Want to Change the World? Vol. KONY 2012

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Hey guys look at me. I just watched a sad video, and without any shred of knowledge of Uganda's history or the current geopolitical situation in Africa, I believe every word and I'm going to be totally activist about it. Let's totally like, send US troops in, that'll like, solve it. Yeah!

I'm awesome.
man, it's not even that.
it's cool that people want to help.

but dudes want to go about it by ordering a "kit" and putting up posters, trying to feel "a part of it" while gaining attention at the same time 
it kinda is about that.
ppl will support an invasion of uganda without knowing the full story then 10 years later they will complain about why we are still in that country. and we will kill kony like we did binladen and ppl will believe it.
^ I agree, I said that earlier, that's the main reason why I wouldn't even donate.

but, I find people buying "kits" even stranger than donating $ after watching a 30 min video on a 20 year issue.
Shirt will match perfectly with my Fire Red Vs

can't wait to rock it on campus and get all the birds attention.....

I did it for the hype
I know dude is bad and all, but why the world always picking on Africans? Did they forget we have priest booty banging little boys? Stop them. Nobody doing as much about as stopping the african warlord.
Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Jerry La Vigne on YouTube gotta be on NT.

Thinking the same thing.  
But it's AMAZING that a internet comedian can see thru the !@%#%%#%, but literally hundreds of my "educated" friends on Twitter & FB can't 
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Jerry La Vigne on YouTube gotta be on NT.

Thinking the same thing.  
But it's AMAZING that a internet comedian can see thru the !@%#%%#%, but literally hundreds of my "educated" friends on Twitter & FB can't 
I'm in education and I saw "KONY 2012" laminated on a few doors and just shook my head. How can we teach our students when we can't teach ourselves.

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Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN


Nice post. We can all do ourselves a favor and be more empirical. Saddest thing about all this is that there are a great number of people out there who can so quickly help but they have been steered to a disreputable charity. Say what you want but donating money is beyond sheer self-aggrandizement. A lot of non-profits out there could use the dollars, however it may be. Hopefully worthy non-profits can create comparable viral campaigns.
Originally Posted by spizike231

You all really think that Invisible Children is out to scam everyone? This is Jolly Grace O. Andruvile, Invisible Children's Regional Ambassador.

Disapprove of all of this if you guys want to, but don't bash the people who actually believe in this. IC has a whole page dedicated to answering most of the questions in here. Go check it out if you're still skeptical.

I really appreciate you posting this vid.people act like just because its been going on for a long time that we should ignore it. makes me sick to my stomach that just because a grassroots movement becomes extremely successful skeptics want to tear it down. You guys are the definition of anti everything hipsters..
Originally Posted by vandal044

Originally Posted by spizike231

You all really think that Invisible Children is out to scam everyone? This is Jolly Grace O. Andruvile, Invisible Children's Regional Ambassador.

Disapprove of all of this if you guys want to, but don't bash the people who actually believe in this. IC has a whole page dedicated to answering most of the questions in here. Go check it out if you're still skeptical.

I really appreciate you posting this vid.people act like just because its been going on for a long time that we should ignore it. makes me sick to my stomach that just because a grassroots movement becomes extremely successful skeptics want to tear it down. You guys are the definition of anti everything hipsters..
And you are what exactly?
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by vandal044

Originally Posted by spizike231

You all really think that Invisible Children is out to scam everyone? This is Jolly Grace O. Andruvile, Invisible Children's Regional Ambassador.

Disapprove of all of this if you guys want to, but don't bash the people who actually believe in this. IC has a whole page dedicated to answering most of the questions in here. Go check it out if you're still skeptical.

I really appreciate you posting this vid.people act like just because its been going on for a long time that we should ignore it. makes me sick to my stomach that just because a grassroots movement becomes extremely successful skeptics want to tear it down. You guys are the definition of anti everything hipsters..
And you are what exactly?

son i have been helping with non profits since i was 13 (26 now) whether it was helping organize march of dimes in Seattle or Philly or helping gather donations for the united way..miss me with that anti establishment propaganda you cats are talking about.
Originally Posted by vandal044

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by vandal044

I really appreciate you posting this vid.people act like just because its been going on for a long time that we should ignore it. makes me sick to my stomach that just because a grassroots movement becomes extremely successful skeptics want to tear it down. You guys are the definition of anti everything hipsters..
And you are what exactly?

son i have been helping with non profits since i was 13 (26 now) whether it was helping organize march of dimes in Seattle or Philly or helping gather donations for the united way..miss me with that anti establishment propaganda you cats are talking about.
The money is going to buy equipment for the UPDF, a group that is accused of running prostitution rings and smuggling stolen raw material out of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic. However, while independent agencies involved in the region have published reports denouncing those acts, officials from both countries - where the UPDF currently operates - have been silent, probably because they prefer to keep cordial relations with the Ugandan government.

The lack of credibility of IC stems from the fact that the video misleads the viewers into thinking that Kony is the only faulty party in the war when both sides have used kids and will likely do so in the future. IC is simplifying and misrepresenting a complex issue, and they are asking us, potential donors, to assume a predetermined stance without giving us all the tools necessary to evaluate the possible consequences. That's wrong.

Food for thought: 

When Mobutu was being removed from power in Zaire (before it became known as DRC), the Ugandan forces supported Kabila, the main leader of the rebellion. During the first Congolese war (another conflict that has caused millions of deaths, but that nobody outside Africa seems to care about), the same Ugandan forces tried to overthrow the same guy they previously supported. These are the people your money and activism will empower.

All the skeptics are saying is know who and why you are helping.  The LRA and the UPDF are cut off the same cloth. They've just been tailored differently.
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