What are the Pros/Cons of living with your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

Originally Posted by Kramer

Why not get married? Or just not move in until you are

1 year is not enough time to get married, imo.. Especially not because of a pregnancy/baby.
Cons. Only Cons. Everything you think is a positive will only lead to a negative.

Originally Posted by gORJESS

Originally Posted by cap1229

Is marriage in the future for you guys?

Were actually having a baby, im due in October - wanted to get some unbiased opinions though lol.

I feel like we can wait a little longer for marriage. Im 22, he is 30 and the pregnancy was unplanned but we are trying our best and we want to do this as a family. I honestly wanted some tips on making the experience better for him and I. I want to do the little things that make him happy with hopes of him doing them for me lol. 
well in that case, pics from February 2011.
Seriously OP %++@ will be difficult, if you love each other than you'll surpass it.
Make sure you duplicate his favorite meals his mom used to cook to perfection!
Also you will find out sex is overrated.

He will fall in love with PS3/XBox.

You will do more online shopping.
in the words of chris rock, "feed me, %*%! me, shut the %*%! up."

truest words ever spoken.

but seriously, i lived with my then gf for 2 years and my favorite activity with her was sitting in front of a tv eating dinner she cooked while i was getting my modern warfare on. i miss those days
Originally Posted by big1236

pros: we're married

cons: we're married

okay... my attempt at a joke is a huge fail.... lol

Ha it's funny cuz it isn't that funny.Op IMO do it because you and him are both ready for it not for the baby or cuz you want to do the little things for him because that along with being pregnant is a hell of big commitment.
OP i live with my fiance and we've been thru rough times starting off living together but now were getting things together and were better then ever.
Few tips: the main thing you have to do in a household is keep it clean
u also have to try to keep some type of space. dont try to be up under each other all the time 24/7. if u want to watch something other then sports go in the other room lol
organization is also key and also save money by cooking most of the time. yaw can split that as well. u eat good and u save money its a win win. and last but not least u can smash A LOT n thats always good if the sex is good
Try it out and see for yourself. Each experience is different.

I'd much rather find out my significant other's quirks before we get married so I can either:

a.) be prepared for it and adapt.
b.) get out while I can.
Meh just give each other space and dont nag and you should be good.It also sounds like its only cause of the baby why you're moving in together. If yall arent ready for that step then dont force it.
It all depends on the people involved. There are going to be moments were you want to kill each other, but as long as your able to communicate with each other and also realize to give each other space. Sometimes you might have to concede an L in an argument just to get past the BS. All in all, if you guys want to make it work, it will.
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

It all depends on the people involved. There are going to be moments were you want to kill each other, but as long as your able to communicate with each other and also realize to give each other space. Sometimes you might have to concede an L in an argument just to get past the BS. All in all, if you guys want to make it work, it will.

spoken perfectly. communication is key u rly have to talk EVERYTHING out and really taking a few L's  is key too. But ALL relationships go thru shhh, REAL relationships get thru shhh so ull soon find out which one u have OP
I live with my lady. About a year and a half now.

We're not married.


-Get to spend time together (both of you better be busy though....school or work)
-Costs can decrease as your sig other will add to the pot, or surprise you with gifts you need
-You'll find youself saving cash cause you're not always going out, you'll begin to enjoy life at home.
-If you're looking to marry your sig other in a few years, at least you'll know the persons habits before marriage.


-Costs increase (especially if your the dude)...your grocery bill skyrockets
-Less personal space
-Less personal time
-You'll argue a bit more initially
-Once it's "our space" remember, your sig other can suddenly have family/friends over, even when you don't necessarily want them around.
Some of ya'll must have some sucky relationships...

as stated before.. don't do it unless you see long term potential in the relationship.
a lot of people move in with their SO just b/c it's convenient or to save costs... moving in together is a next step move...not one b/c you'll save money.

living tips that work for me:
lets yourselves have your "me" time. That could mean anything from just sitting in the office playing on the computer while you watch lifetime tv... to letting him go out with the guys once or twice a month on the weekends.
conversely. make sure you set aside time for yourselves as a couple - date nights, etc.
divvy up the chores. find what works for you as a couple (even if it's 90/10)....but make sure you both share in the responsibility of the upkeep of the house
Set up 1 night a week where the person who doesn't do the normal cooking is responsible for dinner.

mental tip to keep in mind...this is the person you will be sleeping next to and spending the majority of your time with.. small little things don't matter (I even have to stop sometimes to remember this)

ps. look down at the toilet to make sure the seat is down.
I meanz if you are having a baby and all that, y'all should be alright. I'd never live with a GF unless I had serious intentions on marrying her.
been living with my gf for about 4 months. it's not as bad as yall claim. we get along and spend a lot of time together. if anything it's an adjustment of sharing your space. like someone else said, make sure to have your own "me" time. just communicate and you should be fine
I agree with everything that has been said thus far.  I lived with my wife before we got married for over a year before we got married and it was an adjustment, but I definitely enjoyed it and still do.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Pro: More sex
this is just flat out wrong.
In my experience it is 100% correct.

Doesn't make it worth it though.

OP, don't move in together with the hopes of things getting better (he"ll do more little things, etc). Moving in is not a solution, it's a result of a great relationship progressing towards marriage
Originally Posted by OGMIKEY

Originally Posted by gORJESS

Originally Posted by cap1229

Is marriage in the future for you guys?

Were actually having a baby, im due in October - wanted to get some unbiased opinions though lol.

I feel like we can wait a little longer for marriage. Im 22, he is 30 and the pregnancy was unplanned but we are trying our best and we want to do this as a family. I honestly wanted some tips on making the experience better for him and I. I want to do the little things that make him happy with hopes of him doing them for me lol. 

If he doesn't already there's a high probability you'll end up just a baby mama. Just sayin'


Also, how long were you both together before your pregnancy?
The truth is being spoken here. Take head. A dude at 30 aint gonna change. If he aint changing now, he aint never gonna change. He only gets more set in his ways.  
Try not to be one of those girlfriends who uses living together as an opportunity to go through his stuff while hes not looking. Nothing is more aggrivating then having a gf rummage through your stuff in search of dirt. Even if it is found it is still petty on a girls part. Just ask.
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