Watched a video 10 years ago that still haunts me today......

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May 17, 2004
About 10 years ago, a buddy of mine showed me a gruesome video of an American soldier captured by al queda, getting his head carved off with a knife. Soldiers name was Nick Berg RIP.

Immediately after, I went into a depression.

God, I can't stop thinking about it even today. Can't sleep some nights either.

Anyone else seen this video?
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i remember it from around '04 or so. it was my first real hardcore video like that. 

i can stomach alot of things, but beheadings and real gorey things? No thanks. 

even pictures i could stand, but not seeing it happen.

That wasn't your buddy
Man I thought this was gonna be George Bush throwing out the first pitch at Yankee stadium after 9/11.

Then I realized that was 12 years ago. Never seen that beheading video.
he was from around me; I could never bring myself to watch videos like this but I remember this very well :smh:
I remember hearing about that video back then and to this day, I still havent watched it

I can't do it :x
Yeah, I've seen it.

I remember thinking it was going to be like a sword, swinging down in one fast strike. WRONG. If I remember right, it was more like a 10" blade. Sawed his head off and you could hear him gurgling blood...

I've seen some other crazy ones.

They usually don't shake me up too bad, but the hammer one got me. "3 guys 1 hammer" or something like that? That one made me an angry person inside...
I saw the video of the Mexican cartels cutting off like 8 heads. I wasn't disturbed, the internet has desensitized me so much. The thing that did it to me was when my friend had me watch the pain Olympics like 8 years ago, that can never be unseen :smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:
Ive seen beheadings, bme pain olympics, all kinds of fd up stuff etc but theres 1 video that stand alone. i saw it a long time ago and it still disturbs me thinking about it. its this video where these kids beat this old guy down with a hammer and literally pulverize his face until its mush. :smh: that is by far the worst video ive ever seen on the internet.

edit - lol damn i didnt read some of the replys but apparently some of yall have seen it too.
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I remember someone posted this on NT and I couldn't get the image out of my head that night....It was a video of a guy jumping off a ledge and he accidently hit his head on something...His head was cracked open all the way through the middle but he was still alive...u can see the insides :x ...not surprisingly that thread was locked.
1 guy 1 jar. Do yourself a favor and don't google it, unless you're into that type of stuff.
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