Thoughts on Non-Blacks Using the N Word (Video) - feat LowKeyUHtn

white people that say this need to be slapped forreal u sound like effin idiots, even hispanics sayin it bothers me, and im latino like come on u dont need to b using that...
white people that say this need to be slapped forreal u sound like effin idiots, even hispanics sayin it bothers me, and im latino like come on u dont need to b using that...
Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by FudgeMoney24

I think in a perfect world, no one should say it.
Problem is the world is imperfect. I'm not so much bothered by its use by non-blacks per se, unless its in a malicious way. What irks me is how adamant some non-blacks are about how they should be allowed to use the word because some black people say it. If dudes just owned up and said you know what, its foul but I say it anyways because I've been influenced by blacks and I have a potty mouth, I'd respect it. But don't try to hop up on the righteous tip and justify it like you have some sort of legit excuse.

Definitely this.
Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by FudgeMoney24

I think in a perfect world, no one should say it.
Problem is the world is imperfect. I'm not so much bothered by its use by non-blacks per se, unless its in a malicious way. What irks me is how adamant some non-blacks are about how they should be allowed to use the word because some black people say it. If dudes just owned up and said you know what, its foul but I say it anyways because I've been influenced by blacks and I have a potty mouth, I'd respect it. But don't try to hop up on the righteous tip and justify it like you have some sort of legit excuse.

Definitely this.
Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

well i actually shot this video about a month ago, i was intrigued by the surety of v-nasty's tone.
i had a convo with her the other day, and she got DEEP...i had to respect what she said


as much as i hate to say it... this broad v nasty has got better and this joint ride.

 at myself.
Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

well i actually shot this video about a month ago, i was intrigued by the surety of v-nasty's tone.
i had a convo with her the other day, and she got DEEP...i had to respect what she said


as much as i hate to say it... this broad v nasty has got better and this joint ride.

 at myself.
White people wanna say the word, but they don't want the life... wanna be down, but only from a safe distance:

saw this when it aired and it pissed me the f off.

they press the black dude out, but help the white boy and the cute white girl.

White people wanna say the word, but they don't want the life... wanna be down, but only from a safe distance:

saw this when it aired and it pissed me the f off.

they press the black dude out, but help the white boy and the cute white girl.

First off did ole girl in the video really say something along the lines of "I earned the right to use the word"? WOW

As a black man I feel like ppl put too much power into words. Do I use the N word? yes I do and it's something that I have heard for most of my life through music, friends, movies, etc. At the same time the context that it was used in was never something that I would get offended by.
Originally Posted by henz0

All of my boys regardless of race use the word.. & I dont care..

If you disagree with me allowing this.. I dont care either
This. I have friends that are non-black that use the word and I have some that would never use the word but it doesn't matter to me because their using it the same way that I am therefore I would be a hypocrite for telling them not to use it regardless of my race. The only thing that bothers me is when ppl OD with the word no matter the race or when ppl use it just for the sake of using it. Now my boys that are non-black they understand that not everybody will be ok with them saying the N word so they watch themselves around ppl they don't know. It all depends on how much power your actually putting into the word. I've seen black ppl get mad at some other race for using the N word right after they used it just because they felt like they should have and not because they were actually offended. There will always be ppl offended by the N word and there will also be ppl who aren't regardless of race so why argue?
First off did ole girl in the video really say something along the lines of "I earned the right to use the word"? WOW

As a black man I feel like ppl put too much power into words. Do I use the N word? yes I do and it's something that I have heard for most of my life through music, friends, movies, etc. At the same time the context that it was used in was never something that I would get offended by.
Originally Posted by henz0

All of my boys regardless of race use the word.. & I dont care..

If you disagree with me allowing this.. I dont care either
This. I have friends that are non-black that use the word and I have some that would never use the word but it doesn't matter to me because their using it the same way that I am therefore I would be a hypocrite for telling them not to use it regardless of my race. The only thing that bothers me is when ppl OD with the word no matter the race or when ppl use it just for the sake of using it. Now my boys that are non-black they understand that not everybody will be ok with them saying the N word so they watch themselves around ppl they don't know. It all depends on how much power your actually putting into the word. I've seen black ppl get mad at some other race for using the N word right after they used it just because they felt like they should have and not because they were actually offended. There will always be ppl offended by the N word and there will also be ppl who aren't regardless of race so why argue?
How the hell are people saying they earned the right to say this word? 
 Be real. You weren't out on those streets getting blasted with fire hydrants. You don't know the "struggle." Get out of here. It's okay for certain people to say it because they were born black? So if a black kid and a white kid are neighbors, and grow up in the same neighborhood living the same lifestyle, only the black kid can say the word? Get the eff out of here.
I have friends of all different races and they say it. I understand some people find it derogatory and think we shouldn't say it, but we do. It's the context it's used in. I don't care if a white friend throws the word around in a conversation because I know that he's not trying to speak down on anything. That's just how we grew up and it's a word we use now.
How the hell are people saying they earned the right to say this word? 
 Be real. You weren't out on those streets getting blasted with fire hydrants. You don't know the "struggle." Get out of here. It's okay for certain people to say it because they were born black? So if a black kid and a white kid are neighbors, and grow up in the same neighborhood living the same lifestyle, only the black kid can say the word? Get the eff out of here.
I have friends of all different races and they say it. I understand some people find it derogatory and think we shouldn't say it, but we do. It's the context it's used in. I don't care if a white friend throws the word around in a conversation because I know that he's not trying to speak down on anything. That's just how we grew up and it's a word we use now.
Didn't watch the vid, but can someone paraphrase as to why V-Nasty thinks she "earned" the right to say it?
Didn't watch the vid, but can someone paraphrase as to why V-Nasty thinks she "earned" the right to say it?
time to share a personal story.
when i was in switzerland, chillin by the lakeside (btw i was the only black person around). this group of girls walked up to me and said, whats up +%*!!?
but not in a condescending tone. they asked it sincerely as if +%*!! was just anoun in the english language. they legitimtely had no idea of its history.
i gave them a funny look at fist but i had to excuse it because ultimately they relaly didnt know.
in fact its black peoples fault. we go about using words like the n word on tv in our music etc.
black music from america has taken over much of the pop charts so to say that the word is exlusively ours anymore to use is rediculous. kids from europe use this word without even realizing its impact.
we have to stop using or they certainly wont.
time to share a personal story.
when i was in switzerland, chillin by the lakeside (btw i was the only black person around). this group of girls walked up to me and said, whats up +%*!!?
but not in a condescending tone. they asked it sincerely as if +%*!! was just anoun in the english language. they legitimtely had no idea of its history.
i gave them a funny look at fist but i had to excuse it because ultimately they relaly didnt know.
in fact its black peoples fault. we go about using words like the n word on tv in our music etc.
black music from america has taken over much of the pop charts so to say that the word is exlusively ours anymore to use is rediculous. kids from europe use this word without even realizing its impact.
we have to stop using or they certainly wont.
I use the word a lot, with my friends (Hispanics, Whites, and some Blacks) I hear the word a lot in school, Heard it around teacher a few times and they really don't care.

We use it even more when there's no Black dudes around, Most Black dudes really don't care when we use the word though. Well some of them have said as long as we don't use -er it's cool with them.

I've heard a White guy call a Black guy "Uncle Tom", and the Black guy said that word was more offensive than the N word.

Really don't know about that.
I use the word a lot, with my friends (Hispanics, Whites, and some Blacks) I hear the word a lot in school, Heard it around teacher a few times and they really don't care.

We use it even more when there's no Black dudes around, Most Black dudes really don't care when we use the word though. Well some of them have said as long as we don't use -er it's cool with them.

I've heard a White guy call a Black guy "Uncle Tom", and the Black guy said that word was more offensive than the N word.

Really don't know about that.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

White people wanna say the word, but they don't want the life... wanna be down, but only from a safe distance:
damn shame

sidenote: i never got the big deal about the c word. i use it quite often
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

White people wanna say the word, but they don't want the life... wanna be down, but only from a safe distance:
damn shame

sidenote: i never got the big deal about the c word. i use it quite often
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