What did you do when you felt college wasnt for you?

Feb 17, 2012
Did you drop out? Stay and grind it out?

3rd semester at uni is almost over and I keep feeling like its just not for me.

It's not like I cant do it. I just always lose my desire to attend class and do work as I get deeper in the semester.

On the verge of being dismissed from uni if I fail a class this semester and I might. Not sure if I should just take a year off or go back or just go on with life without a degree.

What did you guys do?
Don't quit. Worst thing I ever did. I was in second semester and had a horrible term. Said eff it and got a job. Wish I could go back and stay the course.
Don't quit. Worst thing I ever did. I was in second semester and had a horrible term. Said eff it and got a job. Wish I could go back and stay the course.

I mean if I fail this class this semester I'll be dismissed. Then if I go to a different school or wait a year and return to my current school would I even be able to salvage my GPA?

I'll stay if I can but not sure what to do if I get that academic dismissal.
dam OP i feel the same way as you. i dont really understand why im going to college just feel like im going through the motions without a purpose
you'll regret it unless you got a good business mind or want to do something blue collar to make decent money
i kept going despite hating school, i eventually failed all my classes in a quarter but i picked it up, i got my associate's but been unemployed but i'm happy at the end which is the most important thing, only advice i have is, follow your heart
i kept going despite hating school, i eventually failed all my classes in a quarter but i picked it up, i got my associate's but been unemployed but i'm happy at the end which is the most important thing, only advice i have is, follow your heart
You're happy?  You haven't been unemployed long enough then
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i did good in the beginning then got a few of those classes where they lecture for 3 hours and we just take notes...after a hour im done listening i want to discuss, do work, or just let me leave...those are the classes that only give tests and i end up just doing poorly in, i need to do work

i just stopped going, didnt even drop just stopped showing up took the L on the semesters money
Joined the air force. Definitely didn't see myself ever joining the military but I got a job in the medical field and now gonna pursue my RN. Do what you feel is right for YOU. College loans ain't no joke
Don't see myself joining the military.

Damn I don't know. Just dont know why I'm so lazy and never want to apply myself :smh:.

Every time I try and fix it, things go well for a little bit then just go right back to how it was eventually.
I mean if I fail this class this semester I'll be dismissed. Then if I go to a different school or wait a year and return to my current school would I even be able to salvage my GPA?
I'll stay if I can but not sure what to do if I get that academic dismissal.
Study hard and attend a community college if the situation arises. I can count the times i went to highschool (class) on  two hands. I dropped out my 4 month of 9th grade and got my GED when I was 20.  When I took my college placement I scored in the lowest math level. Now, 2 years later  I start Pre-Cal (never got nothing lower then an A). Best advice is to self-learn. Maybe change professors? My first year of college wasn't great until I met  a math teacher and she showed me how to believe in myself.
If you don't get a degree your shooting yourself in the foot. You don't want to wait tables your whole life. Just suck it up and do the work. Everyone hates school man, its not meant to be enjoyable, I'm about to graduate next year and it feels good to have accomplished getting a degree even if you don't know what your gonna do with it. Its a fallback if anything else, it leaves you with options. 
I was bored of school but dropping out was never an option for me. My major was Psychology but i lost interest in the subject by spring semester of my junior year. Didn't feel like being in school any longer than needed so i never changed my major. I never cared to go to class most of the time and if i did i never took notes(powerpoints/notes were always posted online) or just went to sleep in class. Went years without buying any textbooks

Graduated with a 3.2 and never failed a class.

Been unemployed since i graduated in August and decided to go back to school in January for a degree in a better field.
Took time off. Came back and graduated. Worked for a bit and studied for the GMAT. Now getting an MBA and going to finally work in a field that I want. You sort of have to find your niche.
Got this feeling last year, joined the Air Force. I leave in a few months for basic.
Went to college anyway.

Loved every minute of it. Key to that is I went away to school. I didn't stay home.

First taste of independence. So sweet.
Just graduated. I can honestly say I don't miss **** about college.

However it did help me find a full time job with benefits. Feels good coming home to relax after work and not having homework/tests/papers to worry about. :smokin

Look at it this way. College is 4-6 years of your life. If you're in your 20's now then THIRTY years from now you'll still be benefiting from the decision you made today to stick with college.

I do recruiting where I'm at now and I see too many high school dropouts/graduates (same thing IMO) struggling to find jobs.

Getting through college shows discipline and responsibility. I also see a huge difference in personalities, work ethic , and social skills of people who went to college vs people who started working right after high school even though they hold the same position.

You might think it sucks now but imagine 10+ years from now you have wife/kids and you realize you messed up and should've gone to college. It would be ALOT tougher then to go to school, work, and support your family. Take advantage of the minimal responsibilities you have now and knock it out.
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Continued to show up...the best jobs that I was interested needed degrees, so ya.
I left to work. I still want to go back to college, but I can really see what people mean, when they say "One semester off turns into another semester off." (And so on.)

I like where I'm at in life right now, but I still want to go back to school. I just need to push myself to finally go back.
Found a job while studying abroad. But then found the time to grind it out and finish just so it wouldnt feel like a complete waste. Graduated, returned to aforementioned job.

-Study abroad, would be my advice. Or something besides the routine study, party, study lifestyle that everyone else is wallowing in. Put yourself outside your comfort zone and experience the rest of the world while you're still in college.
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