Tom Clancy The Division March 8th XBOX ONE PS4 and PC

So tonight my friend betrayed me in the DZ :rofl: We were playing for real this time and had just collected some good items. Then all of a sudden dude fires and detonates a sticky grenade and runs off. I had no idea that he was setting me up, but within 10 seconds, a whole squad of level 15 goons showed up and killed me instantly. Instead of helping me, my boy waited for me to die, came back to steal all of my @$!@, and ran back off into the night :lol: We spent the next hour finding new ways to @!@# each other over while being on the same side :lol: love this game
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My friend and I have 0 interest in getting good items in the Dark Zone. Our only purpose is to troll and frustrate people who try to extract loot :smh: :lol: We lure them out by calling in an extraction chopper. After that, we hide somewhere and wait for them to come by, and then we just run up to them and kill them and go back into hiding :lol: We don't even pick up their loot most of the time; we just have other players pick it up, so that the person we just killed goes after them instead. The problem is we stop this from happening by going after this person every time he respawns :rofl:
Funny, had a squad of dudes try this to me and my friends earlier today. They did literally no damage to us, it was embarrassing. We got bored of them trying and ended their misery with melee attacks. :lol:
One of my only nights on the weekdays to play and they do maintenance at 1am PST. Do they not realize some people play at night? It could I'd been done in the morning or something :smh:
Anyone clear that Daily Challenging mission last night?
Took 2 hours and a lot of cursing for me and my squad to get through. Easily the toughest we've done so far.
How many Challenging missions do you get a day? I thought it was just 1 a day, but I also noticed Lexington did have a challenging difficulty as well.
How many Challenging missions do you get a day? I thought it was just 1 a day, but I also noticed Lexington did have a challenging difficulty as well.
challenging is just a difficulty like hard. you can play it as many times as you want. so people tend to repeat Lexington over and over. I don't even bother with dailies anymore cuz it it tbh
now THAT is interesting sir. Thank you for passing that info along. Hopefully that doesn't change w/ the patch today
Got about 5 hours in the past couple days.. on level 6 right now... this game is fun but kinda hard.. not really tripping though, i need to upgrade my guns, i feel like i was emotying a whole clip into level 7 fumagators b4 they died... .me and a couple randoms were running and it felt like we were severely overmatched. 
wish some of the other bugs would be fixed

.... like how i can never finish this Upgrade Wing Tutorial
Looks like this has been patched... got my mission-complete notification as soon as I walked into my Base. 
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I've done missions three missions through matchmaking and was able to complete them with minimal ease...Probably got wiped three times in the mission where you had to extract the items with the helicopter on top of the apartments.
Got about 5 hours in the past couple days.. on level 6 right now... this game is fun but kinda hard.. not really tripping though, i need to upgrade my guns, i feel like i was emotying a whole clip into level 7 fumagators b4 they died... .me and a couple randoms were running and it felt like we were severely overmatched. 

This is my only issue with the game really.

I'm a really casual gamer where I really only play for like 45min to an hour tops and it seems like the missions take so long because you gotta empty a whole clip into someone for them to die. I dont really understand what to do with the inventory (what to deconstruct or what to sell) and its too much for me as a some one who will probably only play a couple hours a week.

If i had the attention span to sit and play im sure it would be fun but i get bored sitting there shooting the same people running up to me and using half my ammo on 4 guys. I got the ak on Sunday so im hoping for better results
I've done missions three missions through matchmaking and was able to complete them with minimal ease...Probably got wiped three times in the mission where you had to extract the items with the helicopter on top of the apartments.
My team of randoms got slaughtered during the 1st two attempts. I thought we had to clear out the enemies before extracting the gear.
I need to upgrade my guns or get better ones, I got some lvl 10 guns but can't even use em yet :lol:. So the DZ is where all the good weaponry is right? I'm level 8 right now, so I should be good......I think.
Having a good gun will make DZ a lot more enjoyable for you. You can run with a group right now and piggyback XP on their exploits to level up, but you won't do much damage to foes.
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