What are some weird/unusual things you've seen people do??

May 12, 2002
I was riding the train the other day, and the whole ride ( about 40 mins ) this dude sitting across from me was constantly digging up his nose with his pinky then using that same pinky and rubbing it across his top lip like it was chap-stick or something 
He didn't look "crazy" either so I was kinda confused.

I'm sure you dudes have seen some wild #!!* being out & about 
driving home from work one day i saw a girl sitting on her porch, probably about 16-18 years old, take her shoe off, give it a real serious whiff, a 
 and slip the shoe back on.
i was laughing so hard i almost went off the road.
Maybe this is just more disgusting but this old lady used to come into my McDs every day and order a small coffe with 10 creams and 10 sugars
needless to say she went to the hospital later
inb4 100 pages
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

i just watched some fat broad dance on top of butter to some adele.

 @+*?? link?

@ MMG that's not possible if its paid for B
I've seen a lot of nasty things, Especially in elementary school. Dudes use to mix mash potatoes with milk and ketchup and dare someone else to eat it.

The other day I saw a broad I know eating some pizza with ketchup, jalapeños, and sour gummy worms. Then she said on FB it was the best thing ever...
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Not washing their hands after taking a dump

THIS IS SOOOO NASTY! smh at anyone who uses the restroom and doesn't pitstop at the sink. 
Originally Posted by GottaBeEm21

driving home from work one day i saw a girl sitting on her porch, probably about 16-18 years old, take her shoe off, give it a real serious whiff, a 
 and slip the shoe back on.
i was laughing so hard i almost went off the road.

Nothing nasty, but my coworker does creepy/starkerish things...

Snaps pics/videos of female coworker without her knowledge.

Takes certain routes to work just to get a look at certain girls.

Goes to Starbucks before and after work just to see this chick.

Weird dude.

Going to Starbucks to see a cute chick may seem normal but he's just creepy about it.
Walking around with one earbud in your ear listening to music........every body's different i guess.

they made two for a reason.
I was walking around downtown LA and seen a fat chick taking a @@@% on the sidewalk!
ppl all walking by in the middle of the day nd $@#...
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