TMZ is reporting Lil Wayne is in critical condition after seizures and "it doesn't look good"

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TMZ are massive trolls. I couldn't imagine having someone close to me pass away and people are trying to out the information before said persons family is even aware. Pure scum
TMZ are massive trolls. I couldn't imagine having someone close to me pass away and people are trying to out the information before said persons family is even aware. Pure scum

The top of Mt. Pious is getting really crowded right about now.
If he doesn't croak today, he still won't live long. I think he actually wants to die. I think he's on some serious Dave Chappelle I just wanna get away type thing. He's probably just tired of being Lil Wayne. The high expectations, the criticism, the stress, the drama. He already smashed a billion women, owned every fast car, bought every diamond available, raised his daughter, became a success... What would be next besides death?

So thats what life is about eh

He has 3 other kids and they are all under the age of 4.

Why are you guys shocked people are making tactless jokes, this is NT.
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TMZ are massive trolls. I couldn't imagine having someone close to me pass away and people are trying to out the information before said persons family is even aware. Pure scum

The top of Mt. Pious is getting really crowded right about now.

I don't know what that means, but I was basically saying I would never wanna be famous because of the paparazzi being all on your junk 24/7.

I don't care about the jokes in the thread, that's not rustling my jimmies.
A eulogy with Jokes about that person's death? Or reminiscing about funny things the person did in life? Nice try though.

The joke wasn't even about Wayne dying was about Drake's propensity for making soft music.

I understand why you're in your feelings though.
so is he actually well?? :rolleyes if not hope dude pulls through. whether we like his fashion taste & music or not, theres no denying he did make an impact in the music industry.
The joke wasn't even about Wayne dying was about Drake's propensity for making soft music.

I understand why you're in your feelings though.
Yea...but isn't it linked to wayne DYING..Which goes back to my original point.

If I'm in my feelings, I got you in yours too because you keep responding

True,not the best. But he did leave an impact on music.

Hope he's fine.
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