This slap gives "bus driver uppercut" a run for it's money

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:smh: Dude is a *****... 5 foot 100lb female against a 6'4 500lb male? Like I said, *****!

The size difference is exactly why her trash *** shouldnt even attempt to step to dude. Aint no way im having some scrawny man or woman step to me and test my patience. Dude aint *****, he just dont put up for disrespect. Your response is exactly why women feel they can get away with ish like this. its like how kids get away with disrespecting their parents.
I watched like 20 times and laugh harder each time. Her gettin right up wasn't so good. ***** had to be seeing stars flying n ears ringing loud as hell.
After a rewatch that shaking of the hand before the slap was a hilarious precursor to the slap
YouTube comments
she got up like nothing happened!

that's because he slapped her so hard that she went back in time to a couple minutes before he slapped her
After a rewatch that shaking of the hand before the slap was a hilarious precursor to the slap
Like in Punch-Out where the characters have certain mannerisms before they use their special attack and  you're supposed to spot them to time your evasion.
A few things :

-wonder what caused this to pop off
-my man had that offensive lineman footwork going on like he was in a pass blocking drill
-worldstar is ruining society - everytime there is about to be a fight on the basketball court at one of the spots I play everyone gets their phone out and starts screaming worldstar
-don't know if its sad or business as usual how no one reacted, that makes me want to know what happened before the film started...
-my man was twitching his hand like Bane in Dark Knight Rises before he slaps her (the scene where the guy searches Gordon in the sewer, when he finds the letter)
-after he slaps her it is business as usual with the oblivious cashier
-but she hopped up like a point guard who just got fouled hard going to the cup....
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^ will never understand people with that kind of mindset...dont you know you will get killed jumping in other peoples buisness.
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The size difference is exactly why her trash *** shouldnt even attempt to step to dude. Aint no way im having some scrawny man or woman step to me and test my patience. Dude aint *****, he just dont put up for disrespect. Your response is exactly why women feel they can get away with ish like this. its like how kids get away with disrespecting their parents.

All of this.

Not saying its ok to hit women.. But she was asking for it.
A few things :

-wonder what caused this to pop off
-my man had that offensive lineman footwork going on like he was in a pass blocking drill
-worldstar is ruining society - everytime there is about to be a fight on the basketball court at one of the spots I play everyone gets their phone out and starts screaming worldstar
-don't know if its sad or business as usual how no one reacted, that makes me want to know what happened before the film started...
-my man was twitching his hand like Bane in Dark Knight Rises before he slaps her (the scene where the guy searches Gordon in the sewer, when he finds the letter)
-after he slaps her it is business as usual with the oblivious cashier
-but she hopped up like a point guard who just got fouled hard going to the cup....

:rofl: :rofl: these comparisons doe
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