Want to Change the World? Vol. KONY 2012

Originally Posted by kiendienn

2 star - accountability and transparency

Only 31% of funds go towards the charity cause

Of the $8.9 million you spent in 2011:
  • $1.7 million in US employee salaries
  • $357,000 in Film costs
  • $850,000 in Production costs
  • $244,000 in "professional services" (DC lobbyists)
  • $1.07 million in travel expenses
  • $400,000 in office rent in San Diego
  • $16,000 in Entertainment
  • etc...

$400,000 in office rent? 400k/12 = 33,333 per month for office rent? Are they housing refugees down in San Diego?  Sounds suspicious to me. 
Their financial statements are online via their website so you can see directly what they are spending.  

http://c2052482.r82.cf0.rackcdn.com...1-Audited Financial Statements.pdf?1320205055

All in all, this charity is just one of thousands. Ain't nothing special other than these guys know how to use the media.
im also skeptical about the true intentions of invisible children. however i do thank them for raising awareness internationally , hypebeast or not. what i feel like we COULD do is maybe as a mass tweet athletes/ celebrities/ politicians n those around us http://visiblechildren.tu...890947431/we-got-trouble and find a way to actually make a difference to the situation. just my opinion
People at my work are starting to support this too. Glad I am aware. There's gotta be another way... Thank You Based Niketalkers.
*waits for hypebeasts to start wearing KONY 2012 wristband*

Originally Posted by Gry60

The other thing I wanted to mention is this: donors, know where you stand. I have no problem donating to humanitarian NGOs. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The problem with IC is that the money they take from people will be used to fund one side of the conflict on the basis that it's the "good" side, even though they don't even know the origins of the LRA and the causes of its fight against the Ugandan government. [/color]

Did I mention that the life-loving Ugandan government is trying to pass a law that would find gay people eligible for the death penalty?

Bolded for emphasis. I'm willing to bet a majority of the people who'll be riding this Kony wave will only take into account the filmmaker's take on the situation without doing their own research. Just appeal to people's emotions and you can have them eating out of your hand.
Without having seen the video,

 My first thought was this: "What natural resources does the Ugandan region have? What Western interests were jeopardizes why this video was being made and went viral seemingly overnight"...then come to find out the LRA operates in the Republic of Congo as well....the Congo is one of the richest places on earth in terms on oil and natural resources. Come to find out that the US and China are vying for oil in the region...

Pardon me for not accepting white saviors but this video reeks of that. The video reeks of propoganda and sensationalism....this stuff has been going on for decades and just now it's getting noticed? I figure there's some new oil that's been found over there. The vid reminded me of the 1800s how the Europeans sent missionaries first to colonize Africa, telling them to worship a god that didnt even look like them, next thing you know they're sold into slavery and all their resources plundered and split up amongst their oppressors.
Not to fond of how he conditioned his son that Kony was the bad guy...what's a toddler gonna do to differentiate between people of color?

Watch the Congo region and activity around it in the next few months.
Not to fond of how he conditioned his son that Kony was the bad guy...what's a toddler gonna do to differentiate between people of color?

Make no mistake, Kony is evil and he should be stopped. My issue is with the fact that people are willingly sending money to fund the military actions of a government led by a president - Yoweri Museveni, in power since 1986 - who didn't (doesn't?) see anything wrong with using child soldiers.

Didn't read  all of this thread, looked up KONY. It just seems like another "fad" cause people want to talk about to make it seem like they care. The fact that some mentioned they saw it on their FB newsfeed tells me what I need to know about those who "care". I saw someone draw a parallel of this to the Holocaust. Interesting....because I swear slavery existed long before that. Not making it into Slavery Vs. The Holocaust (they're equally bad), but I get tired of people mentioning the Holocaust and ignoring Slavery and other deplorable time periods in history as if they never existed.
I can't believe the amount of bandwagon hoppers jumping on to this who are clearly going to just share the Youtube video and do no more.

This is highly interesting to me though, billions of barrels of oil reserves were found in Uganda five years ago.

Humanitarian rationalisations have always been the cloak of legitimacy for the ruthless extraction of African resources. The KONY 2012 campaign is propaganda which is attempting to legitimize U.S. military intervention in Uganda in order to take control of its oil.

Originally Posted by spizike231

Originally Posted by 00david00

where does the money we donate go? serious question? i mean like do they give it to the government in Uganda or what?

I assume it goes to funding military over there somewhat and helping the children who are hiding from Kony. Also probably goes to getting posters made and bracelets / action kits.
don't assume bruh this yo thread you should KNOW
after researching i've found out that MOST of the donations go to the people in the orgs pockets , or to make more movies (like this video) which brings them more money , THIS org is shady (invisible children) and use tactics like these to profit themselves

im down for the cause yes , but not with this organization
do the research

( i haven't read all 8 pages it was too much lol)
Propaganda is a powerful tool. Can we talk about how well done the video was tho. They paid good money for that producer and director. Wag the dog type +%*@.
200,000 barrels of oil daily potentially can be pumped from Uganda and there have already been whisperings of bribes and corruption.

Save me the fake white savior liberalism and open your eyes to what's going on.
actually feel hype off this.....

this can spill over into another movement of some sort, bigger than #occupywallst.

ill be ordering my kit next week....

bout to get some spring time political protest poon.....
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