To my brothers of NT, I know that 90% of y'all are guilty of this Vol. Awkward bro moment

Originally Posted by Luong1209

My least favorite one, the quick slap and pound (pause) dap...The crap comes out of left field...

I HATE when someone comes at me with that's never expected
like man where the eff did that come from
Originally Posted by Luong1209

My least favorite one, the quick slap and pound (pause) dap...The crap comes out of left field...

Its the worst when you go for the handshake and try to grip their slap and then you switch it up to the slap and they grip. (Paws)
good to see NT finally catchin on to this dude, posted a couple vids a while back.  i think hes pretty funny
I never get that far. Stop after we get the handshake-hug done.
They OD with the hug turned death grip followed by the out of reach walking away pound.
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