You already did lose though :lol:

I know being a man out of time, denial is harder to avoid.

After I deal with Tony, I'm making you the next priority. Your posts are so un-American.
Un-American? Sounding more like Captain Communist by the minute.

I disagree and now I'm un-American. I'll be waiting to give you you're next L and show you what a real American looks like.
After I deal with Tony, I'm making you the next priority. Your posts are so un-American.

Showing your true colors Cap. All you want is a fight. Jus be honest. You miss the war breh. Only time you're ever productive.

Cap just looking for another war to fight. He not about that Peace life.

Why you think he wanted SHIELD not be rebuilt so more chaos could reign and he could be the one running around trying to stop it. He's crazy I tell ya.
After I deal with Tony, I'm making you the next priority. Your posts are so un-American.

Showing your true colors Cap. All you want is a fight. Jus be honest. You miss the war breh. Only time you're ever productive.

Cap just looking for another war to fight. He not about that Peace life.

Why you think he wanted SHIELD not be rebuilt so more chaos could reign and he could be the one running around trying to stop it. He's crazy I tell ya.
Sounds like America to me
You're a war junkie Cap. Go stop Al Queada or Isis if you want your bloodlust sated. Go enlist again. Maybe a few tours will sort you out.

Sounds like America to me
Same means, different ends.

American gov't does it for control and to destabilize certain areas where they end up with the advantage.

Cap just does it cuz he can't be comfortable in his own skin and enjoy a 1st world American life. He needs the killing, life threatening, insane action.
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a solo cap movie about him running around the middle east kicking terrorist *** would be amazing though 
a solo cap movie about him running around the middle east kicking terrorist *** would be amazing though 
Just throw one of his villains in at the end. Profit.

this dude, done properly, in a movie about cap fighting isis
Y'all really don't understand the concept of evidence :frown:. I'm sure someone already has that alternate IM account and is waiting for the right time to use it.

Lamekilla probably has the Spider Man alternate account on lock.. :nerd:
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