TMZ is reporting Lil Wayne is in critical condition after seizures and "it doesn't look good"

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If he doesn't croak today, he still won't live long. I think he actually wants to die. I think he's on some serious Dave Chappelle I just wanna get away type thing. He's probably just tired of being Lil Wayne. The high expectations, the criticism, the stress, the drama. He already smashed a billion women, owned every fast car, bought every diamond available, raised his daughter, became a success... What would be next besides death?

Next stop, start trouble inside the Waffle House
Like someone said before, it's 2013. If dude was all fine and dandy, how hard would it really have been to send a pic out of him watching the Cuse game?
I highly doubt Lil Wayne tweeted that....have you read his past tweets....this man doesnt know how to spell.

Ghost writer
Tmz post pics of YMCMB members outside the hospital, Mack Maine goes silent, and "Iil Wayne" posts a tweet saying he's fine. Come on YMCMB...this ain't the New Orleans times-picayune...this is TmZ y'all gotta come better than that
Real men find different ways to deal with/cope/handle/whatever tragedy or bad news. One of those ways is humor. It's called being an adult and not being over-sensitive about everything.
Really? Ok manly man, go to a funeral and crack jokes and if anyone gets upset make sure to call them over-sensitive and not being adult..See how that works out for you.
People use humor as a coping mechanism. What's so hard to understand about that?
I am saying what because you are essentially telling someone to "man up" because they found folks laughing at the situation as tasteless. :lol:

What is so hard to understand about THAT :smh:
the thing I do not understand right now is why would anyone say he's okay if he's not? maybe I'm missing something here?

I mean if he's tweeting that he's good, but he's actually not, wouldn't that mean that someone is going to extremely great lengths to hide a grim prognosis?

Seems like some people want him to be worse off than he actually is. :smh:
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cant hid nothing from TMZ. They are some professional private investigators. Hire them to solve the Kennedy murder.
Real men find different ways to deal with/cope/handle/whatever tragedy or bad news. One of those ways is humor. It's called being an adult and not being over-sensitive about everything.

That is exactly the opposite of what an adult does
the thing I do not understand right now is why would anyone say he's okay if he's not? maybe I'm missing something here?

I mean if he's tweeting that he's good, but he's actually not, wouldn't that mean that someone is going to extremely great lengths to hide a grim prognosis?

Seems like some people want him to be worse off than he actually is. :smh:

Because they don't want him to look "weak". Yet again, if he's fine, why has nobody taken a picture of him? That right there should tell you he's not even close to fine
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