There is a spider inside my Plasma TV! (video)

Just call samsung...the worst you'll get is that they'll laughat you

just do it, seriously
Silly spider. What are you doing in that plasma?

Spiders don't even watch television.
Get rid of it before you turn it on tomorrow and see the screen covered in a web
Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

That would suck soo much.

Unless it finds its own way out, I dunno how you're gonna get rid of it. If it dies on the bottom of your screen and starts decomposing, it'll fog up/mess up a little area around the screen I bet.

you gotta hope it dies somewhere off screen... if it dies in the middle your gonna have to open it up and get it out...
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by 18key

Get rid of it before you turn it on tomorrow and see the screen covered in a web

dude is gonna have the spider-man logo on the screen


OP i think you can fix it by leaving your TV on for a period of time and it will eventually die/melt/cook
I had a spider crawl in my big screen projection tv and live there for a while. I was too lazy to do anything about it so the spider started setting up allthese webs inside and I'd see them every time I watched tv. My brother finally opened the tv up and cleaned all the webs like 2 months later.
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