not enough those of us who are loyal to our emotions and actually love our wives have to figure out how to bounce back from a divorce, but then you have to pay, your children can be used to milk more money from you, and you can't do a thing about it. Tell me I am wrong here, that I can fall in love blindly, get married, and trust this wont happen (some of it has already happened)...please tell me that this wont happen again, because some of us men are dying to believe in it. #fromtheheartNT
Originally Posted by bay1591

Originally Posted by rowenarrow

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Women are depreciating assets. Why buy when you can lease.
Man I want to be a romantic on this one, but can't really make an argument for that. SMH... it just makes since.
I'm surprised no one caught this error
I am to, lol!!!! I read over it and had a face palm moment, but it has been quoted so much that I just didn't even try to correct it. The whole statement came out wrong. 
Anyways, truth be told I am a romantic true and true and one could say that this statement pure wrong, but at this present stage of my life it seriously made me think. Marriage is more of a legal term than the unity of two people. While we men aren't perfect, the greed of a woman in a divorce is down right scary. I can stand for love all day even if it is fading, but percentages don't lie, the facts stand true. As a man if you get married and it fails you are paying the price. Its not enough those of us who are loyal to our emotions and actually love our wives have to figure out how to bounce back from a divorce, but then you have to pay, your children can be used to milk more money from you, and you can't do a thing about it. Tell me I am wrong here, that I can fall in love blindly, get married, and trust this wont happen (some of it has already happened)...please tell me that this wont happen again, because some of us men are dying to believe in it. #fromtheheartNT
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

TruthGetsBusy wrote 

And back to this topic.  I really would like to see what type of woman choose to deal with you guys.  While you guys might be educated, well off financially, and respectful you are clearly nuts.

I said it once and I will say it again there are plenty of women that fell the same way we do 
you cant show me a poll or a stat or anything that says 100% of women or men see marriage as being necessary 
Which is why I presented my last question to LDJ.

I think many women agree with our sentiments, it is just that they aren't comfortable with expressing or acting upon those ideas in public because of the backlash they would get. I think it takes a lot for someone to come out and voice their opinion, especially is they are the vast minority. But remember, being minority doesn't make your opinion any less/more wrong/right. I think that is where people get confused. More people agreeing doesn't mean you are right.

So Truth, there are PLENTY of females that feel the same way, that aren't hood girls, but they just wouldn't display it because they have a lot of sisters, aunts, and angry friends and mothers.

shouldnt you want a woman who is not worried about what people think? shouldnt you want a woman that is strong enough to not care about the backlash in public?...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

TruthGetsBusy wrote 

And back to this topic.  I really would like to see what type of woman choose to deal with you guys.  While you guys might be educated, well off financially, and respectful you are clearly nuts.

I said it once and I will say it again there are plenty of women that fell the same way we do 
you cant show me a poll or a stat or anything that says 100% of women or men see marriage as being necessary 
Which is why I presented my last question to LDJ.

I think many women agree with our sentiments, it is just that they aren't comfortable with expressing or acting upon those ideas in public because of the backlash they would get. I think it takes a lot for someone to come out and voice their opinion, especially is they are the vast minority. But remember, being minority doesn't make your opinion any less/more wrong/right. I think that is where people get confused. More people agreeing doesn't mean you are right.

So Truth, there are PLENTY of females that feel the same way, that aren't hood girls, but they just wouldn't display it because they have a lot of sisters, aunts, and angry friends and mothers.

shouldnt you want a woman who is not worried about what people think? shouldnt you want a woman that is strong enough to not care about the backlash in public?...
Originally Posted by Wilroc

I'm still trying to figure out a few things ..
Becoming a husband = becoming a man?

You can't have a family without being married?

Two people can't fully love each other unless they are married?

Why do people feel the above statements are true?

Edit: It looks like the majority of people in here defending marriage only do so due to social reasons and feeling like they need to. I don't think many benefits have been named.

The only benefits to marriage is money and the title that your telling the world this is my woman for live 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

TruthGetsBusy wrote 

And back to this topic.  I really would like to see what type of woman choose to deal with you guys.  While you guys might be educated, well off financially, and respectful you are clearly nuts.

I said it once and I will say it again there are plenty of women that fell the same way we do 
you cant show me a poll or a stat or anything that says 100% of women or men see marriage as being necessary 
Which is why I presented my last question to LDJ.

I think many women agree with our sentiments, it is just that they aren't comfortable with expressing or acting upon those ideas in public because of the backlash they would get. I think it takes a lot for someone to come out and voice their opinion, especially is they are the vast minority. But remember, being minority doesn't make your opinion any less/more wrong/right. I think that is where people get confused. More people agreeing doesn't mean you are right.

So Truth, there are PLENTY of females that feel the same way, that aren't hood girls, but they just wouldn't display it because they have a lot of sisters, aunts, and angry friends and mothers.

Right there are those women out there and they range from all ages and ethnic backgrounds
the comment that got me tripping that coming from the dudes that defending marriage 

is that if you haven't experienced it our opinion have no value 

so you telling me that just because I haven't been married mean im not able

to tell you that marriage wont change MY OWN PERSONAL FEELINGS about

my sig other $!@+% with that $#!@
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

TruthGetsBusy wrote 

And back to this topic.  I really would like to see what type of woman choose to deal with you guys.  While you guys might be educated, well off financially, and respectful you are clearly nuts.

I said it once and I will say it again there are plenty of women that fell the same way we do 
you cant show me a poll or a stat or anything that says 100% of women or men see marriage as being necessary 
Which is why I presented my last question to LDJ.

I think many women agree with our sentiments, it is just that they aren't comfortable with expressing or acting upon those ideas in public because of the backlash they would get. I think it takes a lot for someone to come out and voice their opinion, especially is they are the vast minority. But remember, being minority doesn't make your opinion any less/more wrong/right. I think that is where people get confused. More people agreeing doesn't mean you are right.

So Truth, there are PLENTY of females that feel the same way, that aren't hood girls, but they just wouldn't display it because they have a lot of sisters, aunts, and angry friends and mothers.

Right there are those women out there and they range from all ages and ethnic backgrounds
the comment that got me tripping that coming from the dudes that defending marriage 

is that if you haven't experienced it our opinion have no value 

so you telling me that just because I haven't been married mean im not able

to tell you that marriage wont change MY OWN PERSONAL FEELINGS about

my sig other $!@+% with that $#!@
Originally Posted by Wilroc

I'm still trying to figure out a few things ..
Becoming a husband = becoming a man?

You can't have a family without being married?

Two people can't fully love each other unless they are married?

Why do people feel the above statements are true?

Edit: It looks like the majority of people in here defending marriage only do so due to social reasons and feeling like they need to. I don't think many benefits have been named.

The only benefits to marriage is money and the title that your telling the world this is my woman for live 
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

See, I still don't get how so many people here advocate marriage as if it's a guarantee that everything is gonna be alright when it happens for you. More people than ever come from single parent (or divorced) backgrounds. They don't ask to be in that position... admittedly some do it for selfish gain, while others do it to get out of an abusive (or loveless) relationship. Also consider in American society, it doesn't seem a lot of people in our generation value the sanctity of marriage like they used to it. After reading this thread and many other relationship threads with the constant theme of "instant gratification" replaying over and over again.
So again... I ask all you NT'ers who are fortunate to find "the one" and etc. when it comes to getting married. How can I believe in something so sacred like marriage if I'll never be 100% certain, whether or not the woman I would like to marry would be on the same page as I do about marriage? I feel it's more of a gamble on the male end than the female (considering the lack of input from them).

Also to throw it in there, I've had girlfriends before and a few times things could have gotten serious. But with bad timing, immaturity and bunch of other extraneous variables things didn't work out. That doesn't mean I don't know what I want. Or, that I prefer to be forever stallone'd.

Ideally, I would like to settle down someday. But as I get older and more of my peers get "hitched or permanently attached without formality." I find myself having a tough time finding good quality prospect partners lately, due to the lack of maturity and direction a lot of females I've encountered thus far.
Dog you will never be 100% sure of anything in life. NEVER. That's like sayin something is perfect, which we all know can never be.
My philosophy to having a strong stable relationship is becoming friends first. Once sex is involved, it complicates things so that's why ppl never stay together long because after the sex gets repetitive, there's nothing keepin the relationship stable.  
Well of course, I agree. Therefore, I don't see what's the purpose of people scrutinizing others because they aren't comfortable with the idea of marriage (or the value it has in today's society). 
I understand that, but for me personally I have a tough time developing relationship out of friendship. Rarely has it been the ideal... friends stage, x amount of time elapsed, dating and then becoming official. Most of the time the relationship is purely platonic, INS, or sexually driven.

Or, maybe I'm not meant to be about that Corey and Topanga life... 
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

See, I still don't get how so many people here advocate marriage as if it's a guarantee that everything is gonna be alright when it happens for you. More people than ever come from single parent (or divorced) backgrounds. They don't ask to be in that position... admittedly some do it for selfish gain, while others do it to get out of an abusive (or loveless) relationship. Also consider in American society, it doesn't seem a lot of people in our generation value the sanctity of marriage like they used to it. After reading this thread and many other relationship threads with the constant theme of "instant gratification" replaying over and over again.
So again... I ask all you NT'ers who are fortunate to find "the one" and etc. when it comes to getting married. How can I believe in something so sacred like marriage if I'll never be 100% certain, whether or not the woman I would like to marry would be on the same page as I do about marriage? I feel it's more of a gamble on the male end than the female (considering the lack of input from them).

Also to throw it in there, I've had girlfriends before and a few times things could have gotten serious. But with bad timing, immaturity and bunch of other extraneous variables things didn't work out. That doesn't mean I don't know what I want. Or, that I prefer to be forever stallone'd.

Ideally, I would like to settle down someday. But as I get older and more of my peers get "hitched or permanently attached without formality." I find myself having a tough time finding good quality prospect partners lately, due to the lack of maturity and direction a lot of females I've encountered thus far.
Dog you will never be 100% sure of anything in life. NEVER. That's like sayin something is perfect, which we all know can never be.
My philosophy to having a strong stable relationship is becoming friends first. Once sex is involved, it complicates things so that's why ppl never stay together long because after the sex gets repetitive, there's nothing keepin the relationship stable.  
Well of course, I agree. Therefore, I don't see what's the purpose of people scrutinizing others because they aren't comfortable with the idea of marriage (or the value it has in today's society). 
I understand that, but for me personally I have a tough time developing relationship out of friendship. Rarely has it been the ideal... friends stage, x amount of time elapsed, dating and then becoming official. Most of the time the relationship is purely platonic, INS, or sexually driven.

Or, maybe I'm not meant to be about that Corey and Topanga life... 
Why is anybody listening to what LDJ says?
From what he has shared in the past he is a horrible human being with no soul. He will make babies and not support them. 
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by Wilroc

I'm still trying to figure out a few things ..
Becoming a husband = becoming a man?

You can't have a family without being married?

Two people can't fully love each other unless they are married?

Why do people feel the above statements are true?

Edit: It looks like the majority of people in here defending marriage only do so due to social reasons and feeling like they need to. I don't think many benefits have been named.

The only benefits to marriage is money and the title that your telling the world this is my woman for live 
exactly thats it 
the court system benefits more than you do

I dont think I will love her any more or less 
My intentions for this thread are not to bash people already married, but yet inform others to think for themselves and decide what lifestyle will Truly be enjoyable.

What I see in many marriages... Most women would never settle down if they didnt lose there looks or have a biological time clock. But they cash in because they know after a while there value will go down and then nobody will want them.  Men do not have this problem, but can get caught up in the whole family life before reaching their true potential. The not so attactive ones have to believe in "love" because what else do they have to believe in? They end up settling for Mr. good enough, not someone they truly love. A marriage imo is just a partnership. What makes for a good marriage does not make for a good romantic relationship. I think many women would actually like to be married and feel alone then really be alone.

Marriage for men = human wallet, sperm donor, babysitter.

Overall its interesting to hear different views. Even tho we will never really see eye to eye I appreciate everyones opinion. To each is his own tho.
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